Heidi Reid
B. Ed., CBI, BAT, MSI, CBP, Parama BP, AdvCBP
Clinic805 Crozier Ave. in Kelowna
Kelowna, BC V1W5B2
Phone: 7782121777
Heidi has been a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for the last 17 years.
She has extensive experience supporting people of all ages with a wide range of health challenges.
Heidi has a background in Teaching. She graduated from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor’s of Education and has had 15 years of teaching experience as an elementary school teacher. Heidi has transitioned from a full time teaching career to operating a full time successful BodyTalk practice in the Kelowna, British Columbia. Most of Heidi's clients are people who work with her remotely.
Heidi loves to work with people who are ready for that next step in their healing journey. Often it can be a physical challenge or illness or mental/ emotional challenge that brings someone to experiencing BodyTalk sessions, and the shifts and changes that occur support their further growth along their path in life.
Heidi’s passion for teaching led her to become a MindScape and BodyTalk Instructor.
Heidi provides distance sessions using Advanced MindScape techniques for clients who are unable to travel to her clinic.
Please call 778 212 1777 or email heidi@thewisdomtoheal.com to book your appointment today.