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A different space to live life from
Submitted 31-May-10 by
Charlotte Nielsen, Student, Derbyshire, UK
Keywords: freefall, shifts, personal health, class
Dear Kristy. Thank you for your very beautiful facilitation of the FreeFall class recently. It is now nearly two weeks ago and I am realising that something has happened in a very subtle way I did not look for. I have automatically been looking out for shifts and changes I can describe and identify with, yet something much more subtle has been happening since the class. To quote Breakthrough 'from becoming to (more authentic) being'. I felt a number of things that I could identify with after the class yet a subtle 'letting go' without something replacing what was there before is harder to put words to. It has uncovered a more natural easy joyful way of being I can not find words for. A truly beautiful class to give oneself as a gift. I look forward to repeating already.