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Photo Course Submitted By Location


Quando recebi minha 1 sessão de bodytalk no inicio da minha formação, a primeira coisa que me veio a...

BodyTalk Member Sorriso/MT-Brazil


Testimonial from A.A. I now understand the power of BodyTalk for healing the body,mind and spir...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario, Canada

Fear/ Phobia- Afraid to Drive

I used to drive but then I became sick and couldn't drive anymore. I got better with my illness but ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario Canada

Dislocated Jaw- Severe Pain

Testimonial for Nancy- Dislocated Jaw, Severe pain My background is in the medical system. I w...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario, Canada


Child Distance Session Case Study: 6 sessions over 12 weeks with Joanne Fisher. Initial complaint...

BodyTalk Client Saskatoon, SK


Submitted to Practitioner, Joanne Fisher: My granddaughter moved in with me at the age of 18 months...

BodyTalk Practitioner Saskatoon, SK

Chronic Pain / Fibromyalgia / Anxiety

"BodyTalk has benefited me tremendously. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue synd...

BodyTalk Practitioner Johannesburg South Africa

Search & Rescue Canine

I received this lovely email from the handler of one of the CARDA Search & Rescue canines, a group I...

AnimalTalk Member California

Severe Fall

Subject: Fall experience On December 1st 2018 I was at an indoor trampoline and rock climbing par...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario

20 Years of PTSD Healed

In 1996 I went through a very traumatic situation and was diagnosed with PTSD. Unfortunately at the ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Ontario, Canada


Amazing! This is the only word that comes to mind from my seven months of working long distance wit...

BodyTalk Client Silver Spring, Maryland

Very gifted lady!

What a gifted person Julie is! I was directed to her, by no mistake, what a gift to me. This sweet...

BodyTalk Client Moosomin

Matrix Balancing for Property

"The matrix energy balancing session Charley did on my property brought what felt like a calming gen...

BodyTalk Member Alamo, California

BodyTalk for Animals

"A barn cat named Tux lives outside on the grounds where I board my horse. He's been suffering from...

AnimalTalk Member Petaluma, California


My LG of 3 months was diagnosed with Colic, i spend 2400 a month on medication and doctors apointmen...

BodyTalk Client Pretoria

Vaccination mutation

Below is taken from a written testimonial: "Thank you so much for your care and concentration on ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland


Testimonial from a School (for children with disabilities)Supervisor: "At school this child used ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland


The following is a written testimonial of a client with M.E.: Sandy's ability with BodyTalk has i...

BodyTalk Practitioner Windsor/Scotland

Shoulder Problem

Written testimonial from a client with Shoulder problems: "After a short session of BodyTalk with...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland


Following is the written Testimonial from the mother of a 7yr old with Autism: I have a 7 year ol...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland


The following is taken from a written testimonial of my client, following an operation on both feet ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland

Neurofibromatosis Type 1

The following is taken from a written testimonial of the mother of an 8 year old boy - who is now an...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland

M.E. / CFS

The following is a part of a written testimonial from my client who had been suffering for a long wh...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland

Agoraphobic & Nightmares

The following is taken from my client's written testimonial and follow-up letter: "For ten years I ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland

Fear of Flying

My client came to see me because she was terrified of flying but she was desperate to visit her frie...

BodyTalk Practitioner Scotland


Testimonial- Body Talk To: Nancy Briggs In 1996 I went through a very traumatic situation and...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario

Dropping down the stairs

We are regular dancers. Three weeks ago during the training on an evening I went out of the class fo...

Access Instructor Baden

Access Course

I attended a wonderful BodyTalk Access course with Eloise Ansell on 18 March 2017. The course was i...

Access Student Bude, Cornwall, UK


I have been having sessions with Dave for over 10 years and what I always immediately sense by the n...

BodyTalk Client ontario

Healing is Real

"My experience with BodyTalk sessions for me and my horse, Harley, have been extraordinary and truly...

AnimalTalk Member Colorado

Asthma gone

Subject: My testimonial For 15 years, I have suffered asthma and when it becomes severe, I start...

BodyTalk Practitioner Ontario, Canada

An newsworthy words

An newsworthy words is couturier annotate. I consider that you ought to compose solon about this sub...

Access Client mhgIQia1gm

Fast Aid for son's ear ache

My little 5-year-old woke up in the middle of the night screaming that his ear was hurting. I've ha...

Access Student Saskatchewan

BodyTalk SchmoddyTalk!

At the height of Stage 4 Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome and having been pretty much bed-ridden for several...

BodyTalk Practitioner South Africa

Body Vivaxis?. Noooooo!

Body Vivaxis?? Come on, I can accept a lot of the mind-bending stuff BT has exposed me to, but act...

AnimalTalk Practitioner South Africa

Severe Anxiety

Hello World, I need to share with you my story of recovery, and my unbelievable journey through t...

BodyTalk Practitioner Ontario, Canada

When Nothing Else Worked, She Got Her Kitty Back!

An adolescent kitten was adopted from a shelter. The vets thought he had reoccurring ear mites, tha...

AnimalTalk Instructor Regina


I live in Perth, Western Australia, having moved in 2010 from living in Williamsburg, VA since 2001....

