Vanessa Shand

Vanessa Shand

O.A.L.A.,, CBP


Toronto, ON


Many years ago people dear to me became ill and I felt helpless as I watched them live with pain and discomfort and many challenges.  The protocols they all followed seemed to take away their quality of life.


I vowed to find tools to help those near me. 


And so I did find tools for others and myself.


One day in 2008 I took a course in Bodytalk and this rekindled my interest and curiosity in nature and the human form and its ability to heal.  I actively engaged with BodyTalk and found the results amazing.  I no longer suffer from migraine headaches and was able to help friends and family with various issues.  I I certified as a Bodytalk Practitioner shortly after and continued to take all the Modules in Bodytalk, several times. 

I continue to marvel at the power of nature and man. 


One of the most rewarding things I have done is work in a volunteer clinic one night a week for 2 years where clients paid as much as they could afford.  Here I learned so much about people and our innate ability to heal.


I continue to engage in all kinds of extra interests such as Indigenous Teachings and Ceremonies and working with Flower Essences recognizing that all of these modalities are blending and supporting my love and work with Nature and bringing these qualities into my client’s sessions.  My days and free time over the last 7 years has been full as I continue to study taking relevant courses and meeting people who have new solutions to health.  All of this extra training I am doing in order to find techniques that could help others.  The more I learn I am inspired by the human body and the nature kingdom.



I work remotely for pets and people in many different countries.  My clientele includes children, adults, animals, plants, and properties.




“My grandson was stung by a wasp at an outdoor wedding.  His eye lid began to swell instantly, and he was unable to open that eye.  Vanessa stepped up to help and a few minutes later the swelling disappeared and he was playing as if nothing had happened.  “ HR


Vanessa, I slept for almost 10 hours straight last night.  Unheard of!  SH

January 2021  SH


Thanks so much for this session, Vanessa

I am always amazed at how accurate and enlightening they are.

My recovery is going well. I was taken off dialysis - monitoring will continue so I may be put back on. But that is a huge step One of the nurses said I am the first person they have seen recover to the point of not needing dialysis. I did not tell her that I attribute it to the super boost of your work.

I am a lucky girl!”  LW


“Yesterday I went out with a bit of sunscreen on my face and it was so hot my face was sweating so it seemed to run in my right eye which is now all swollen up. What a drag before a flight to Scotland!
Is this something that body talk could help? I took an antihistamine. 
This has happened to me before with sunscreen and so I try to be careful...guess I messed up yesterday.


The BodyTalk session seemed to help. The eye is less red and swollen! Amazing! Thanks” (she was on a plane 24 hours later with no evidence of swelling or redness) “ KP

July 2018 


“Rita (a dog) saw the vet today, and again, for this second visit after your sessions,  she trotted in without a fuss( usually she is very stressed and difficult to get her to get out of the car and into the Vet office). The vet is extremely happy with her progress and my husband’s impression was that Rita’s progress is exceeding the vet’s expectations!

Thank you again for all your help.  ( a couple of BodyTalk sessions were done to prepare the dog for knee surgery) LP

December 2020

Vanessa is a graduate of Fine Arts and Horticulture from the University of Guelph and Niagara College, and is a member of the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. and Landscape Ontario.  She is a practising Landscape Architect, and partner in J. Garfield Thompson Landscape Ltd, and Water Arts Inc. She is a a fine Artist, Certified Bodytalk Practitioner and has studied Bodytalk Fundamentals 1 & 2, Principles of Consciousness, Mindscape, Bodytalk for Plants, Biodynamics, Macrocosmic BodyMind, Matrix Systems, Parama I, and Advanced Biogeometry.

"Working with Bodytalk has allowed me to see people consistently improve their quality of life and health."

The skills and talents as a Landscape Architect, Fine Artist, Horticulturist, Biogeometrist and the Bodytalk Modalities that she utilizes, have all come together and allow sessions with people and/or plants that are unique and offer possibilities for a more natural and hamonious way of living.  

If you wish to contact Vanessa Shand for an appointment or for more information please email her at:
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