Tamela King
B.Sc., M.Sc., RCRT, CBP, PaRama BP, CBP
Clinic8th Street Chiro & Wellness Clinic
1269 8th Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7H 0S3
Phone: 306-229-5729
Tamela received her Masters in Biochemistry from the University of Saskatchewan in 1999. In 2001 she left the university to enter into a more fulfilling journey of healing by starting a career in Reflexology. Since 2006, BodyTalk has become an integral aspect of her life and career. Tamela enjoys working with all ages from new born to the elderly. To book a session, Tamela can be reached at Lead Integrated Health Therapies at 306-955-5558 or by email trking@sasktel.net. |