Shelley Poovey

Shelley Poovey

M.Sc. Health & Human Performance, BS Psychology, CBP, Parama BP, AdvCBP


In Person and Remote Sessions Available
BodyAttune Wellness 41 Union Square West, Suite 1018
New York, NY 10003

Phone: 917-362-2827



Shelley Poovey is an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner & PaRama Level I Certified Practitioner who has coordinated BodyTalk continuing education programs and BodyTalk Founders Courses, with John Veltheim, in New York City since 2010. She is currently a BodyTalk Access Instructor in training. 

Her Trauma & Intuition BodyTalk group sessions are available on-demand on the IBA PaRama Campus

Her training allows her to combine the latest advances in Western science - such as epigenetics, the human microbiome, neuroplasticity of the brain and the mind-body connection - with ancient wisdom traditions such as chinese medicine, ayurveda, and esoteric healing for powerful sessions that get to the root causes of health, creating a deep sense of personal well-being with lasting results.

In addition, her coursework in Bodytalk Direct, Circadian Rhythms and Orthopedic Evaluation Techniques help identify and optimize areas related to physical performance and stamina - including musculoskeletal coordination, posture, energy levels, sleep, digestion, and mood.

She has completed all the foundation courses including BodyTalk Access, Fundamentals, Principles of Consciousness, Bio-dynamics, Macrocosmic BodyMind, and Matrix Dynamics. 

She became advanced certified in 2014 under the supervision of senior instructor Dr. Janet Galipo, which requires a series of written exams and the fulfillment of advanced academic coursework in the field of biological science.  

In 2017, She became PaRama Level One certified. PaRama means "higher wisdom" and is the advanced work of the BodyTalk founder, Dr. John Veltheim. PaRama allows for more complex priority-based formulas that can run for weeks at a time. This work is especially helpful for stubborn issues that cannot be addressed within the context of an individual session. 

Shelley's work was as a continuing education coordinator was presented at the 2013 International BodyTalk Association Conference in Malta. In May 2014, she was a guest presenter at the IBA Instructor’s Conference, discussing how to use matrix dynamics to develop a healthy and cooperative practitioner community. At the 2017 IBA Member’s Conference in Clearwater, Florida, she was invited to teach and share her unique approach to meditation, the Radiant Human Meditation. 

Shelley is an International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach and Certified Health and Peak Performance Coach. She has a Masters of Science in Health and Human Performance from Pacific College of Health Sciences, where she teaches Business Skills for Coaches and serves as lead faculty, and a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she worked as a research assistant in the field of Psychology.

She specializes in coaching and mentoring conscious business owners to align their goals with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning while tapping into the wisdom of subtle energy to expand their entrepreneurial endeavors. She especially loves working with energy healing practitioners and has a wealth of information from her twenty plus years in the health and wellness industry and as a healer that she brings to her sessions.

She is a certified Reiki Master and Yoga Alliance E-200 hour Registered Teacher with specialized training in Meditation and Yoga Nidra. She completed five years of study and is certified in Advanced Energy Medicine through the Cyndi Dale Advanced Apprenticeship program and the Energy Medicine Certification Program at Normandale College. She served as a teaching assistant for The Shift Network's 2022 year-long Four Pathways energy healing certification program taught by Cyndi Dale.  


Professional Recommendation:

"I’ve known Shelley in many capacities for several years, and hold her knowledge and way of being in the highest esteem. She is deeply knowledgeable about all things energy, body, and soul, but even more importantly, she is wise. When she speaks, I listen, because her words encapsulate details and truth. She is an amazing teacher and way-shower and you’d be beyond fortunate to study or work with her.”

- Cyndi Dale, Author of 27 Books On Energy Medicine

Family Matrix Healing & Business Coaching:

"As an alumnus of Shelley's Business Alchemy programs and one-on-one sessions, my life has dramatically improved. I experience profound and positive changes after each session. My relationships, work life, finances, self-trust, and sense of ease in life are all transformed thanks to Shelley's work, and I couldn't recommend her more highly! 

I completed the RHM training with Shelley, and from the first time I began incorporating this work into both subtle energy healing and IFS coaching sessions, my clients have seen miraculous results. RHM is a standalone practice that brings immediate and reliable benefits for me personally, but has most profoundly improved my confidence as a facilitator when combining it with the modalities I practice with clients." 

- Rachael Schaeffer, Owner Urban Empath

Immune Healing & Practitioner Development:

"I’m a suburban single Mom with a background of dissociative disorder brought on by childhood trauma. I’ve been working with Shelley since 2015, first as a client, subsequently as a teacher/mentor. With Shelley’s help, I’ve been healed of the inability to speak up, inappropriate relationships, inappropriate self-practices, and being overpowered by women.

In May 2020, I was misdiagnosed with a bacterial infection when I really had contracted Covid 19. I had a dream one night that my beloved Uncle Dave came to me and asked me to come to the Other Side to be with him.  I told him that I wasn’t quite ready yet and that I needed to master and resolve my job.  He was disappointed, and it wasn’t clear that I was going to be able to stay on planet Earth.  Due to the Covid, I actually had a very strong desire to sleep all day and die. Exhaustion was ever present. I had a series of sessions with Shelley at this time.  We addressed my immune imbalances, which helped my T-cells came back to life and do their job.  A year later, I’m fine, still on planet Earth, Covid vaccinated, and Covid free.  And, I was able to keep working at my bank job. 

In 2021, I contracted Shingles, which according to Louise Hay in her classic book You Can Heal Your Life, is due to “waiting for the other shoe to drop. Fear and tension. Too sensitive.” I had just collected a suicide-attempt family member from the hospital for the second time in six months. The “waiting for the other shoe to drop” reaction was confirmed by the session. Of course, the Shingles appeared on the genital area. I love how specific the information in the sessions can be, both learning about the story behind my symptoms and learning about anatomy and how the body heals. For example, we identified a specific immune cell which she told me was manufactured in the largest bone in the body – the thigh. We then performed a Chinese Medicine “tapping” technique on the pubic area, which helped set up a positive vibration in the pubic bones. Within three weeks, the Shingles, which had traveled to other parts of the body, were completely gone. I remember my mother-in-law, at my same age (70), dealing with Shingles.  She was admitted to the hospital and stayed for several weeks.  She never really walked well after that, and her decline from AT&T staff accountant to being a wheelchair-bound Grandma was evident to all.  How different was my BodyAttune experience!”

Every once in a lifetime, you run across a person who changes history. People like Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, and Gandhi are history changers.  People who are well on their way to perfection through Love for the Human Race are history changers. For these three remain, “Faith, Hope, and Love”, but the greatest of these is Love. Shelley Poovey is such a person, a history changer and Lover of the Human Race. Thank you, Shelley, for Loving the Human Race!

Always, the healing is non-judgmental, science-based, ethical, and filled with lovingkindness and gratefulness.  What we call “supernatural” happens on a daily basis with Shelley. For, nothing in the Universe is really supernatural – Infinite Spirit would not contradict its own laws of nature.  But there are folks in this spiritual age who have learned how to harness the laws of nature and perform “miracles” of healing.  Shelley is such a person.  It’s not the bells and whistles -“supernatural healing”-with Shelley, but it’s the lovingkindness, gratefulness, medical training, and professionalism along with the bells and whistles -“supernatural healing”.

-Phyllis Schmidt, Owner Divine Healing with Radionics

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