Latest News

    Time for self-improvement? ...Or something different?

    Self-care is often touted at the start of a new year, with a focus on personal growth and self-improvement; think New Year's resolutions. However, among all the self-betterment options out there, BreakThrough stands out with a somewhat unique and unconventional approach.
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    Jan 10, 2025

    Members Matrix Session for 2025

    We kick off 2025 with a potent matrix session that should not be missed. Whether listening now or 5 years from now, this session will have timeless resonance.
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    Jan 08, 2025

    Why Do I Teach BodyTalk?

    The gifts of teaching and practicing BodyTalk go far beyond better physical or even mental health. For many, BodyTalk is a path of surrender and non-attachment that supports a deeper inner journey. In this respect, for some it is a path of karma yoga.
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    Oct 22, 2024

    Interviews, Explorations, Aha Moments

    IBA members worldwide are creating content that is both inspiring and educational in support of greater global awareness of BodyTalk, MindScape, BreakThrough and FreeFall. Not only that, but many of these explorations are powerful enough to cause lasting shifts in perspective.
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    Oct 01, 2024

    IBA Special Vlog Series

    We're excited to announce a vlog series we are now offering to our members, students and anyone who wants to listen. Tune in for episodes on a variety of topics.
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    Sep 12, 2024

    The Role of Local BodyTalk Associations

    Local associations or smaller, focused collectives of BodyTalkers can meet needs for Students, Practitioners, and Instructors of BodyTalk that cannot be as easily met at the global level. Let's support these collectives.
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    Aug 27, 2024

    BodyTalk and Nursing

    As a night shift nurse, I began practicing the techniques from my BodyTalk Fundamentals class on my colleagues, and amazing results started occurring. A colleague who was at risk of delivering her baby prematurely stopped going to the emergency room, carried her baby to term, and delivered naturally and healthily! Colleagues who had trouble conceiving, had polycystic ovaries (PCOS), or other issues, started becoming pregnant and growing their families.
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    Aug 09, 2024

    KISS: Keep It Simple, Sheila

    I have been a BodyTalk instructor for nearly 20 years, and I love telling the story of the single link our founder Dr. John Veltheim did for a young girl in complete endocrine failure whose doctors were stumped. John anticipated a complicated unfolding of BodyTalk formulas to help save this girl's life. Yet, as he sat down, the single "priority" was SB (the sphenobasilar junction in the skull). He unlocked it, and that was the end of the session...
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    Jun 11, 2024

    Create Connection Within Your BodyTalk Community

    There is an absolute possibility to create connections once again in our local areas. Often, when practitioners in a community feel connected, they experience an enthusiasm for the work they do and feel supported by those around them, as well as the honor of being able to provide support to others. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded of how amazing it feels to "be connected" and experience mutual support.
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    May 08, 2024

    Specialty Course Spotlight: Energetics and More

    Lymphatic work was an important part of our founder Dr. John Veltheim's background before creating BodyTalk, hence the Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage presented in the Mod 5 courses. Chiropractic and manual therapy work were also an essential part of his sensibilities and background; out of this came his Physical Energetics course.
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    Mar 08, 2024

    Two New Core Learning Opportunities

    We are incredibly excited to announce the launch of two new learning opportunities within the IBA's foundational courses. (Mod 5) BodyTalk: Lymphatic Drainage & Applied A&P, one of our core modules, has been adapted, updated, and repackaged into two separate classes that will be far more accessible to beginner students, to the public, and to anyone looking to upgrade their practice.
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    Feb 29, 2024

    Discover Your Inner Detective

    In BreakThrough, BodyTalk and MindScape we rely on two key elements: Curiosity and our Inner Detective. This is because our work is all about searching for clues; about exploring. But how do we make the most of this detective work?
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    Feb 13, 2024

    Beauty, Pain, Belief Connections

    It has been quite a journey putting together a series of three BodyTalk sessions that build exponentially as a group. My interest in symmetry started with facial imbalances. Sometimes, one eye is larger, sunken, or lower than the other. This led me to delve into the entire body and mind. The golden mean ratio and the Fibonacci sequence both support the beauty of our natural symmetry.
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    Oct 03, 2023

