Anna Freeman
PaRama BP, CBP, AdvCBP
New Zealand
Phone: 021 286 5006
I discovered BodyTalk while living in Singapore. I arrived at my first session a skeptic and left a convert. A convert who needed to know more. After witnessing amazing results in myself and my children I studied to become a practitioner, going on to qualify as both an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and a PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner.
I love BodyTalk and I love what I do. BodyTalk has significantly enhanced my health and quality of life and I feel privileged to be able to assist other people in a similar way.
I have taken the following BodyTalk courses, which include all of the advanced courses:
* Fundamentals 1 & 2
* Principles of Consciousness
* Bio-Dynamics
* Macrocosmic BodyMind
* Matrix Dynamics
* Epigenetics (Dr Laura Stuvé)
* Eastern Medicine
* Body Ecology
* Structural Integration Concepts
* Lymphatic Drainage and Applied Anatomy & Physiology
* Advanced BodyTalk Protocol and Procedures
* Finding Health 1
* Fundamentals Integration
* Founders Session Intensive
* BodyTalk Access
* BodyTalk Advanced Integration
* Energetics
* The Soul's Journey: Exploring the Mind & Three Brains
* Freefall
* Mindscape
* Breakthrough
* PaRama Unit 1
* PaRama Unit 1 Practical
* PaRama Unit 2
* BodyTalk Direct
* Circadian Rhythms
Other training includes: Traditional 5 Element Acupuncture; San Baio; Linking Awareness; SourcePoint Therapy; Reiki Master; Emotional Resolution®, BodyIntuitive.
Member of the International BodyTalk Association and past President of the New Zealand BodyTalk Association.
What clients are saying
"I had suffered from chronic period pain for over a decade and tried many different avenues to relieve the problem, but without much improvement. After my first BodyTalk session with Anna I felt a significant change in the severity of the pain, and also a deeper shift in my own understanding of reasons for its existence in the first place. Each session with Anna feels like the gradual unpeeling of an onion so to speak, and I am always astounded at how the sessions take you to unexpected areas that ultimately cut to the heart of what your body needs. I thoroughly recommend BodyTalk sessions with Anna for any health issue." Joy Thomas
"I just wanted to let you know that I had the best sleep in months last night - thank you!" [After months of insomnia, sent the day after BodyTalk session] Adele
"My BodyTalk sessions with Anna were fascinating. Each session addressed an aspect of myself that I wasn't consciously aware of until Anna gently communicated to me what my body was telling her. She was completely correct each time! And I experienced profound results on both an emotional and physical level. I found BodyTalk to be a non-invasive modality and I felt complete support from Anna at all times. BodyTalk addresses what your body is telling you is needed now. Thanks again Anna for your BodyTalk treatments." Jean McTaggart