Katherine Stinson

Katherine Stinson

Naturopath, Wholefood Nutrition & Wellness Advisor, CBP


Ozone Wellness Centre
Suite 14, 86 Francis Ave
Karrinyup, WA 6018

Phone: +61 435 271 823
For BOOKINGS: Contact me directly or online: www.ozonewellness.com.au


Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Naturopath and Wholefoods Nutrition & Wellness Advisor


The human body is designed to heal itself, so why isn’t healing happening for so many individuals?


That was my question 20+ years ago, propelling me to actively explore additional modalities to compliment my work in wholefood nutrition and naturopathy.  I was utilising Reiki and Applied Kinesiology with individuals open to it at the time, (and these are wonderful tools); however, I was drawn to find something more, and my search led me to hearing about and taking my first BodyTalk training in 2002.  I began inviting family, friends and clients to explore what might result from a short session, and BodyTalk consistently proved to be the missing piece of the puzzle towards healing. 


Fast forward to today, BodyTalk is the foundation of my work with clients. 


I have 30+ years of study in the areas of natural health, wholefood nutrition and energy healing, reinforcing the awareness that our body’s natural healing intelligence is such a gift.  Years of observation continue to reveal that many people give little thought to the self-healing miracle they are……until they experience an energy-healing system. 


My passion is in supporting individuals back to health naturally. 

I offer private BodyTalk sessions and Wellness consulting, and speaking with small groups on various health-related topics.

We can work together via an in-person consult, or we can organise a remote/distance session.  Both are equally effective.

A little more about me:

I am the founder of BiVida Health & Wellness.  

(pronounced bi-vee-dah, it translates "to Life")

My goal and passion is to educate clients towards understanding the body's innate intelligence and ability to self-heal, and to empower and enable each individual towards making informed decisions in the process of regaining and maintaining their health and wellbeing. 


There is no single approach that is right for every client, which is why BodyTalk has proven to be an essential factor in the healing process.


In 2012, my work expanded to include retail health as manager of a health shop for four years.  I returned to private practice in 2016, while also remaining active with the health shop in a casual retail and wellness consulting capacity which is ongoing.   This experience benefits you, the client, because it’s years of working with thousands of people, researching the quality of products and observing what works, saving you time and money spent on products that often can create additional health imbalance.


I look forward to working with you and empowering you to understand, trust and support the amazing intelligence of your body, and in return your body will support you.

Book online at www.ozonewellness.com.au

Or you can contact me directly via email or text.


Member of the International BodyTalk Association since 2003.


BodyTalk Education:


  • 10334NAT Cert IV in BodyTalk
  • Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)


International BodyTalk Association: 

  • Beyond Technique w/Dr Tracey Clark
  • BodyIntuitive w/Dr Janet Galipo and Dr Laura Stuve
  • Fundamentals I & II
  • Fundamentals Integration
  • BodyTalk Advanced Integration
  • Lymphatic Drainage & Applied A&P
  • Principles of Consciousness
  • Epigenetics for BodyTalkers w/Dr Laura Stuve
  • Body Chemistry Specifics w/Dr Marita Roussey       
  • Bio-Dynamics
  • Macrocosmic BodyMind
  • Matrix Dynamics
  • Right-Brain Practical w/Dr John Veltheim
  • Access
  • BodyTalk for Animals
  • Mindscape
  • Advanced Mindscape
  • PaRama 1 w/Dr John Veltheim
  • PaRama 1 Practical w/Dr John Veltheim
  • PaRama 2 w/Dr John Veltheim
  • Founders Session Intensive w/Dr John Veltheim
  • Energetics w/Dr John Veltheim
  • FreeFall I
  • Continued study at PaRama College 


Other related studies include:

  • Dip Naturopathy, Dip Nutritional Counseling,
  • Certificate Professional Therapeutic Massage
  • Biofield Tuning - USA Eileen McKusick  
  • Sound study using Tuning Forks w/Dr John Beaulieu
  • Certificate in Meridian Stress Assessment,
  • Advanced Training Vantage Biomeridian System,
  • Applied Kinesiology, Homeopathy, Access Consciousness,
  • Clinical Aromatherapy, Herbology, Reflexology, Iridology, Accunect Connect, Reiki I, II, III; Healing Touch, Donna Eden's work, Pranic Healing, The Silva Method, P.A.T., and various other breath and energy modalities.


Apart from my work, I’ve continuously remained involved with charity efforts since 1986.  Until Dec 2021, I served as an active volunteer for two local organisations:  St John Ambulance Western Australia as an Event Health Officer, and Ronald McDonald House Charities working at Perth Children’s Hospital.  

Changes in the world changed where I volunteer my time, and it's helped me see the many blessings that come with change.


Amidst all the changes for each of us, (and there will always be change), it reinforces the importance of prioritising Mind-Body-Soul self-care.  



         "The body always heals given the right environment."

"The body is dynamic and incredibly complex; however it responds best to 'simple'."




From the time I took my first BodyTalk Fundamentals course, it was something I eagerly wanted everyone to know about; thinking of how beneficial it would be if at least one person in every family learned this system to support the healing of those they hold most dear.

This system is an invaluable resource enabling you to support the health and wellbeing of family and friends, or to add to your toolbox if you're a health practitioner.  

You're welcome to contact me with any questions.

And be assured that no matter what your background is, if you have a desire to learn, you can learn BodyTalk! 


Have a look at the website and read about the BodyTalk system. 

Find a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner in your area and experience a BodyTalk session; (confirm the practitioner is certified and is an active member with the International BodyTalk Association). 


For any questions, you’re welcome to contact me and I’ll do my best to assist you.


Have a lovely day!

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