    IBA Classes Support Harmony

    For many of us, the mind is often experienced as a messy, obsessive cluster of contradicting desires, thoughts, needs and impulses. What are we to do? The IBA offers multiple tools that support harmony of mind.
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    Sep 12, 2023

    The Extraordinary Way of Water

    In unveiling the relationship between water and consciousness, we must ask what influence our own thoughts, moods and energies have on our bodies, given that humans are predominantly composed of water. Intriguingly, science has yet to pinpoint a brain region for housing long-term memory. Researchers are increasingly convinced that these memories reside within the water structure of peripheral muscles and fascia.
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    Aug 23, 2023

    A Protocol as a Pathway

    We never practice BreakThrough alone – it is a process that always involves at least two people; when more are added to the mix another kind of alchemy occurs. The 'Protocol' – seven very clear Steps – opens a creative pathway guiding participants into the experience of Being. Here, the constant chatter of the mind stops, or at least ceases to matter.
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    Jul 31, 2023

    Water: The Enigmatic Elixir

    Water is an enigma that fascinates scientists and philosophers alike. From its incredible properties that set it apart from other substances to its mysterious behavior at the molecular level, water remains one of the most amazing and least understood substances on Earth. Despite its abundance, the depths of its complexities leave us marveling at the wonders of this miraculous liquid.
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    Jul 27, 2023

    New Movement Possibilities Evolve

    The Feldenkrais Method, much like the IBA's modalities, enhances our focus and awareness, fostering curiosity towards our bodies, minds, and the link between them. Its lessons offer a blueprint for relearning basic functional movements that were natural to us as children. The aim is to reawaken the movement part of the brain, encouraging a more integrated use of the entire self.
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    Jul 06, 2023

    The Water In You

    Water is part of the symbolic heritage of all cultures. The BodyTalk System, founded by Dr. John Veltheim, holds water in extremely high regard. The Hydration Technique, which emphasizes the balanced and free movement of water across cell membranes, is taught to all new students during the BodyTalk Access or BodyTalk Fundamentals seminars.
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    Jun 29, 2023

    Working Harder Than We Need To

    Cross your arms. Notice which one is on top. What would it feel like to reverse that? Now interlace your fingers. Again, notice which is on top and reverse that too. We all have an automatic default mode when performing these and thousands of other actions. As we pay attention to our movements, we can explore variations that offer more ease and pleasure--and less pain. A whole new world can open up.
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    Jun 15, 2023

    Getting Out of the Way

    As practitioners, our primary work is finding ways to "get out of the way." But what is it that is getting in the way? When we say, "you need to get out of the way," what or who is this you to which we are referring?
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    Apr 27, 2023

    Work with Pets

    We've all been drawn to BodyTalk, MindScape or BreakThrough for myriad reasons. Once we start doing the work, many of us quickly ask, "Can this be used on my pets too?" While MindScape has some very fun and exciting applications for animal work, BodyTalk tends to be most people's go-to modality when it comes to extending IBA's healing work to their pets.
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    Apr 05, 2023

    An Instructor Honors John Veltheim and His Legacy

    A few months before our Founder, John's, passing, we received a beautiful writeup from retired IBA Instructor Rosilyn Kinnersley honoring John. Reading it at the time, we were all moved by her beautiful outpouring, and we were able to share her letter with John. But, for some reason putting it in the newsletter at that time didn't feel right. But it does now.
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    Mar 08, 2023

    Discover Your Inner Detective

    In BreakThrough, BodyTalk and MindScape we rely on two key elements: Curiosity and our Inner Detective. This is because our work is all about searching for clues; about exploring. But how do we make the most of this detective work?
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    Feb 13, 2023

    New: Mini Members Conferences

    Change is in the air. Our IBA Global Healing matrix has been navigating its way through waters of uncertainty, but some words keep coming to mind. Inspiration. Fun. Imagination. Curiosity. We don't yet know where these words will take us or all the potential they might hold, but we are starting with regular Mini Conferences for Members.
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    Feb 02, 2023

