(Mod 2) BodyTalk: Fundamentals - Part 2

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This course builds on the knowledge gained in BodyTalk Fundamentals- Part 1 and expands the treatment techniques to include the entire basic BodyTalk system. Once again, both the theory and the practical aspects of the BodyTalk treatment techniques are covered. The elements of the BodyTalk protocol addressed in this course are as follows:

Extrinsic Reciprocals, Lymphatic System, Nervous/Circulatory Systems, Energy Systems (Meridians, Blood Sugar, Chakras), Environmental Systems.

Treating the 36 surface energy points that often impact a person's energy level, mood, overall structural integrity, muscle tension, and digestive system. Surface energy imbalances can also cause pain in specific parts of the body.

Cleansing the lymphatic system including all the body lymph glands and the
lymph ducts.

Treating energy blockages associated with the nervous and circulatory

Balancing the various energy systems within the body including the traditional
acupuncture meridians and the Chakras. Restoring energy imbalances between
the client and certain aspects of the environment.

Specific balancing of brain function and improvement of the circulation of nerves
and blood to, or within, specific areas of the body. Correction of hereditary and/or environmentally influenced cell disorders. Repairing damage from vaccines.

BodyTalk Fundamentals- Part 1 is a pre-requisite for this course and this course
is a pre-requisite for any of the advanced BodyTalk modules.

BodyTalk Fundamentals- Part 1 & 2 are often combined into a complete evening
plus four days intensive so that the practitioner can learn the complete basic
BodyTalk System in one session and start using the modality immediately.

Assessment: N/A
Textbook: BodyTalk Fundamentals
Additional Reading: N/A
Course Code: N/A
Course Code:
IBA CEU (hrs): 16
PaRama College Credit: TBA
External CE Approval: Yes. See below.
Technology Required: TBA
If this course is done in two parts you will need Part 1 as a prerequisite for BodyTalk Fundamantals Part 2. It is suitable for health-care professionals, as well as lay people who may want to learn the BodyTalk System and use the System on a non-professional level.

This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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