BodyTalk Practitioner Williamsburg, VA

Lung Cancer with Mets

I have been under the care of Nancy Briggs (Adv. Body Talk practitioner) for approximately five year...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton W, Ontario, Canada

Distance Sessions Work!

"My experience with BodyTalk, for both my horse and for me, has been nothing short of fantastic and ...

BodyTalk Member Colorado

Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Mets

I have been under the care of Nancy Briggs (Adv. Body Talk practitioner) for approximately five year...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario

30 years of Debilitating Pain

Testimonial from client Sophia W.- May 27.2016 Sophia has been a client since Sept. 2014. She h...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sutton West, Ontario, Canada

BodyTalk Works!

"I was recently involved in a bad car accident that made me fearful about driving or even being in a...

BodyTalk Member San Ramon, CA

BodyTalk for Animals

"Charley started Reiki and BodyTalk on my Yorkie, Whiskey, during a time when he was having trouble ...

AnimalTalk Member San Ramon, CA

Distance BodyTalk Session

"My handsome, super sweet 11-1/2 year old PitBull, Tyson, was diagnosed with a terminal mast cell tu...

BodyTalk Member San Ramon, CA


Received this morning and deeply grateful that she has taken the time to attest to her experience wi...

BodyTalk Client South Africa

Felt effects of BodyTalk immediatley

"I am so fascinated with how body talk works on me. My body is highly receptive to this type of ener...

BodyTalk Practitioner South Africa

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating)

Here is a testimonial from a happy father of a client I did one session to help his sons excessive s...

BodyTalk Client Ireland

Depression/locked in syndrome

Here is an email I received from a client. I will include her mothers email to me as she is under 16...

BodyTalk Client Ireland

Panic Attacks re: Traveling

In the past months I was called by a friend of a woman, and then later by the woman (Anna) herself. ...

BodyTalk Client Greece

Releasing the Old

Julie Veresh has certainly tapped into her innate abilities, and has helped me release physical and ...

BodyTalk Client Saskatoon


In November 2014, my life started to change, my 20 year old son started getting into trouble with th...

BodyTalk Practitioner Canada

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

'I have struggled with CFS/ME for over 4 years which can be difficult while holding down a full time...

BodyTalk Practitioner Aberdeen, Scotland

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Here is a testimonial from a happy father of a client I did one session to help his sons excessive s...

BodyTalk Practitioner Ireland

Spheno-Basilar Joint Release

"My Spehno-Basilar Joint had been stuck for YEARS, making it difficult to fully extend my neck or ev...

Access Instructor Grass Valley, California

Performance Anxiety

I would like to thank Krista Hurton, CBP for helping me overcome the severe Performance Anxiety that...

BodyTalk Client Canada


I learned the Access in 2010 from Lisa Morris and loved the emphasis on its' accumulative effects. A...

Access Practitioner California


A client saw us to reduce her anxiety of air travel. She came to her first session rating her anxie...

BodyTalk Client Grass Valley, California

Bladder pain disappears - balance restored

For the last 5 months I felt discomfort in my bladder. It was a bruised feeling when I pressed on my...

BodyTalk Practitioner Cape Town, South Africa

Crohn's Disease

A 52 year old client who was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the age of 17, and who had several op...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

2nd degree burns on a one year old

Hello everybody, sharing a success story ;-) Two weeks ago a mother contacted me with the need to d...

BodyTalk Practitioner Amsterdam, The Netherlands


A male client in his early 40s presented with several patches of psoriasis on his elbows, knees & el...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Intermittent Severe Depression

I began exchanging BodyTalk sessions with a young single woman who was quite competent and often ver...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Lots of Gas Disappeared

A few months ago I started getting a lot of gas after drinking my new favorite drink, a coffee subst...

BodyTalk Client United States

Fainting at shopping

Several weeks ago we went for shopping. At the cash point we waited that it will be at our turn. B...

Access Instructor Zurich

My clock

I realized the meaning behind the way my clock showed up in my workshop. I'm inspired to inquire abo...

BodyTalk Practitioner Iowa

Child's Full Body Skin Condition

I was called by a mother to help with her 3 1/2 yr old daughter who had a really bad skin condition/...

BodyTalk Practitioner Greece

Child's Full Body Skin Condition

I was called by a mother to help with her 3 1/2 yr old daughter who had a really bad skin condition/...

BodyTalk Practitioner Greece

Menopausal Hotflashes Gone!

When I was a student of BodyTalk at a practice night, I was on the table and another student was pra...

BodyTalk Student Cayman Island

Plants Cured of Bugs

I have a number of pots of African Violets that I propogated myself. I keep together near a window s...

BodyTalk Practitioner La Crescenta, California

Got rid of insect bites

Chiggers have the itchiest bites that lasts for weeks. Usually, they're not a problem in the winter,...

BodyTalk Client United States

Sexual Performance & Self Confidence

I am a 32 year male. Fit and Healthy today. After being in active addiction for 15 years of my life,...

BodyTalk Client Western Cape

Devastating Healing Crisis

"When I first started seeing Justin for BodyTalk, I was in the middle of a devastating healing crisi...

BodyTalk Client Switzerland

The Best Me!

I love Body Talk! Sherri is an amazing person, that I fully trust! I was unsure of what in the world...