    A Message for the Year Ahead

    One new tradition we would like to begin this year is bimonthly Members get-togethers. John catalyzed this idea when we came together for his memorial, and most of us agreed it would be a wonderful way to stay in touch and continue supporting and inspiring one another.
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    Jan 06, 2023

    End of Year Message

    Before this year gives its last Hurrah, there is so much to thank you all for. Your inpouring of beautiful letters and reminiscences in the wake of John's death has meant the world. We are now more vividly aware than ever of life's fleetingness and fragility, and this new awareness is, surely, inspiring. In your letters, I have felt this inspiration time and again in your pledges of commitment to spreading the work.
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    Dec 21, 2022

    Online Memorial for John - Recording

    Our live global matrix session and online memorial for John were very special. For those who couldn't join us live but would like to view the recording, we are also grateful for your energetic presence at any time you may be viewing this.
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    Dec 02, 2022

    In Honor of John

    We are profoundly grateful for the many heartwarming messages and condolences that have come in since the announcement of John's passing. We also share a special message to honor John's legacy.
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    Nov 28, 2022

    The Passing of Our Beloved Founder

    In the early hours of this morning, 11/22/22, our beloved John died peacefully at home. In his final days, there was a gentleness in him and a sweet humor, and he was able to engage with family and friends and, thankfully, remained pain-free.
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    Nov 22, 2022

    Tapping Into Adaptability

    Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that health is the capacity of an organism to adapt to challenge. From this perspective, health is not the absence of conflict but rather the ability to grow, to learn, and to overcome the challenges that we meet on our journey.
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    Oct 31, 2022

    BreakThrough: It's More Than Just Beliefs

    BreakThrough is about so much more than conflict resolution and belief systems. The study and practice of BreakThrough and the experience of being led through the BreakThrough Steps has been (and continues to be) nothing short of an in-depth master class in the mind-body connection.
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    Sep 25, 2022

    Trauma and Intuition: A Powerful Link

    Any trauma, whether a single event or over time, is simply a stressor from which someone has had difficulty recovering. Initially, the body can be very clever in how it tries to manage the trauma, as it attempts to keep life functioning as normally as possible. Unfortunately, over time, the accumulated compensations often lead to bodily or mental-emotional deterioration.
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    Sep 22, 2022

    Self-Study Courses for Practitioner Development

    All courses on PaRama Campus are to support students and practitioners in expanding their knowledge and developing themselves. The IBA team has some recommendations for courses related to business growth and client-practitioner relationship building. Here are our top picks to date for supporting your business.
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    Sep 15, 2022

    A Way Back Home

    As the focus on self-care becomes more mainstream, increasing emphasis is given to personal growth and self-improvement. BreakThrough's orientation is quite unconventional and unfamiliar because it has nothing to do with self-improvement. On the contrary, BreakThrough is a deconstructive process.
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    Jul 26, 2022

    Can BreakThrough Help You?

    If you had a magic wand, what might you change about your experience? Is there anything about yourself that you would like to improve or change? Perhaps, a habit you just cannot kick; or a discipline you keep trying to master only to give up again and again.
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    Jul 08, 2022

    The Path to PaRama Practitioner

    Since its inception, John Veltheim has made it clear that the PaRama BodyTalk course is the highest level of BodyTalk training. It is a course that more fully embraces the dynamical systems model introduced in BodyTalk Fundamentals and takes the philosophy of healing and awareness far beyond the physical plane of life. We hope this notice answers all your PaRama questions.
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    Jul 01, 2022

    What Is BreakThrough About?

    Do you remember John Lennon's lyrics from Imagine, describing a world where the things that appear to divide us no longer exist? No heaven, no hell, no religion, no possessions, no countries. But do these things actually divide us, or is it the blame around these things that divides us?
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    Jun 22, 2022

    Build Your Business Savvy

    I began my BodyTalk business by seeing clients after working all day or on my days off. I had no attachments to the outcome, not because an Instructor taught that but because I was unsure how BodyTalk worked. The more I built formulas, the more my confidence built, and the more I built my connection to the BodyTalk System.
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    May 25, 2022

    Thank you, Yoriko Ogura

    Yoriko Ogura, Senior BodyTalk Instructor, is resigning from her position in the BodyTalk System. Yoriko has been invaluable to the IBA and the global BodyTalk community in helping to grow a strong community and foundation for BodyTalk in Japan.
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    May 19, 2022

    Have you taken CDRRRII Plug-In?

