Access Statistics
Join a Growing Community
The BodyTalk Access community is growing faster than ever. Once you have attended an Access class, you have the option to join the IBA at the Access-level Membership, which will put you in touch with all the other Access students from around the world. You are able to participate in the online discussion forum, where you can ask questions, read others' stories or share your own amazing stories of healing that you and your family have experienced.
There is also a weekly email newsletter that is published that features stories, helpful tips or a local BodyTalk Access Trainer and their story as well.
Global BodyTalk Access Technicians
BodyTalk Access is spreading rapidly around the globe. We wanted to share the excitement with you, in these live statistics:
- Number of Access Trainers:
- 307
- Number of Countries in which Access has been taught:
- 52
- Number of Access Students to Date:
- 52166
Find an Access Class
BodyTalk Access classes are found around the world, practically any weekend of the year. Find the one that is most convenient for you and sign up now, your health will change for the better.