Salima Juliana Lara Resende

Salima Juliana Lara Resende

Psychologist, Psicossomatics, Florals, PaRama, BAT, CBP, AdvCBP


Brasília, DF, & Florianópolis/Garopaba, SC.
SHIS QI 11 Shopping Deck Brasil Salas 128/130, Lago Sul
Brasília, DF

Phone: 55 61 33651115


» Portuguese

Integrative Psychology, Jungian Psychosomatic, Floral Therapy, BreakThrough Sessions, Alkemy, Reiki. AdvCPB, PaRama BP, BodyTalk Access Trainer.

Salima (Juliana Lara Resende) maintains her private clinic in Brasília - Brazil since 2008; offers On-line work to different countries and regular in person consultations/sessions also in Florianópolis; Imbituba & Garopaba, SC, Brasil. 

She was granted the titles of Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and BodyTalk Access Trainer from the IBA after being licensed in Clinical Psychology in Brazil. She continued to travel abroad to take all of the advanced modules with Senior Instructors; studied and translated many of the complimentary modules; participated in several IBA conferences; studied and translated the PaRama Unit1 and continues to update herself on the knowlodge/experience provided by the BodyTalk System & Parama College (and other cutting edge schools/practices) to further understand the BodyMind in its relationships to healing & life.

"Meditation and service to others support the self-development aspect in my life, as well as the work as a BodyTalk practitioner. I continue to explore the possibilities found in practices such as subtle and meditative forms of therapies, including Watsu and Waterdance. They are capable of allowing the patient's healing process to occur at many levels, simply with the awareness of a sense of connection. Integrated with BodyTalk, it helps me to develop a state of presence and the ability to tune into the deeper needs of the person I'm working with. 

Currently based in the State of Santa Catarina in the South of Brazil, my commitment is to live a more quiet life; nurture the connection with my Beloved living master. I contribute to frequent retreats both in Barra de Ibiraquera, SC, and Norway. These retreats create an unique space for hundreds of people to experience relaxation, love and gratitude for life, so we may again find an abiding silence inside.

Besides the activities in the private practice, teaching the BodyTalk Access Program  has been a source of inspiration for my work. There is a focus on Community Programs and Access Outreach classes. There's a priority to allow as many people as possible, specially from communities with restricted access to healthcare, to benefit from simple yet effective health maintenance/preventive programs.

With the help of many committed colleagues, I facilitated BodyTalk to be brought to Brasília and several other cities. I ended up translating most of the new versions of the BodyTalk modules manuals. Also had the chance to work as a translator and organizer for Dr. John Veltheim, Dr. Janet Galipo, Dr. Nancy Werner, amongst other enlightning Instructors. These experiences created an opportunity for me to establish a relationship with Senior Instructors at the IBA, and the creator of the BodyTalkSystem. It facilitated both educational and personal expansion - which I am very grateful for.

I have participated in the process of making BodyTalk one of the complimentary modalities officially incorporated into all Military Hospitals in Brazil. By supporting projects, providing BodyTalk sessions and/or teaching BodyTalk Access classes in several Public Health Facilities, I've witnessed hundreds of individuals and dozens of families benefiting from these initiatives - only possible because of the good work of many students, practitioners and friends. 

For two years I occupied a position as a Psychologist in the Brazilian National Congress, where I developed an ongoing Project for Integral HeathCare and co-organized lectures with International keynote speakers on Preventive and Complimentary Health Modalities. After years of clinical practice; hosting the founder of BodyTalk and other brilliant Instructors including the Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami, pioneer doctors and scientists, I now continue to witness the ongoing increase of interest for a new approach on HealthCare.


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