    For students who have completed both BodyTalk Fundamentals and the Advanced Protocol and Procedure course, our next two recommended courses are either BodyTalk: Principles of Consciousness (Mod 3) or the CDRRRII Plug-In course
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    Apr 27, 2022

    Finding Healing Through Sexuality

    What is healthy sexuality? It's a question maybe you've never asked yourself. In a society where sexuality is rarely spoken about, even in marriages, close friendships, or between parents and their children, most people do not know what sexual health looks like.
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    Mar 23, 2022

    Featuring Instructors

    If you were able to read my last email, you'd know that I am taking a less outward role at the IBA. Taking a less active role in teaching and developing courses means I'll be highlighting Instructors more and depending on them to be very active in the BodyTalk System.
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    Mar 17, 2022

    From John's Desk

    It's been a long time since I last wrote. It took a while to get used to not traveling as much and not meeting all the new faces in the system, but this past year I've settled into my routine and my quieter pace of life, and I feel very happy.
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    Feb 28, 2022

    BodyTalk Blooms in Brunei

    How one person's journey of self-development ended up helping an entire community and started a full-fledged BodyTalk matrix in a new country.
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    Jan 26, 2022

    Let's Laugh Together

    We've all heard many times that laughter is the best medicine. The great American poet Robert Frost has said that if we couldn't laugh that we'd all go insane. Despite this seemingly common knowledge, it is overwhelmingly easy to take life and all its minor or major roadblocks far too seriously.
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    Dec 21, 2021

    Stress Support and Insights

    With BodyTalk, we have some tools at our immediate disposal to help settle down an overactive stress response. There's the Cortices technique (for self and others), the BodyTalk Access routine, or spending time in our mental MindScape workshop. Then there's general self-care like getting enough sleep, meditation and exercise.
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    Dec 09, 2021

    BodyTalk Access Successes

    We don't know the last time you might have perused the testimonials section of the IBA website. There are certainly some gems. A testimonial is always evergreen. So we hope you enjoy these BodyTalk Access testimonials.
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    Dec 03, 2021

    We've been busy! – Manuals and Courses

    Manuals are a big deal here at the International BodyTalk Association. Nearly all of our courses revolve, in part, around a thoughtfully constructed manual. It is no small feat to update a manual in any language, and it's an even bigger feat to translate a manual into an entirely new language.
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    Dec 03, 2021

    Barefoot BodyTalk Going Strong

    One year ago, we shared the beautiful work being done by BodyTalk Outreach workers Gemma Bunag and her husband Dolps inviting out-of-school children to their farm. Well, it's been a year, and this regular gathering still bears many fruit.
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    Nov 16, 2021

    Other Modalities and BodyTalk

    The Other Modalities segment of our BodyTalk Protocol Chart receives little discussion and yet is a powerful integration tool. You could say that "Other Modalities" is what makes BodyTalk so unique. This one segment is what makes BodyTalk a truly integrative, open-ended system.
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    Nov 01, 2021

    The Death of Me

    At 11 years old, my grandmother's brother, a tall, strong, handsome man of only 48 years old, came to visit. I sensed something was wrong. My grandmother and mother were not home. He left. My mother arrived to find me panicking. She said she would see him later. I was not relieved. The moment is frozen in my mind.
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    Oct 04, 2021

    Are You the Star of Your Own Movie?

