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BodyTalk SchmoddyTalk!

Submitted 02-Dec-16 by

Jenny Lehr, Practitioner, South Africa

Keywords: 17

At the height of Stage 4 Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome and having been pretty much bed-ridden for several months, I had to have a scan for acute abdominal pain. Kidney stones were found and a 'mass in the uterus' which I had to follow-up with a proper Gynaecological scan. My gynae/ obstetrician could not biopsy it as it was as 'hard as cement' so immediately booked me in for a hysterectomy 10 days later. The following day she called me to say there was a real problem as due to my condition, she didn't think I was able to manage surgery and having discussed my case with several colleagues, could not come up with a recommended direction of treatment but still wanted me to be admitted to hospital and take it from there.

So, I asked myself what advice i would give a client in this situation and the answer was of course, lets see what BT can do. I then did a session on myself which took almost 2 hours as, in my condition, I was all over the place and having to write everything down due to my befuddled brain! After the session, I got up from bed to go to the toilet and had an instant bleed and by that evening was already feeling better on some level.

I then contacted my gynaecologist and asked if we could do another scan prior to going to hospital. The answer was a categorical "No", but once in hospital, she would do another scan prior to surgery. The scan came up clean so she insisted my husband take me to her practice rooms so we could do the scan on the same machine as the first time. Again, nothing found. She was so amazed, she ran to my file to get the original scan photo to show my husband to prove there had been something there.

Her parting words were "I don't know what this BodyTalk SchmoddyTalk is, but keep it up". She's been a client of mine ever since!

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