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High on Truth
Submitted 14-May-10 by
Allison Costron, Student, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
FreeFall 1 has brought to awareness powerful self-forgiveness. The ability to grieve and release is like no other I've ever experienced to date. To be able to actually unhook, release and put my mind to rest with its constant thoughts of what I should have done, what others should have done, etc is so freeing it feels like I'm drunk or stoned but without the impact of loss of faculties. It feels so light, liberating and completely calming, much like I imagine babies to feel when they're in that state of complete satiation of milk and comfort. What a fabulous skill to have, the ability to self-parent and self-soothe. This also contributes to being less likely to lose my temper or to engage in defensive behaviours across the board. I can now much quicker unhook from the perceived wrongs, less often hook into those in the first place and find less value in clinging to and playing out the drama of blamer/victim. There's now a much more satisfying 'high', that of truth.