    As unique as each of our life stories is, at the deepest level, we share a common, collective story. It is the story of the most fundamental dynamics of being human, and it has been told time and again around the world by means of fairytales.
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    Sep 13, 2021

    BodyTalk Enthusiasm in Switzerland

    The Swiss BodyTalk Association has now been around for seven years. We are a group of 67 BodyTalkers, with 37 of us utilizing BodyTalk professionally in our clinics. The idea to create the association was born out of a need for closer cooperation and when introducing BodyTalk to the public became an increasing priority.
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    Sep 08, 2021

    Finding Normal

    "Normal" is a surprisingly potent word when you think about it. Either we abhor it and long for something special, different and unique. I mean, who wants to be "normal," right? Or, in times like today, full of far more questions, confusion and uncertainty than we are perhaps used to, we long for a return to something more "normal."
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    Aug 31, 2021

    Once Upon a Time

    Just imagine, how differently our lives might have unfolded had each and every day been ushered in with the four simple words: ONCE UPON A TIME ...
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    Aug 27, 2021

    Peek Into the Gut Microbiome

    The last few years have seen a major paradigm shift in our understanding of the role of microbes in our health. This change is akin to the shock when watching the last few minutes of a movie, and it hits you that the villain is the good guy, and the protagonist you have been rooting for is the evil schemer.
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    Aug 25, 2021

    Story Time

    In my travels around the world, I had often discovered legends and fairytales that were unique retellings of ones I had grown up with in England. And then I discovered Joseph Campbell and the Jungian authors who showed how the stories and symbology of myths and fairytales are actually signposts, depicting our life's passages.
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    Aug 16, 2021

    Immune System: Army or Diplomatic Corporation?

    It has become apparent that our viewpoint of the immune system is somewhat outdated. The focus of the immune system has been on its role as an army, defending our borders against deadly pathogens. However, with 100 trillion microbes outnumbering human cells 10:1, it doesn't leave us with very good odds. So is "defense" its primary role?
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    Aug 10, 2021

    We Are Not at War with Microbes

    Since we were infants, most of us in the Western world were warned about the dangers of "germs"--things that would make us sick. But the past decade has also been rich with research ushering in a new paradigm of symbiosis between humans and microbes where the bugs, in fact, are not the bad guys.
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    Jul 01, 2021

    BodyTalk as Radical Remission Modality

    Recently, I had several new clients contact me. They had all heard about BodyTalk from the same book. It is a book that examines a great variety of therapies and methods that have contributed to the remission of severe or life-threatening illness. The book is Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds.
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    Jun 18, 2021

    Reveal Your Everyday Hero

    How often do you set off on your heroic journey as your own antagonist? The mind like a three-headed hydra bursts forth upon waking. The daily "shoulds" and "should nots" rear their ugly heads. The hero knows he fears. He knows that life is precarious. Despite knowing his fragility, he awakens and steps onto the floor.
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    May 14, 2021

    The Heart Is Not a Pump

    For a long time now, I have told students that the heart is not a pump. More recently, I've discussed the relationship between the blood and EZ water and how it is, in fact, the EZ water mechanism that causes blood, or sap in plants, to "pump" through living systems.
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    May 05, 2021

    Tapestry, Ancestry, Generosity & BodyTalk

    Woven on a loom by hand, tapestry work is a highly delicate artisanal craft. It takes a great deal of time, focus and patience. Longtime Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner and retired Instructor, Rosilyn Kinnersley, creates beautiful tapestries and quilts in her downtime, including a tapestry of BodyTalk Founder Dr. John Veltheim.
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    Mar 31, 2021

    Deep Healing with BodyTalk

    Marylene Smeets was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2003. At the time, her doctors told her there was no cure for MS. During the first year, a recurring theme of gut inflammation kept coming up in her BodyTalk sessions, well before any ties between gut health and MS were known. Marylene continually posed the question, "Why gut inflammation? I have a neurological disorder." The process challenged our perceptions.
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    Mar 26, 2021

    BodyTalk Flowering in India

    It all started with a daydream ... the dream to grow BodyTalk in India. Our journey started with well-attended public talks and the first-ever BodyTalk Access class in India in March 2019. BodyTalk has since grown in India year by year. See the journey in photos here.
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    Mar 08, 2021

    Discover the Inner Teacher

    None of us needs to be told that being human is challenging and unpredictable, and that for every up we experience, it can feel as if there are many, many more downs. Oddly, these self-evident facts about being human do not seem to deter us from aiming for perfection; the perfect feeling, the perfect relationship, the perfect look, the perfect life.
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    Jan 15, 2021

