Debra Brandts LMT, CBP, CMLDT
Her study and practice in BodyTalk includes:
BodyTalk Access
BodyTalk Fundamentals
BodyTalk Principles of Consciousness
Fundamentals Integration
Structural Integration
Aspiring Brain Academy
Practitioner Intensives with the founder of BodyTalk, Dr. John Veltheim
Finding Health 1: Mapping the Healing Process with Dr. Veltheim
Finding Health 2: Applied Consciousness with Dr. Veltheim
Fascial Balancing
Applied Anatomy & Physiology for BodyTalk
Manual Lymph Drainage - Veltheim Method
BodyEcology - the human microbiome
BodyTalk Direct
Other modalities that Debra practices:
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist
Reiki Practitioner
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner
SourcePoint Therapy - In training
BioGeometry Foundations & Advanced
BodyIntuitive 5 Element Reset
Other interests:
Aromatherapy and essential oils
Herbal remedies
Yoga and Tai Chi
Debra has always had an affinity to natural and complementary health and healing. She grew up in a family that used herbs and foods as medicine. The BodyTalk philosophy around holistic healing and our innate wisdom to heal is in direct alignment with her personal beliefs.
She was first introduced to BodyTalk when she signed up for a BodyTalk Access class in 2008 for continuing education credits for massage. She was intrigued by this system that involved gentle tapping on the body. She followed up with an appointment to get a full BodyTalk session. At that point in her life, she had several chronic issues, one being high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes were not keeping her pressure normal so she ended up taking medication, which caused side effects. She then found a Physician who prescribed herbal supplements which kept her pressure normal without the side effects. However, after her third BodyTalk session, she noticed that her blood pressure normalized. She was taking herbal supplements twice a day and was able to stop taking them completely. She was so excited that she had to learn more about this system, thus started her BodyTalk journey. She took her first Fundamentals class in 2009 and was certified in 2010. Other chronic areas that have cleared up for Debra are:
* Chronic constipation
* Irritable bowel
* Severe anxiety
* Panic attacks
* Parasites "acquired" while taking a dune buggy ride in the mud in the Dominican Republic!!
Her clients have also seen some of the following results:
* 90% reduction in occurrences and severity of muscle cramps due to a medication side effect
* Restless leg syndrome and legs giving out while walking, resulting in unexpected falls. At the follow-up session, the client noted that she had not fallen since the first session and her legs had calmed. She continues to be "fall-free".
* A young man was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease after his father passed away. He was on several medications, which included an IV drip for several hours. We were able to work with the emotions of grief and anger and subsequently all of his medications were able to be reduced significantly by his Physician after several sessions.
* Muffled and full feeling in ears for several years. Many tests were taken, but could find nothing wrong. This feeling was resolved after the first session.
* A young man had anxiety while taking tests in school. "I gave him an agenda session around his test taking and taught him the brain balancing technique called Cortices. He called to tell me that he aced his test."
* Reduction in blood sugar levels
* Reduction in pain from a fall on the ice
* Sinus infections
* Headaches
* Painful menstrual cycle
* Large hematoma on forehead after my 4-year-old nephew fell on the concrete. I applied the BodyTalk FastAid technique several times. The hematoma was gone the next day.
"I resonate with this gentle, yet powerful system and continue to be amazed at the shifts and healing that I see with my clients. I love how this system empowers the individual. I am only the facilitator. I work with you, not on you. It is such a privilege to be able to practice in this capacity. I continue to learn more and more."
If you would like to make an appointment, please contact Debra at:
419-230-9359 or email at
All sessions are distance via phone or Zoom.
"I look forward to meeting and working with you on your healing journey!”