The Extraordinary Way of Water

Aug 23, 2023

By Miranda Jamieson

"Water is the foundation of life: It has unlimited flexibility and an unlimited ability to bind with outside influences."
– Dr. Thomas Cowan

Learn more about water in IBA's Hydration Extension seminar. 

Among all known substances, water stands as the most mysterious elemental and natural force. Over the last few decades, a group of pioneering researchers have started to peel back the layers of what contributes to water's properties and mysteries. To say we have it all figured out when it comes to water is far from true, but recent discoveries have made it clear that water plays a much more complex and profound role in life than most of us ever imagined. 

Consciousness and Memory of Water

Researcher Masaru Emoto took an up-close look at the connection between thoughts and water. Employing Magnetic Resonance Analysis and high-speed photography, Emoto demonstrated water's responsiveness to emotions and intentions. In simple terms, his work illustrated that water exposed to positive, benevolent, and compassionate thoughts developed aesthetically pleasing crystal patterns. Conversely, water subjected to negative thoughts and energies assumed disjointed and distorted formations. Emoto's study also showed how polluted water was revitalized through prayer and intention, restoring it to the beautiful, geometric, crystalline characteristic of clean water. His research revealed not only the profound interplay between human intention and water's molecular arrangement but also water's capacity to "remember" its exposure and retain this structure until altered, augmented, restored, or restructured.

In unveiling the relationship between water and consciousness, we must ask what influence our own thoughts, moods and energies have on our bodies, given that humans are predominantly composed of water. Intriguingly, science has yet to pinpoint a brain region for housing long-term memory. While the hippocampus converts short-term memory, or accesses long-term memory, no memory reservoir exists within the brain. Researchers are increasingly convinced that these memories reside within the water structure of peripheral muscles and fascia. This could explain why it's common to have emotional releases during a massage. It also sheds light on practices like BodyTalk, where the "Emotional Release" technique targets tissues far from the brain. Furthermore, this concept aids in explaining phenomena around organ transplants, where recipients recall distinct emotions, experiences, and preferences linked to the organ donor.

Energized Water

Emoto's work demonstrated that water crystals exhibit distinct patterns under diverse energetic influences. Dr. Gerald Pollack, however, went on to unveil various structural forms of water. Pollack's groundbreaking research introduced us to structured water, also dubbed hexagonal or EZ water. This unique phase of water, classified as the fourth stage, transcends liquid, solid, and vapor states. Structured water, with its distinctive molecular arrangement (H3O2), represents a dense, oxygen-rich variation carrying a negative charge. It naturally occurs in sources like waterfalls, rivers, and living organisms (think a ripe, juicy watermelon). This type of water brims with energetic potential and seems to constitute a crucial element for robust health. Renowned medical practitioner Dr. Thomas Cowan has repeatedly connected overall health to the integrity of structured water within the human body, asserting that, "Health is the state of perfect intracellular gels."

Nature and the Water Cycle

Aligning Emoto's and Pollack's findings suggests that water's accumulated memories can be released through processes that revert it to structured water, whether within or outside the body. We know that Mother Nature's water cycle, including actions like swirling water in creeks, contributes to water's natural restructuring. This renewal of water's energetic potential makes sense given Nature's astounding ability to recycle and revitalize.

When we combine all these factors, it seems that hydration isn't just about moistening the body; it's about fueling and nourishing it. Water is tied to our thoughts, feelings, and our very healing processes. Water's role encompasses not only physical hydration but also energization of the body and cellular communication. When the body is adequately hydrated with "healthy" water (at its best molecular structure and harmonious crystal arrangement), it gains access to the energy required for healthy cognitive function, optimal detoxification, and emotional well-being. This fundamental role of hydration explains why it is our most immediate and vital need. The water cycle, in its brilliance, demonstrates how water's transformation is pivotal for the Earth's rejuvenation and for humanity's.

The Underlying Message

If water, as a medium of consciousness, reflects and amplifies our intentions and emotions, a profound question arises: In our capacity as beings composed mostly of water, how do we transform and elevate ourselves through a conscious awareness of this relationship? As we continue to delve into the depths of water's consciousness, we embark on a journey that intertwines science, spirituality, and the boundless potential of humanity's connection with the natural world. Altogether, it becomes undeniably evident that water's transformative influence shapes our lives in ways we've barely yet to comprehend.

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