    The Spell is Born in MindScape

    I watched its gestational phases in my Mindscape Workshop. It began as a small unidentified object with brewing lava in its center. It grew to a gigantic tree in the middle of my small library. The "it" was my fantasy fiction book The Spell.
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    Jan 13, 2021

    Thank you, Sylvia Muiznieks

    Sylvia Muiznieks, longtime Senior BodyTalk Instructor, is officially retiring from her role as an Instructor of the IBA. Sylvia is co-author on most of the core BodyTalk manuals. She served the IBA as an ambassador for many years, performing academic and advisory roles and establishing and building BodyTalk matrixes around the globe.
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    Jan 12, 2021

    BodyTalk for Animals Going Strong

    The year of 2020 came to a close with the reawakening of the BodyTalk for Animals course (previously known as Mod 8a). In this special "revival" course, seasoned Animal Practitioners and Instructors Ange Trenga-Anderson and Jacquie McIntyre co-taught online to a group of enthusiastic students who had been waiting a long time for this course.
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    Jan 08, 2021

    BodyTalk Outreach in 2020

    Throughout the year, beginning with the Taal Volcano eruption on January 12, the Philippines has endured many challenges. The team of BodyTalk Outreachers has kept pace with each new trial.
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    Dec 17, 2020

    BodyTalk Helps Super Typhoon Victims

    Typhoon Vamco, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Ulysses, hit Manila on November 11. It was a deadly Category 4-equivalent typhoon, causing the worst flooding Metro Manila has seen in 10 years. After driving nine hours through mud and debris, a small team of BodyTalk Access technicians led by Remar Soliza attended to the flood evacuees.
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    Nov 25, 2020

    What does wealth mean to you?

    It is hard to fathom how we got from wealth as a condition of well-being to the connotations that many of us have, which is wealth as something only certain people can have or wealth as a limited commodity.
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    Nov 10, 2020

    BreakThrough 7 Steps Intensive

    If you have ever been led through a BreakThrough 7 Steps you know what powerful shifts in perspective occur. In your very first 7 Steps, you discover that conflict holds all the clues you need to understand why you experience life the way you do. With these insights, it is possible to take practical action where none seemed possible before.
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    Oct 28, 2020

    Online Teaching Staying for Good

    We are happy to announce that all Instructors have been given approval to teach IBA courses online permanently. Of course, we know that many Instructors will also return to teaching in-person when we are no longer in such a socially distanced world. The survey we sent out to students who had attended online courses was overwhelmingly positive.
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    Oct 23, 2020

    The Power of Will

    My whole life I called myself weak. I could never stick to anything. As a child, I would quickly get bored of the picture I was coloring and move on. As a teen, I could never stick to a face-cleaning regimen or a healthy-eating diet. As an adult, I always wondered why I had such a hard time doing the things for myself that made me happy, such as yoga and eating healthfully. In the end, I put it down to me having no will. Consequently, I felt bad about myself all the time.
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    Oct 09, 2020

    Healing Generational Trauma in MindScape

    MindScape is a method to tap into faculties of our intuition, not easily accessible in our everyday state of mind. In this moving article, longtime BodyTalker Dorothy Friesen shares the story of her grandmother showing up in her MindScape "workshop" and apologizing for how her traumatic death influenced Dorothy. As Dorothy moves through a very vivid MindScape experience, she notices that the physical pain she was feeling in her lower back starts to leave.
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    Sep 14, 2020

    Happy News in Brazil

    Our Members in Brazil have been hard at work creating a stronger-than-ever foundation for BodyTalk practitioners and classes. They have been working with the IBA and among themselves to create a Brazilian Association and get better national recognition for the work that is so dear to all our hearts.
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    Sep 09, 2020

    Breaking Out of the Gift-Wrapped Box – Part 2

    What does it mean to get distracted by the gift wrapping? This is when I pay too much attention to the modalities and to myself. I get hung up on whether I'm using the modality correctly, whether I'm doing it "right," whether I've been successful. The time for that is not during the session but afterward, perhaps in the company of a colleague or supervisor. When I busy my attention with these kinds of thoughts during the session I'm not observing. I'm not giving my attention to Innate.
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    Aug 12, 2020

