Jacqueline van Ryneveld
Evansville, IN 47725
Phone: +1 812 774 1401
Jacqueline van Ryneveld CBP has been a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner since April 2008.
The BodyTalk System allows one to address all levels of performance. The process enables you to step into the most expanded and vital you. Giving you the awareness of what you need to shift and change so that you can step into your full potential.
Most of us are waiting for change to happen instead of being the change.
If you are wanting more: health, sleep, joy, success, thriving relationships, love, abundance, and creativity, then you need to start perceiving your world from a different perspective. Your journey starts with contacting a BodyTalk Practitioner in your area; www.bodytalksystem.com
The BodyTalk Practitioner participates in the role of the guide, bringing to your awareness the imbalances in your body, mind, emotions, environment and beliefs that influence the concepts of lack in your life.
You will be introduced to a number of techniques to help you through this period of change. Whether you are addressing work, sports or exam performance, insomnia, health issues, loneliness, pain, etc., your sessions will lead to greater clarity and understanding of yourself. As you continue with your sessions you will experience more: potential, creativity, compassion, love and joy.
Be bold and make an appointment for your BodyTalk session now.
Jacqueline has completed the following BodyTalk Modules:
· Access
· Fundamentals 1 & 2
· Advanced Procedures,
· Principles of Consciousness
· Bio-Dynamics
· Macrocosmic BodyMind
· Matrix Dynamics
· MindScape,
· Finding Health 1 & 2.
· 200 hours of Anatomy and Physiology Courses.
· Energetics
· The Soul's Journey
· The Metaphysics of Treating
* Parama 1 - 8 but have not sat the exam