BodyTalk Client Iowa USA

Thyroid Issues

"I was a little nervous about getting a BodyTalk treatment at first as I had never heard of it. Dur...

BodyTalk Client United States

Lupus / Autoimmune

I had seen and tried anyone and anything that seemed to have any kind of impact in helping me turn m...

BodyTalk Client United States

Fear of Choking

"My name is Natalie and I cannot say enough about the help that Sonjue was able to lend to my ten ye...

BodyTalk Client United States

Eczema / Fear of Flying

I have been receiving Body talk from Susan Stenson for 3 and half years. She is a wonder! Body...

BodyTalk Client Canada

Bipolar / Insomnia

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and insomnia at 16, but I do not remember a time as a child wh...

BodyTalk Client Canada

Digestive Disorders, Anger & Anxiety Issues

My son Anthony who is 16 years old now has been suffering from recurrent massive abdominal pain, bow...

BodyTalk Client Hong Kong

Depression, Anxiety, Anger Problems

BodyTalk with Angie has not only been a fast and effective method in alleviating my depression and a...

BodyTalk Client Hong Kong

feeling fab!!

My Cousin Maureen Allen Russ is a practitioner of body talk she lives in southern Utah I Live in Nor...

BodyTalk Client Logan Utah

Parkinson's Disease

I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in September 2012 and started to see a physical trainer fro...

BodyTalk Student Malvern, PA

Wood tick bite relieved

Two to three days prior to the session, the client had been bitten by a wood tick on her pubic area....

BodyTalk Practitioner Canada

Improved, memory, cognitive abilities, patience/mental stamina, overall emotional balance.

On Wed 6/19/13 I received an Intensive treatment from John Veltheim. I mentioned some character def...

BodyTalk Student USA, San Diego, CA

Blow to Head Addressed

My client accidentally received a severe blow to the head when something fell on her. She collapsed ...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Plagued by knee pain

From the first session with Sherri, I began to feel inspired & my health began to improve physically...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Long walks again...

I went to see Sherri after a recommendation from my son. It was the best hour that I spent. Sherri w...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Back Pain

This touching testimony came from a client of mine and she is still pain free! BodyTalk has bee...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Workshop on FIRE!

You know some major shifts are occurring when you go into MindScape and your workshop is on FIRE! I ...

MindScape Practitioner Des Moines, Iowa


My client had suffered with debilitating migraines for 15 years. When she first came to me she had t...

BodyTalk Client Berkshire, UK

Lost weight got healthy and more

I started with BodyTalk almost exactly 4 years ago when I was 63. I read the book "BodyTalk System" ...

BodyTalk Client United States

No more flu, or stress and anxiety

Soloshni Govender, Credit controller: " I used to get the flu once every two months (I'd get body pa...

BodyTalk Instructor Durban, South Africa

Calm pregnancy and motherhood

"Thank you Taryn for having such a positive impact on my life and my family's lives. I love that I c...

BodyTalk Instructor Durban, South Africa

Lynn Teachworth

Taking Structural Integration with Lynn was an incredible experience. I am very grateful for his cl...

BodyTalk Student New York City

Hot Pepper

I was out visiting family in Denver and a friend of my sister's, has a elderly dog Pepper who was in...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Denver, Co

Great results with ADHD, aggression and Impulsive Disorder

"Thanks to Taryn my boy Michael who was previously diagnosed as ADHD with Impulsive Disorder has aft...

BodyTalk Instructor Durban, South Africa

Juvenile Arthritis

"I was diagnosed by a rheumatoid specialist as having juvenile arthritis in both my knees, Sometime...

BodyTalk Instructor Durban, South Africa

A fresh lease on life

"My husband passed away and I became completely negative in my life. (Insecure, negative, listless, ...

BodyTalk Client Durban, South Africa

Module 5: Perfect follow up to Mod 1&2

I am fairly new to BodyTalk and have taken and monitored BodyTalk Fundamentals within the past year ...

BodyTalk Member Ottawa, ON

BodyTalk Session

Last Wednesday I was on a photo shoot. On the set was a male model who felt very, very bad. Five yea...

Access Instructor verena@bayer-desponds.ch


A few days ago we were on a Sunday walk in the Swiss alps. Finally we arrived on the Tell's chappel,...

Access Practitioner Tell's Platte Switzerland

Eating Problem

In the last few weeks, I developed an eating problem. Here's what happened. I've been giving myself ...

BodyTalk Client United States

Depression Relieved

I gave four BodyTalk sessions to a 29-year-old woman who occasionally suffered from depression. A fe...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Improvement in Relationships

This 62-year-old client came to me with a number of problems. One was that she was quite lonely. She...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Improvement in Chronic Diseases

This client is 62 and suffers from a lifelong genetic disease called Ehlers-Danlos, which prevents a...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Puppy and BodyTalk for Animals

26 July 2012 I was introduced to Body Talk for Animals by a client; she went on the courses and was ...

AnimalTalk Client South Africa

Alive! Well! and able to eat!

After Having had acute anxiety and having been misdiagnosed and neglectfully prescribed, what a phar...

BodyTalk Client Las Vegas, NV USA

Chronic Lower Back Pain

I was taking the Consciouness Course (Mod.3) and my name was drawn for a demo. I was hesitant for t...