    My BreakThrough Journey

    "This is most unceremonious," said Esther, "we don't even have a cake." In that instant, I knew what was about to happen. I immediately began to shake all over. I had been waiting for this day for over a decade, and it still took me by surprise. "Happy Graduation Day!" ... The deep inner push to be a BreakThrough Instructor came to me out of the blue while in my first class, over 15 years ago. It never left. I was certain it was a task I could never complete.
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    Aug 03, 2020

    The Online Teaching and Learning Experience

    I just wanted to share some of my comments after recently teaching BodyTalk Fundamentals online. Overall, I felt as though it was a very valuable way to provide BodyTalk training. It was wonderful to see so many monitors coming back to the work and to be able to provide training for people who have been trying to get to a class for some time but, due to circumstances, couldn't make it happen. In fact, I think there is a much greater capacity to reach students this way.
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    Jun 04, 2020

    Understanding Distance BodyTalk Sessions

    A distance BodyTalk session is basically the same as an in-person session. Instead of the session being done in person, however, it is facilitated from a distance. One reason science has had difficulty proving the efficacy of distance healing using BodyTalk or other modalities is because it's operating outside the realm of classical physics. Instead it's using concepts from modern physics such as quantum entanglement which come from quantum physics and working with the idea that consciousness is the substrate of all things.
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    May 27, 2020

    Safely Returning to In-Person Practice

    We have received some inquiries on whether or not the IBA has issued any guidelines or recommendations for CBPs as professionals going back to in-person clinic as restrictions lessen in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    May 11, 2020

    The Natural Impulse Towards Self-Healing

    If your aim is to become a better person, this is the place for you. NOT because you will attain any such thing here, on the contrary. This is the place for you because wherever the idea "I am not perfect" exists, so do self-doubt, self-criticism, self-blame and a host of other debilitating convictions. If they are your experience right now, it is no coincidence you are here.
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    May 01, 2020

    Guidelines for Sharing BodyTalk Access

    We are receiving emails asking how BodyTalk Access can be delivered to as many people as possible given the current world pandemic. What we currently need to ask all of you is to please respect the integrity of this incredibly powerful self-help system and leave the teaching of the BodyTalk Access routine to the certified BodyTalk Access Trainers (BATs) who teach it only in the formal seminar setting.
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    Mar 31, 2020

    A Time to Engage

    It is at times like this, when a high profile pandemic hits the news that we humans suddenly become more aware of our humanity and our interconnectedness. Suddenly a common, highly publicized threat seems to unite us all. But why? Why does it take a well-televised global crisis before this can happen, before we are roused from our apathy, before we remember that we are all vulnerable, all human, all interconnected all of the time?
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    Mar 20, 2020

    A Time for BodyTalk

    At a time when many people are concerned about their health or the health of loved ones, or wavering between moments of fear and moments of trying to "know better", or feeling overwhelmed with panic about their financial future or if they can get the groceries they need, The BodyTalk System provides some incredible tools of support. We simply want to encourage and remind those of you who have these tools to be making optimal use of them. To those of you who don't know the tools, there are ways to freely access them.
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    Mar 20, 2020

    Beyond Technique: Professionalism and the Art of Practice

    What sets a successful healthcare practitioner apart from the rest? It's not the technique that they are using, but rather the tools of practice that go above and beyond their modality. In the search for success, practitioners often go chasing the next tool or technique and overlook some of the most important and profoundly effective aspects of practice. The secrets to success lie not in what you do but how you do it.
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    Mar 13, 2020

    Practical Action

    In the words of Socrates, "The unexamined life is not worth living." But what did Socrates mean exactly? Was he advocating we spend our lives analyzing our childhood and analyzing ourselves? Just how much work does life have to be before it stops feeling like one big struggle!?
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    Jan 27, 2020

    An Auspicious Time for BodyTalk Sessions

    On January 12, 2020, a special astrological event will occur--a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. This last occurred 502 years ago in January of 1518. Saturn and Pluto in conjunction in this way points to a turning point in humanity's evolution. Both planets are considered to represent a sort of "tough love" energy in terms of both personal and collective evolution. Pluto's energy of transformation points to this, and Saturn represents that which needs to be released in order for us to move into a new cycle.
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    Dec 07, 2019

