Lauren Brent

Lauren Brent



Westlake/Thousand Oaks/Calabasas, CA

Phone: 310-881-3979


BodyTalk Classes:
Mods 1 and 2 with Suryo Gardner
Mods 1 and 2 with Don Pilipovich 
Certified with Don on Sept. 13

As a child who always asked questions, Lauren was an avid reader and a student of  many different philosophies that utilized the mind as well as the human potential.  She received her first Mantra at the age of 12 and has always been one to analyze the human condition with an eye for the possibilties for change.  She has always loved to help others to reach their full potential and has an ability to pull from many schools of thought to personalize each clients path to greatness.

Lauren’s studies include: Master's in Psychology, Naturopathy,  and Hypnotherapy. Lauren is a Certified Body Talk Practitioner,  Access Technician, and EFT practitioner.   Lauren has also studied the Release Technique/the Sedona Method, and the work of Dr. John Sarno for pain relief.   She also works with animals doing Bodytalk and Qi Gong healing.

She loves to work with women, and issues that are specifically age related- such as emotional and physical pain.

 She also loves to work with teenagers as they are a group with unique issues that respond to different modalities rather than looking to medicate them right away.  Lauren homeschooled her own son for many years, and was able to help him with his learning disorders and emotional issues with these techniques.  BodyTalk was instrumental in helping to get her son to focus and feel successful- as well as improving his health.

Lauren’s whole family has taken Modules 1 and 2, and they enjoy the benefits and realize the potential of it as a stand alone healthcare system.  Even her little dogs receive the benefits of BodyTalk

Lauren is only available for phone and Skype distance sessions and has clients all over the world.


Lauren really helped my shoulder pain in the first session. I had no idea what it was and thought I had pulled a muscle.  Being a Chiropractor, I figured it had to be muscular related and it was so amazing how Lauren tapped out a couple of links and within minutes after the session my pain was gone! What I found to be so interesting is the fact that my shoulder wasn't even coming up in the session, just my heart and a couple of other links. Lauren explained how BodyTalk links up the areas that really need to be in communication for the body to function properly. I Love BodyTalk and can't wait to learn more about it!
AB, Calabasas Ca.

I had been having throbbing headaches and sinus pressure that was really unpleasant for a few weeks, when Lauren suggested I try BodyTalk.  I figured that I probably shouldn't be taking Advil each day, so I went to see her for a session. I am so amazed at the simplicity of what she did!  Since that day with just a simple tapping procedure, my headaches are gone! I am very happy. Thank You so much.
LA, Thousand Oaks Ca

Distance Sessions

I really had never known what a distance session was and Lauren explained that she could work with me over the phone.  She  has me on the phone while she "checks in " with my body to discover links that are done to balance the body and mind. It it such an interesting concept, that really does work. I had been having dizzy spells and had no idea what to do, so she worked with me and in a couple of hours I got very sleepy and took a nap. When I woke up, the dizziness was all gone.  Lauren gave me a little tapping homework to do to at home to balance my brain. It is very calming, and I can focus so much better now.
BB, Westlake , Ca

I had been having low back pain for almost a year, that radiated to one side and was very uncomfortable.  I had been to the chiropractor a few times, and so far nothing had helped. My game of tennis was beginning to suffer.  Lauren did a couple of distance session on me and I am really pleasantly surprised that the pain is gone and now I can play tennis again.  Thank you Lauren.
CB, Boise, Idaho

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