BodyTalk Client Brandon. MB

Peru Holiday Saved by BodyTalk

I recently took the BodyTalk Access for Animals course, after being a client for many years, this is...

Access Student Saskatoon, Canada

Multiple Sclerosis Remission

Thanks to Skot for his testimonial explaining how he has gone from bedridden with Multiple Sclerosis...

BodyTalk Practitioner Courtenay, B.C. Canada


My client, 74 years old, came to me for a BodyTalk session. He had three strokes in a period of five...

BodyTalk Practitioner stanger

client comes out of a coma

My client was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and had a brain tumor. she came to me for Bodytalk to he...

BodyTalk Practitioner Stanger

Blepharospasm Healing

I had a type of focal dystonia called blepharospasm. People suffering from the condition experience ...

BodyTalk Client St Petersburg,FL

Allergies Symptoms Disappearing

I began BodyTalk because I believed there was something to Energy Medicine. No side effects, fast a...

BodyTalk Member Grass Valley, California

Slate the Rabbit

The Story of Slate, the Rabbit- BodyTalk for Animals Testimonial On October 4th, of 2011 I got a ...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Ontario, Canada

Ache in Shoulder Gone

A couple of months ago, I developed an ache in my right shoulder for no apparent reason. The ache gr...

BodyTalk Practitioner United States

Cough Handled

I got the flu, including an annoying dry cough, right after Christmas. I gave myself a number of Bod...

BodyTalk Client United States

Toddler injury

Last night my daughter called to tell me that her daughter, age 21 months, had just fallen off the c...

Access Instructor Iowa

Cortices/Fast aid,/BodyTalk/Parama in the ER

On our way to dinner with friends, we walked through Princeton NJ and I tripped on an uneven pavemen...

BodyTalk Client Philadelphia, Pa.

Conquering Sleep Apnea

My son, Kekoa, last year at age 3 was diagnosed with clinically significant sleep apnea. The neurolo...

BodyTalk Client Williamsburg, VA

brain tumor

I have been working with cancer patients at the Nairobi Cancer centre. One young woman with a brain ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Nairobi

A year with BodyTalk

A year with BodyTalk and it it has changed my life as a client and as a practitioner. I have forgott...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sheffield

symptoms gone

from a client I would like to thank you for the amazing Body Talk treatment you gave me. I felt a s...

BodyTalk Practitioner Boston, MA

Pain Dissipated

From a BT student: On the way home I had two bad incidents on the plane where the pressure change...

BodyTalk Practitioner Boston, MA

Allergy Gone

from a Module 1 and 2 student: I did 5 -6 follow through Body Chemistry treatments on my Strawber...

BodyTalk Client Boston, MA

Shoulder Pain & Immobility

Bill Perlot from Netherlands couldn't lift his arm above his shoulder. This has been for the past f...

BodyTalk Practitioner 9

Hernia Operation

Good Morning Glynnis I've been meaning to write for some time - but I think I told you that I wa...

BodyTalk Practitioner 9

Cortices on my Dog

I was just completing Modules 1 & 2 for the second time. The night before the class was to finish, m...

BodyTalk Member Philadelphia, PA

sense of smell returns

I recently treated a seven year old boy for a loss of smell faculty for over two years. i only manag...

BodyTalk Student cork

FAST AID saves the day for my dog!

In February I was visiting Bimini, Bahamas with my husband and our dog, Baby. We were driving aroun...

BodyTalk Instructor Miami Florida

Animals LOVE BodyTalk!

I was given permission to post this note to me which is so exciting because we get to get in touch w...

AnimalTalk Client Miami Florida

Works on cats too!

I just wanted to share the dramatic change in my cat over the last few months from using BodyTalk on...

BodyTalk Instructor Reading, UK

Healed my Lichens Sclerosis

For 3 years I suffered from a painful condition known in Western Medicine as Lichens Sclerosis. It ...

BodyTalk Student New York

Asthma in Paris

While on holiday with my family in Paris, I had a sudden asthma attack after a brisk walk in the col...

Access Student Colorado

Fast Aid

One afternoon, Pete, a worker on a plumbing job, received a bad, 2-inch cut on his finger. After cle...

Access Member Grass Valley, Ca

Cortices in the Emergency Room

My 3 1/2 yr old niece has a genetic disorder that is so rare that we have no idea what to expect bec...

BodyTalk Practitioner Bahamas


A few months ago I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). I hadn't had a period in 6...

BodyTalk Client Calgary

Lost Sugar Cravings

Three months ago, when I was visiting my niece over Christmas, I gave her a BodyTalk session. She is...

BodyTalk Practitioner Austin, Texas

Energetic Lymphatic Drainage

Hi all, I just wanted to share a story of some work I did with a client who is 87. She had ended up ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Italia

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

Two weeks ago I came down with a case of shingles. The rash & blister pattern started on the left s...

Access Client Chicago

Distance Session on Dog & Owner

When my dog, Sierra became approximately 4 months old, she completely lost all bladder control. In t...

BodyTalk Practitioner Bismarck, ND

Skeletal Alignment

For years my shoulder joints have not been in proper alignment. When I circled my arms, I'd hear a "...

BodyTalk Client Los Angeles, CA

Calmed an Upset

I gave my grown niece a Body Talk session. We all had met for a family re-union at a Bed and Breakfa...

