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Bodytalk turned my breech baby!
Submitted 24-Sep-10 by
C.H., Practitioner, Perth, Western Australia
Keywords: breech baby at 32 weeks
I am now 33 weeks pregnant with my third child and the last few visits to the doctor have resulted in him telling me the baby is still head up and if we get to 36 weeks still in this position they will look at turning the baby at 36 weeks or caesarian at 39 weeks. So I thought, well I wonder if I can do something so asked if the baby wanted a session. Yes, and it came up with 'interference from me because of fear'!! I asked if it would turn, yes. When would it turn? Three days after my session with my practitioner. Well, I booked in to have my Bodytalk session with my practitioner and my whole session seemed to be dealing with fears about the birth due to very long labours with my other births and also Active Memories to do with past things relating to births of my children. Then up came Environment as a Priority for the baby. She told me the baby would turn in the next 3 days. Well the next day I had a lot more pressure on my bladder and was running to the toilet all day so thought some thing must be happening. The next afternoon my stomach felt very intense for a few hours and the bladder pressure kept up. On the third day I started feeling what felt like a foot kicking up at the top of my belly. Went back to the doctor a few days later and sure enough it is now head down. Thank you to my practitioner and a big thanks to the wonders of Bodytalk.