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(Mod 1) BodyTalk: Fundamentals - Part 1 (4:09)

BodyTalk Fundamentals- Part 1 provides a comprehensive introduction to the BodyTalk System and presents many powerful treatment techniques that address a wide variety of diseases. This course consists of theoretical aspects as well as hands on practical application of the BodyTalk Fundamentals- Part 1 treatment techniques.

BodyTalk IBA

BodyTalk Access Presentation (48:37)

This is a public lecture on the BodyTalk Access course by founder Dr. John Veltheim. It was created with the express intent of...

Access International BodyTalk Association

(Mod 3) BodyTalk: Principles of Consciousness (6:01)

This course is the most essential of the advanced courses on BodyTalk. The consciousness work in Principles of Consciousness underlies the foundation of the philosophy behind the BodyTalk System and explains how to apply it in a practical way.

BodyTalk IBA

(Mod 4(7)) BodyTalk: Bio-Dynamics (5:57)

Bio-Dynamics course addresses the body as an energy system. It examines the many ways of integrating the energy systems of the body with the physical functioning of the body. It is the foundation of the BodyGenics system developed by Dr. John Veltheim.

BodyTalk IBA

(Mod 6) BodyTalk: Macrocosmic BodyMind (3:12)

This course covers a wide range but is primarily concerned with the macrocosmic view of the bodymind complex. Earlier modules focused on the internal synchronization of the bodymind. However, the bodymind is also a integral player in the macrocosm and must be in synchronicity with all those factors if harmony is to occur.

BodyTalk IBA

(Mod 9) BodyTalk: Matrix Dynamics (5:33)

This course addresses the dissolution of the primary and secondary Personality Matrixes of the bodymind. These Matrixes are collective personality masks that profoundly affect the health of the client.

BodyTalk IBA

Finding Health 1: DVD Course (4:00)

Finding Health 1 combines the wisdom of ancient teachings, quantum science and logic with the honesty and courage to look at facts and draw not-so-obvious conclusions. These conclusions will open your eyes to things you haven't thought of before and start you on a journey of exploring more about the world you live in. This exploration of the nature of health in the context of the universe is simultaneously exciting, scary and fun; Former students have said this class will fundamentally change the way you look at life. Improve your health and your practice with the information presented.

BodyTalk IBA

Finding Health: Mapping the healing process (4:00)

The practice of health care has long been an eclectic mixture of science, mythology, cultural lore, and inbuilt bias towards a methodology of treatment. Although many advances have been made, the reality is that health as related to "wellbeing" is poorly defined and understood. Most definitions are based on wish lists of what we would like to see rather than the reality of what really is our potential.

BodyTalk International BodyTalk Association

Finding Health 2: Applied Consciousness (3:51)

If Finding Health 1 resonated with you, now is the time to see the philosophical/scientific concepts introduced at that seminar taken to the next level. We're going to take a close look at time and space, and the implications in our daily lives once we understand these concepts and how they really function.

BodyTalk IBA

(Mod 5) BodyTalk: Lymphatic Drainage & Applied A&P (7:25)

Most of the Module 5 class consists of hands-on practical work, so the focus is on the application of the material that is presented. Course participants receive a comprehensive manual to take away with them, to serve as a handy reference after the class.

BodyTalk IBA

BodyTalk Fascial Balancing Level I (8:25)

This 4 day module has been designed to introduce BodyTalk practitioners to the world of Fascia. Our bodies store unresolved emotions, active memory, belief systems, consciousness, environmental triggers, and fears and phobias within the fascial system. Once you understand how fascia is interconnected throughout the body, and you combine this knowledge with the BodyTalk system, you will develop an edge that will allow you to quickly find the priority regions of fascial dysfunction and help your clients to a fuller extent.

BodyTalk IBA

BodyTalk Orthopedic Evaluation (8:09)

Western Medicine tends to follow the Cartesian Model and treat the patient's physical symptoms locally, at the site of pain. The practitioner usually uses his or her own preferred form of treatment (i.e. medication, modalities, manual and/or exercise therapy) instead of searching for the source of the pain. However, it is well known that several patients can have the same location of symptoms yet have different causes for the pain.

BodyTalk IBA

Pediatrics for BodyTalkers (4:45)

This course is designed to teach BodyTalk practitioners the keys to treating children and parents using both the BodyTalk protocol and the educational and advice techniques used by pediatric practitioners. I have included many of the educational pieces of information I have found to be valuable in my practice as a pediatrician and BodyTalk practitioner. I believe the combination of doing BodyTalk with kids is synergistic and complementary to their overall health and wellbeing, and it provides an opportunity for parents to truly take a preventative stance and enact measures to help their children in real time today, not waiting for some time in the future to address problems.

BodyTalk IBA

The Soul's Journey-Exploring the Mind & 3 Brains (5:30)

John's new course

BodyTalk IBA

Structural Integration for BodyTalkers (9:27)

This course is designed to combine the concepts of advanced structural body work and BodyTalk philosophy. It provides the practitioner with a powerful tool to reorganize the bodies' posture, movement patterns and emotional/spiritual holding patterns.

BodyTalk IBA

BodyEcology (15:06)

Course description

BodyTalk IBA

BodyEcology LiveStream (15:06)

COurse Description video from John

BodyTalk IBA

PaRama BodyTalk Unit 1 (4:00)

PaRama BodyTalk Unit 1

BodyTalk IBA

PaRama BodyTalk Unit 2 (4:25)

This 5-day course, developed in early 2006 by Dr. John Veltheim, replaces the Mindcrystals course and adds major new breakthroughs in the Parama BodyTalk theory and techniques

BodyTalk IBA

Structural Integration Concepts (10:56)

An introduction to the course

BodyTalk IBA

MindScape (7:44)

MindScape is a weekend workshop that leads participants to 'open' the powerful latent intuitive powers of the mind, and learn techniques such that one can tap into this resource at will, to immense benefit. It is taught in various countries around the world both to public audiences as well as specialized groups that include therapists, athletes and top businesspeople. Clients include some of the world's biggest companies, who have found the methods effective in enhancing creative thinking and intuition within the ranks of their senior executives and managers.

MindScape IBA

MindScape for Children (4:24)

Do you have a child, between the ages of 9 and 12, who would benefit from using his/her mind more effectively? Then MindScape for Children may be the course you've been looking for! This one-day course is designed to give children ways of tapping into the powerful latent abilities of the mind. Course participants will learn a life-long tool that will train and enhance the mind, to improve performance in all areas. The secret of present and future success is in the mind!

MindScape IBA

FreeFall 1 (3:58)

The PaRama Life Sciences; BreakThrough, FreeFall and Mindscape, Supports individuals' pursuit of their human potential development. FreeFall theory has evolved from the rich traditions and developments of psychotherapy, bioenergetics, and eastern tradition. Dr. John Veltheim expanded the principles to create an empowering and transformative workshop where the participant can experience, recognize and resolve body centered issues.

BodyTalk IBA

BodyTalk Access (5:28)

The goal of BodyTalk Accessl is to provide the layperson, family and community with a simple set of energy-based techniques to make health maintenance and the management of daily health challenges accessible. The BodyTalk System is a well-established system of healthcare utilizing state-of-the-art energy medicine in a safe and comprehensive manner. Its power is based on increasing the levels of internal communication within the body -- stimulating the body's own ability to regain and maintain a healthy balance.

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