Lelane Luttrell
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
BodyTalk – ‘Enlightening your Health’ Lelane Luttrell, CBP Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Body Chemistry Specifics, Bio-Dynamics, Chinese Medicine for BodyTalkers, BodyTalk for Animals, Finding Health – Mapping the Healing Process, Eastern Medicine for BodyTalkers, Mindscape, Energetics, Lymphathic Drainage & Applied Anatomy and Physiology, BodyTalk Pediatric Approaches Background For many years, the practice of natural healing through energy and intention has been calling to me. In 2000, I found the healing of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) for my food allergies and knew something like this was in my future. But NAET was not available to those without a medical degree, so I waited. In 2007, my sister shared her experience with me of a new energy therapy called BodyTalk that her friend was practicing. BodyTalk is open to all people, regardless of prior training. You can learn the basic Access techniques to help family and friends; or get advanced training and become a practitioner. I took the Access class in June of 2008 and additional classes over the next 18 months. I passed the written and practical tests and received my BodyTalk Practitioner certification in January 2010 and opened my practice in July of 2010. With a 30 year background in IT, the BodyTalk technique fell right in line with my computer programming training. The exploring process to uncover the areas needing better communication is similar to ‘troubleshooting’ and solving ‘helpdesk’ issues. I love to practice BodyTalk and see the changes it brings about in the lives of my clients. Office Hours - by appointment only (803) 487-7516 www.lelaneluttrell.wixsite.com/enlightening-health Facebook site: Enlightening Your Health |