BodyTalk Practitioner Austin, Texas

7 Steps to Freedom

"When I first registered for BreakThrough, I had no idea what I was in for. I learned 7 steps that ...

BreakThrough Practitioner Bear River, NS

Eye Infection Cleared

My 1 year old daughter developed what looked like an eye infection that kept getting worse over the ...

BodyTalk Client Saltcoats, SK

30 year long abdominal pain

These days, I am so enjoying my BodyTalk practice and facilitating sessions with clients. I have alm...

BodyTalk Practitioner Ottawa


I have suffered from migraines for 30 years, 25 of those years I have spent trying to find ways to s...

BodyTalk Client Phoenix, Az

Happy Feet

After experiencing debilitating pain in my feet from bunions I decided to have them surgically fixed...

BodyTalk Client Chicago, IL

Access Students Testimony

This testimony came from a woman who had taken BodyTalk Access: I used BodyTalk Access a lot last...

Access Practitioner Louisville, KY

Remote session for Pain

Client called on Thursday because she was in pain. She needed a tooth extracted as per her dentist's...

BodyTalk Practitioner Louisville, KY

Saliva Glands starts working after 9 years

My client, M, had cancer 9 years ago in her mouth and both lungs. She had surgery and lots of radiat...

BodyTalk Instructor Denmark

Neck Pain Gone

Note from a client: Just wanted to say that after the last session, some pain that I've had in my ne...

BodyTalk Practitioner Boston, MA

Hot flashes

A note from a client - Just wanted to say that in the last few days my hot flashes are not as intens...

BodyTalk Practitioner Boston, MA

New moms and babies

" After a traumatic and exhausting delivery I suffered from depression and anxiety amongst other pos...

BodyTalk Practitioner Hong Kong

Gum Abscess Gone

A week ago when I was eating, part of my tooth chipped off. Within a few days, the gum next to the t...

BodyTalk Client Los Angeles, CA

Post Surgery Pain Relief

My sister, 60, had spinal surgery a few weeks ago. I have given her distance Body Talk Fast Aid and ...

BodyTalk Student Los Angeles, CA

Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery

Last spring, my daughter gave birth to an 11 lb 1oz daughter. Yes, vaginally. And yes, "Ouch!" ...

Access Practitioner California

One session to improve TMJ

My client, Joey, scheduled an appointment with me for a variety of things, one of them was her TMJ. ...

BodyTalk Practitioner San Antonio, TX

Cramping & BodyTalk Fast Aid

I was sitting at my desk and when I shifted positions to make myself more comfortable, I got a sharp...

BodyTalk Practitioner Chicago

Great results with just modules 1&2

I finished BodyTalk Modules One and Two a couple of months ago with Ben Manalo and I have since been...

BodyTalk Student South Elgin, IL

One Session for Seizures

This was sent after one BodyTalk session with this client - a young man who is 21 and has had freque...

BodyTalk Client Chapel Hill

Tried and Tested

Hi, your website was discovered when I searched the internet looking for a way that I could be heale...

BodyTalk Client Philippines

Cat Asthma and Emotional Problems Resolve

We adopted a kitten who had been born to a feral cat. She had problems – she hid from people other t...

BodyTalk Student La Crescenta, CA

I Lost Weight!

I'm 63 and had been trying to lose 15 pounds for over a decade. I could never lose the weight despit...

BodyTalk Student La Crescenta, CA

Bodytalk turned my breech baby!

I am now 33 weeks pregnant with my third child and the last few visits to the doctor have resulted i...

BodyTalk Practitioner Perth, Western Australia

New Client - Distance Session Results

I am submitting this testimonial with permission from one of my new clients. She lives in Seguin, T...

BodyTalk Practitioner San Antonio

Baby attacked by Cat

My very large cat decided to attack my 11 month old baby two weeks ago. My baby received 8 puncture...

BodyTalk Practitioner Denver

Burned Fingertips

I was not paying attention to what I was doing and moved a coffee maker by the hot plate portion - u...

BodyTalk Practitioner Chicago, IL

Burned by steam

I decided to get rid of some stains in the bathroom by using steam. I started the steamer and got to...

Access Instructor Sweden

Twisted ankle

I went for a walk with my husband during our trip to the Island of Gran Canaria. I was paying attent...

BodyTalk Instructor Sweden

Fast Aid for Injured Toe

This past weekend, my husband and I were getting ready to leave the house to meet friends for dinner...

BodyTalk Practitioner San Antonio

17-yr old boy injured playing lacrosse

During a game, the boy was hit with a stick across the Achilles heel. He hobbled to the bench where...

Access Practitioner USA

Patient's experience with Access

BodyTalk Access Since learning BodyTalk Access six months ago, I'm still amazed at the benefits. I ...

Access Instructor Fairfield Iowa

Chronic Pain

My friend, who is a spiritual seeker, asked me to do some BodyTalk sessions on her mother, let's cal...

BodyTalk Student Cranbrook, BC

Arm weakness

A client had been referred to me with unexplained arm weakness. Doctors had done scans and tests. ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Norwich

Emergency operation for numerous Hernias

I met a man on holiday who was intrigued with BodyTalk and wanted to experience a session. Time ran ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Norwich


A client of mine was over due by two days and came along to have a BodyTalk treatment to help ease t...

