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Plants Cured of Bugs
Submitted 09-May-14 by
Alexandra Hopkins, Practitioner, La Crescenta, California
Keywords: plants, scale, plant pests
I have a number of pots of African Violets that I propogated myself. I keep together near a window sill. They were infected with a bug called "scale" which is notoriously difficult to rid plants of. The most common piece of advice on the Internet is to just throw the plant out. However, I wanted to try to save the violets. I cut off the leaves that were heavily infected, but that isn't sufficient. So, I also tried a BodyTalk session. I found that the plants wanted to be addressed as a group. They felt more part of a community of African Violets rather than being separate plants. I did two sessions over the course of a couple of weeks. The sessions focused on strengthening the self-protectiveness of the plants from scale. The scale is now completely gone, and I've saved my violets!