Linda Hurkot
ClinicLinks to Health
#2 319 - 6 St South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 2C7
Phone: 403-795-4959
Linda began studying BodyTalk in 2005. In her search for remediation of macular degeneration, secondary to severe myopia (near sightedness), the BodyTalk system appeared. Linda’s health history also included contracting polio in the 1950’s, leaving muscle weakness and imbalance in the lower limbs. Her journey with BodyTalk has been intriguing and exciting, providing many results at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Linda certified in 2005, with the Certified BodyTalk Practitioner designation. She has since taken the advanced modules and PaRama Unit 1 & 2;
complementary courses: Orthopedic Evaluation, Body Chemistry Specifics, Traditional Chinese Medicine for BodyTalk, Structural Integration and Anatomy and Physiology;
Life Sciences: Mindscape 1&2, BreakThrough 1&2 and FreeFall 1;
BodyTalk Founder seminars: BodyTalk Interactive, BodyTalk Treatment Intensive and Finding Health 1& 2.
Knowing that the BodyTalk system would be a great gift to everyone, Linda trained to teach the BodyTalk Access course. Access gives the lay person some very powerful techniques from the BodyTalk system, that he/she is able to use on self as well as others to manage stress and everyday health issues. She enjoys teaching this routine to a wide variety of students.
Linda is semi-retired in 2007, from her previous profession in Speech Language Pathology. She currently practices BodyTalk in the Lethbridge area. She strives to integrate BodyTalk and its principles into many aspects of her life. Her most recent focus and passion is to integrate BodyTalk for clients and their families with Speech Language Pathology intervention.
Linda lives on a grain farm near Lethbridge, Alberta, with her husband, Donald.