BodyTalk Practitioner Norwich

Healing with BodyTalk

This is a testimonial from a very pleased customer, this is how she views BodyTalk. BodyTalk is a v...

BodyTalk Student Waupaca, Wisconsin

Face dive into a rock!

My partner & I were enjoying a nice day on the beach when he dove under water, full on, face first, ...

Access Practitioner Penticton, B.C.

Menstrual Problems

I had been experiencing some very substantial changes in my menstrual cycle: strong cramps for sever...

BodyTalk Client Denver, CO


My 13 year old son plays baseball. After a few games of him not doing very well, he asked if I woul...

Access Practitioner St. George, Utah

A different space to live life from

Dear Kristy. Thank you for your very beautiful facilitation of the FreeFall class recently. It is no...

FreeFall Student Derbyshire, UK

A Doubting Thomas

Hi, my name is Patricia and I have only been actively involved with BodyTalk since mid April 2010 wh...

Access Member Hillcrest, South Africa

Thyroid Cancer

This is a testimonial written by my BodyTalk client Betty Yamaoka who was diagnosed with thyroid Can...

BodyTalk Practitioner lenamascarin@hotmail.com

High on Truth

FreeFall 1 has brought to awareness powerful self-forgiveness. The ability to grieve and release is...

FreeFall Student Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Putting Myself First

Finding and strengthening the centre of letting go has strongly brought to light the ability to put ...

FreeFall Student Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Experiential Philosophy

What I've most appreciated in FF is that the experiential nature in particular has allowed me to int...

FreeFall Student Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Emotional Awareness and Relief

One of the most powerful exercises this last time of monitoring in Dec was the forgiveness exercise....

FreeFall Student Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Experiencing Natural Consciousness

My experiences in each and every one of the FF's I've attended have overall served to continue the j...

FreeFall Instructor Saskatoon, SK, Canada

BodyTalk Improves Posture & Reflexes

Testimonial from a BodyTalk Access student: Thanks for checking back Ben! I do the whole (BodyTa...

Access Instructor bodytalkprofessionals@gmail.com

Multiple Sclerosis

This is a report from Teri Lancaster, one of my BodyTalk Access students: My body is now free fro...

Access Instructor bodytalkprofessionals@gmail.com

Sessions are changing my life

I tried BodyTalk after years of anxiety, stress, and pain. My first session I found I had been holdi...

BodyTalk Client Boston, MA

Bodytalk and Hockey Back Injury

I first encountered Bodytalk in 2001. I was suffering from acute lower back pain related to playing ...

BodyTalk Client Toronto

Fear of Water

While camping over New Years Holiday, my daughter Ella (3) witnessed a drowning and from that point ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Tauranga, New Zealand

Bronchitis gone in 4 hours!

As an Access Trainer, I traveled to Midland/Odessa to teach BodyTalk Access in the spring of 2009. ...

Access Practitioner Odessa, TX

Fast Aid for a twisted ankle

One day back in June of 2009 I was going down my stairs to the front door in order to let someone ou...

Access Instructor Houston, TX

Baby Vaccination

My 4 month old granddaughter, Chloe, was experiencing difficulty sleeping, stomach cramps and very s...

BodyTalk Practitioner Bunbury, WA, Australia

brain injury from birth

There is a beautiful woman in our community who I often see on the ferry with one or more children w...

BodyTalk Practitioner Australia

Overall Wellness

As a practitioner and Access Trainer, I try to "practice what I preach" and so every morning before ...

Access Member Iowa City, Iowa

Horse accident

A client's horse had been involved in a trailer accident. The trailer slightly went off the road, a...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Phoenix, AZ

Horses and BodyTalk

I had worked on a ranch one day a week for fun and exercise. There was a horse that had tendon surg...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Phoenix, AZ

Umbilical Hernia

I had a client that was 2.5 months old. He had an umbilical hernia since birth. His birth was trau...

BodyTalk Practitioner Phoenix, AZ

Birthing and BodyTalk

I have been a birth coach for many years before I learned BodyTalk. Now I use BodyTalk during the P...

BodyTalk Practitioner Phoenix

Birthing and BodyTalk

I have been a birth coach for many years before I learned BodyTalk. Now I use BodyTalk during the P...

BodyTalk Practitioner Phoenix

My Access Experiences

I am now a BodyTalk Access Trainer and have some truly amazing Access stories of my own that I would...

Access Instructor Prince Albert, SK, Canada

My Access Experiences

I am now a BAT and have some truly amazing Access stories of my own that I would like to share. I t...

Access Instructor Prince Albert, SK, Canada

severe fungus

I have a client that has been coming for 3 months...today she held out her hands and said Look!! The...

BodyTalk Practitioner Lethbridge

Quick Fixes

This Summer I ran into a friend I had not seen in years. Pat is in her fifties. She said her healt...

BodyTalk Practitioner Kettering, Ohio

BodyTalk and PTSD

"Hey to all my people in the BodyTalk world who I do not know but feel connected too on some differe...

BodyTalk Client NY, NY

Fast Aid works Again!

My 6 year old experienced a large gash on her lower back after falling hard on the edge of a pretend...

BodyTalk Practitioner Jasper,Alberta

Helping the Autistic Mind

I had just finished my training for Module 1 & 2. I was practicing in my home on a friend when my 1...

