BreakThrough 1 Practical

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BreakThrough 1 Practicals are designed to provide BreakThrough 1 students with a deeper experiential knowledge of the 7 Steps process. The BreakThrough 1 Practicals are available to those students who wish to enhance their understanding of the 7 Steps protocol and deductive techniques.

One of the prerequisites to successfully anchoring another person, while guiding them through a Steps process, is to have regular 7 Steps sessions done for oneself. For this reason, all BreakThrough students are encouraged to exchange regular Steps sessions with another BreakThrough student or students as often as possible.

BreakThrough 1 Practicals serve as an adjunct to re-monitoring BreakThrough 1 seminars. They are not an alternative to re-monitoring. This is because it is invaluable to deepen, not only ones 7 Steps techniques and protocol knowledge, but also to deepen ones understanding of the essence and philosophy behind BreakThrough.

In the BreakThrough 1 Practicals a basic recapping of the essential BreakThrough philosophy is given but the focus is, primarily, to work with the 7 Steps.

The BreakThrough protocol is extremely important. Although well outlined in your manuals, it is very beneficial to have the principles of the protocol re-emphasized as often as possible. The more specific one is when working with each Step, the more effective the process will be.

When the specifics of the protocol are not adhered to, it makes the process of guiding someone through a Steps process much more difficult. Added to this, a poor understanding of the specifics of the protocol can make it extremely difficult to stay on track, particularly in Step 4.

In the BreakThrough 1 Practicals your instructor will teach you how to refine the technique of isolating, defining and anchoring a person in the discovery of: 1) the trigger belief, 2) the emotion, 3) the behavior, 4) the conscious and unconscious beliefs, 5) the internal self-image, 6) the goal of the over-reaction, 7) the various levels of awareness that arise as a consequence of doing the 7 Steps.

Your instructor will be isolating and giving demonstrations of each of the Steps as stand-alone processes. This will give you the opportunity of intense repetition of the protocol. Because you will be working with the Steps as stand-alone processes the dynamics of the BreakThrough Practical will be very different to the BreakThrough 1 seminar. Individual 7 Steps will not be demonstrated. The goal in the BreakThrough Practical is to make taking someone through the Steps much easier by means of gaining a deeper understanding of the protocol.

The deductive process will of Step 4 will be given particular attention. Examples will be given, and demonstrated, of the types of questions to ask, feedback to look from the person you are anchoring, and basic deductive techniques.

Students enrolling for the BreakThrough 1 Practical are asked to bring with them notepad and pens and their BreakThrough 1 manual. This one day workshop will usually extend from 9am to 5pm with two coffee breaks and a one hour break for lunch. (Times will be at the discretion of the instructor).

There is no monitoring discount for this 1 day course.

This course counts for 6 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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