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Thyroid Cancer

Submitted 17-May-10 by

Lena Mascarin, Practitioner, lenamascarin@hotmail.com

Keywords: thyroid cancer

This is a testimonial written by my BodyTalk client Betty Yamaoka who was diagnosed with thyroid Cancer in April 2009.

Hi, my name is Betty Yamaoka and I have agreed to write a testimonial about my incredible experience with BodyTalk.

I came to see Lena in March 2009 for a BodyTalk session due to a medical diagnosis which stated "suspicious for malignancy" of a thyroid nodule. When I received the news I was totally shocked as in December 2004 I had a lumpectomy to remove a Stage 1 malignancy from my left breast, followed by three weeks of radiation.

In the fall of 2005 during my annual physical I mentioned to my doctor about a pulsating sensation I had from time to time on the left side of my throat. The doctor suggested an ultra-sound which detected a multi-nodular goiter with a dominate left nodule. As I did not wish to have a biopsy at that time my doctor suggested monitoring the nodule twice a year with ultra-sounds.

Following my 2008 physical, I was referred to an endocrinologist concerning the dominate left nodule. He had me do some blood work which all came back fine, so he recommended I have a biopsy done on March 3, 2009. The results that came back on March 18, 2009 were devastating - "suspicious for malignancy." Surgery to remove the entire thyroid was the next step. I met with the surgeon on April 3, 2009 and he also felt the nodule was likely to be malignant.

Immediately after receiving the biopsy results I started to search for alternative healing methods, and decided to look further into BodyTalk, as I had attended a BodyTalk presentation given by Lena Mascarin a year previously and was very fascinated by what she had to say.

As this was all occurring very quickly for me I felt quite anxious. Fortunately, my innate guided me to Lena for a BodyTalk session. Actually the universe directed me right to her! Intuitively and by God's Grace I knew that Lena and BodyTalk could assist me in reversing the suspicious cells. I saw Lena three times before my surgery and within those three visits she helped me release, clear, and balance as well as prepare my body for surgery. All three sessions were very powerful.

Needless to say I was hesitant to have my thyroid removed, but decided to err on the side of caution and followed through with the planned surgery on April 14, 2009, as Lena could not tell me if the cells were still suspicious for malignancy.

A total thyroidectomy was performed on April 14, 2009 without complications. During a follow-up appointment on the 21st with the surgeon for stitch removal, he informed me that the pathology report was still pending, but that I should be prepared for bad news.

While I was recuperating the following week, Lena called to find out how I was doing and if I had received the pathology results, as radiation would be the next step if the results were positive. As I hadn't received any results yet, Lena was very encouraging and said "well Betty, no news is good news, so please hang in there."

Two weeks later I had a follow up BodyTalk session with Lena for post-operative work. When I walked into her office I was elated and almost dancing in mid-air when I gave her the pathology results of good news "NO CANCER." She was elated as I was, as we both realized the body's amazing self-healing ability!!!

Little did Lena and I know that the work she did with me during three sessions was so powerful that it totally reversed and cleared the suspicious cells. WOW!

In conclusion I feel it was my faith, determination, prayer, naturopathic remedies that assisted my body to heal: but I truly BELIEVE it was the three BodyTalk sessions I had with Lena that tipped the scales in my favor to innately and intelligently shift the energies in my body to reverse the malignant cells.

Thank you BodyTalk, Lena and all Glory goes to God!

Betty Yamaoka

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