BodyTalk Practitioner Castle Rock, CO

tick bite paralysis

Four days after removing six ticks from my dog, Emmy, she began to walk awkwardly. I also noticed un...

Access Practitioner Woodstock, IL

It Works!!!

As a newcomer to BodyTalk, I was willing to give it a go!! After attending Karen's access course a f...

Access Student Woking

BodyTalk Takes Health to A Whole New Level

I am finding BodyTalk to be a very exciting form of energy health care. What that means is my sessi...

BodyTalk Practitioner Yorkton, Sk.

Boils clear up with no anti-biotics

My daughter has a tendency to get boils, and in the past she has always had to take antibiotics to g...

Access Student Bahamas

Cooking Accident reversed with Fast Aid

My husband rubbed a bit of hot pepper into his eye while cooking. He immediately started moaning in...

Access Instructor Larkspur, Co.

Further - to a clients story

Hi, I'd just like to share a "further" to a post some time ago on a lady who did her cortices for a ...

BodyTalk Instructor Christchruch NZ

Stroke and Cortices

From about five meters away across a playground I saw my mother unsteady on her feet and reaching fo...

Access Practitioner Australia

A Cortices Treatment after full anesthesia at the dentist for children

A Cortices Treatment after full anesthesia at the dentist for children A while ago I showed my ne...

Access Practitioner Wuppertal/Germany

Chronic pain resolved after 10 years

After suffering with chronic pain for about 10 years, I was really searching for something to help m...

BodyTalk Client Houston, TX

Allergies in Child treated with Access

11 year old boy (my son) came in from rolling in the grass with friends. His eyes were swollen, itc...

Access Practitioner Carnation, WA

Gum Inflammation in Child

9 year old girl (my daughter) complaining of tooth pain. Upon inspection visually saw large white p...

Access Practitioner Carnation, WA

Severe persistent 3 week headache

Whilst I was up in Johannesburg for the weekend, I was sitting in the sunshine by the pool, when my ...

BodyTalk Instructor Durban, South Africa

Delayed Speech and Sentence construction

I was in Johannesburg visiting my boyfriend's family 2 weekends ago. I noticed Tristin, who was 17 ...

BodyTalk Instructor Durban, South Africa

FreeFall and my reencounter with inner child

I had a wonderful experience while in FreeFall class with Kristy Kenny in Brisbane, Australia in Dec...

FreeFall Instructor Singapore

Releasing and Awareness with FreeFall

I experienced FreeFall as a process that supports letting go on all levels imaginable. Through this...

FreeFall Member New Zealand

Scar smooths out and changes color

72 year old female has 7" ropey scar on abdomen from 12 year old hysterectomy surgery. BodyTalk is ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Washington

Access helped my child with fevers and colds, my mother with a head injury

Access has helped my child's health dramatically. My older son was prone to getting sick frequent...

BodyTalk Student Hong Kong

Conceiving Healthy Twins made easy!

Body Talk has made a huge impact in my life. Having had a number of problems with my health and not...

BodyTalk Practitioner Hong Kong

Letting go of emotional baggage and negative thoughts from past relationships

BodyTalk has been a life changing experience for me. When I first started having BodyTalk about 2 ye...

BodyTalk Client Gympie, Australia

AnimalTalk helps dog struck by car recover from severe injuries

This testimonial comes to me from a client, Janet, who has given this with permission to use it on w...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Queensland, Australia

BodyTalk Works! Good results even after the second day of class.

When I first started BodyTalk, I was so full of anxiety and uncertainty. "Am I doing this right?" ...

BodyTalk Student Orange, CA

Dog with fishhook through mouth

Our Dachshund Snippie, excitedly bit into a fish lying on the beach during her regular morning walk....

BodyTalk Practitioner Port Shepstone - S Africa

Eye spasms not responding to Botox injections gone with BodyTalk

I would like to share my experience with BodyTalk. I had blepharospasm for over 6 years and was tol...

BodyTalk Client Saint Petersburg, FL

Pancreatic Healing for dog

My dog, a 5 year Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was diagnosed with progressive pancreatic failure, sh...

AnimalTalk Client Canada/Mexico

Understand the world with AnimalTalk

AnimalTalk changed the way I view animals, the world, families, and the natural world. I highly rec...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Santa Monica, CA, USA

Help your own pets with AnimalTalk

I use this primarily on my own pets and it's given me great confidence. I know that when they're ex...

BodyTalk Practitioner Nanoose Bay, BC, Canada

horses and AnimalTalk

The immediacy and degree of changes witnessed in my Animal Talk Access course with horses has made m...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Barrie, ON, Canada

Advanced MindScape helps to "go with the flow"

Having taken nearly every course offered by the IBA, the one with the most profound impact on my dai...

MindScape Practitioner Barrie, ON, Canada

Break unwanted patterns with BreakThrough

The breakthrough system has enabled me to identify and break unwanted patterns in my life....

BreakThrough Practitioner Barrie, ON, Canada

Live life to its fullest!

To put words to the experience I have had from the BreakThrough System would not do justice to the i...

BreakThrough Instructor Calgary, AB, Canada

Resolve win/lose mindsets easily with BreakThrough

BreakThrough is an amazing tool. Having trained in NLP, it is quite tricky to resolve win/lose minds...

BreakThrough Practitioner Woking, Surrey, UK

Dog calmed with Cortices

My doggie had a bone stuck on his lower mandible and lodged behind his teeth...he calmed immediately...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Kelowna, BC, Canada

Open your 5 senses with MindScape

MindScape continues to show me that there is so much more to this life then what I can see....or hea...

MindScape Instructor Kelowna, BC, Canada

Reproductive Health with BodyTalk

My first BodyTalk Session -9 years ago with John, reversed cervical cancer, polycystic ovaries, and...

BodyTalk Client Kelowna, BC, Canada

FreeFall uncovers self-acceptance

FreeFall has made me aware of the false need for protection and covering up. My body has physically...

FreeFall Instructor Kelowna, BC, Canada

Underlying tension released with FreeFall

Before I took the FreeFall course I always had this underlying tension in my body (that I didn't eve...

FreeFall Instructor Calgary, AB, Canada

BodyTalk system shifts view of dis-ease.

I took bodytalk modules 1&2 to use as a toolbox for my friends and family. It's changed how I approa...

BodyTalk Practitioner Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada

investigating triggers affects relationships

Even without going through the Steps process, taking time to investigate my belief systems and how I...

BreakThrough Practitioner Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada

Manifesting with MindScape

Mindscape is such an incredible tool. With it, I have been able to improve my own and other's healin...

MindScape Member Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada

FreeFall addresses shame and body hang-ups

Freefall has allowed me to let go of some of the hang-ups I've had over my body and to release shame...

FreeFall Member Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada

Access increases energy

From my first Access class: Just wanted to say "Thanks" again to you, Pat Sullivan (Maybe you c...

Access Student Seattle, WA, USA

FreeFall helps show big emotions

FreeFall made me experience that it isn't lethal to experience a lot of feelings alone in a room ful...

FreeFall Instructor Uppsala, Sweden

FreeFall teaches acceptance

I look at myself and see a survivor. Every scar I have is a battle scar and says, "I won". I have ...

FreeFall Practitioner Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA

FreeFall most powerful expereince ever

The single most powerful experience I've ever had at or from any seminar. Not sure I was prepared f...

FreeFall Practitioner Tempe, AZ, USA

BreakThrough provides a window to understanding

I love BreakThrough! Love it! It has given me a protocol to work through my issues but also an under...

BreakThrough Practitioner Cleveland, QLD, Australia

FreeFall equals 100 BodyTalk sessions!

The FreeFall experience showed me how inhibited I was and how I hid behind my image. How trapped I w...

FreeFall Practitioner Cleveland, QLD, Australia

Fast Aid helps with Concussion

BodyTalk Fast Aid helped me when I went hiking and slipped on a rock and got a concussion. I was abl...

Access Student Vancouver, BC, Canada

AnimalTalk helps dog with injury

I just took this class a couple of weeks ago. So far, I worked on one dog with a knee injury. The in...

AnimalTalk Practitioner Vancouver, BC, Canada

Cancer, Chemo and having a baby

A client in her late 20's had cancer and went through extensive chemotherapy. She came into see me a...

BodyTalk Practitioner Vancouver, BC, Canada

IBA an evolving organization

Every class I've taken brings new insight & clarity - so I appreciate that a monitor rate is availab...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sonoma, CA, USA

BodyTalk gets results!

I have a very successful bodywork practice. Using BodyTalk has added a tool that provides another l...

BodyTalk Practitioner Sonoma, CA, USA

Comprehensive Healing

I was looking for a homeopathic method of healing. I had intended on attending a couple of courses ...

BodyTalk Practitioner Lethbridge, AB, Canada

BreakThrough identifies false belief systems and negative emotions

BreakThrough has made me aware of how deep the false belief systems and the resulting negative emoti...

BreakThrough Practitioner Lethbridge, AB, Canada

MindScape increased intuition

MindScape has sharpened my ability to go into right brain and complete my BodyTalk sessions. It has...

MindScape Practitioner Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Modules 6 & 9 are fascinating!

I found Modules 6 and 9 to be fascinating! I use what I've learned in those modules on a regular ba...

BodyTalk Student Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Life transformation with BodyTalk, MindScape

The improvements I have noticed have not been huge and immediate. Instead my life has been transfor...

BodyTalk Client Calgary, AB, Canada

Life transformation with BodyTalk

BodyTalk sessions have literally changed my life. I have seen a transformation in my mental as well...

BodyTalk Client Anthem, AZ, USA

Nightmares gone in one session

"I have an innate knowingness that BodyTalk is so correct, natural and right." Testimonial not of a...

BodyTalk Instructor Grand Cayman

MindScape for distance sessions

A HUGE win for me personally was that even though I have been in the alternative health field for on...

MindScape Instructor Grand Cayman

Rash disappears in 3 days

Soon after I had taken Module 1 & 2, I was asked to do a long distance BT session on someone that I ...

BodyTalk Student Sacramento, CA

Quick healing from surgery

I had eye surgeries in 2007 and I received BodyTalk regularly during that period and my Doctor was a...

BodyTalk Client Sacramento, CA

Freedom from pain, increased awareness

BodyTalk sessions have helped with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, and recovery for a total should...

BodyTalk Client Salt Lake City, UT
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