    Finding MindScape

    I have not always been creative, I have not always been a writer, and I most definitely have not always been imaginative, let alone intuitive. Heck, I was the farthest thing from any of those descriptions for most of my life. And, YES, I teach MindScape. I'm a MindScape junkie, in fact. I've been teaching the course for almost five years now and it NEVER ceases to blow me away. Rewind 12 years ago and picture this: I was an analytical, left-brained, logic-machine and elite athlete who was studying sports medicine.
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    Nov 07, 2019

    Breaking Out of the Gift-Wrapped Box – Part 1

    BodyTalk Access Trainer Merry Stanford shares her experiences in learning that healing begins the moment a practitioner connects with a client and the importance of having no preconceived notions about any aspect of the client interaction.
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    Sep 11, 2019

    Deep Rest, Deep Sleep, Deep Release

    For many people, the ability to relax, rest, or meditate is often experienced as challenging or stressful. Even if this is you, doesn't that seem strange? Why should a process of deep relaxation be anything but restful? Perhaps it is because our bodies and subconscious thinking processes have become adapted to thinking that "rest" is unproductive or wasted time.
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    Aug 28, 2019

    Cancer "On" to Cancer "Off"

    In Carol Lynne Fouad's self-published book "The Empowered Cancer Journey: Knowing, Doing, Surviving - The Intuitive Approach to Healing," she shares how she knew that after one particular BodyTalk session with CBP Marjorie Panzer in Newport Beach, California, her body ' "flipped the switch" from "cancer on" to "cancer off."
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    Aug 15, 2019

    Asking Healthy Questions

    As small children, asking questions came naturally to us. Filled with curiosity, absorbed, exploring everything, we were never short of questions. After all, informing ourselves is as much a matter of survival as eating or drinking. The questions we ask determine how we navigate life, relationships with others and, most importantly, our relationship with our self.
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    Aug 12, 2019

    BodyTalk Touches Delhi, The Heart of India

    It all started with a daydream I had in the middle of a BodyTalk class. I asked if anybody had tried or would be interested in taking a BodyTalk class to India. No one seemed to know the answer. I checked on the IBA website and found a lone practitioner in India. A year passed by and I met John Veltheim in San Jose for the first time and asked him. It was encouraging to hear that John had been to India a long time ago and there was interest in BodyTalk only if he had stayed... Slowly but surely, the matrix energy started flowing. India opened its arms and welcomed us in its heart--Delhi.
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    Jul 16, 2019

    The Magic of Mod 5

    A year into my practice, I signed up to take Module 5: Lymphatic Drainage and Applied Anatomy and Physiology, not because I was excited by the material but because I was determined to take ALL of the BodyTalk courses. This course represented all of the things that scared me about a practice in healthcare: anatomy, physiology, and working on a body! I hesitantly opened the textbook upon arrival and sat at the back of the room with the hope that no one would notice how little I knew about anatomy and physiology.
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    Jul 11, 2019

    Promoting BodyTalk Access in The Netherlands & Germany

    Last year I turned 50. It was then when this little voice inside me started to call out more loudly to become a full-time BodyTalk Practitioner. Whilst I concluded my work in the international art scene after 20 years, Karen Best trained me to become a BodyTalk Access Trainer. Through teaching Access, my passion to promote and share the Access program more widely grew. Having grown up with the belief-system that everything I really need is within reach or just around the corner, I was convinced that doing some promotional work for BodyTalk Access could be quite fun and easy.
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    May 28, 2019

    BodyTalk in Nepal: A Love Story

    Last year, a group of volunteer medical practitioners from the U.S. and Europe traveled to Nepal with the goal of providing free holistic health care to the Nepalese and Tibetan refugee communities. Many areas in Nepal are still without basic services, including healthcare, in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake and the 2017 flood. In this story, Janet Galipo and Elzabieta Kosmicki describe their rewarding experience of sharing BodyTalk with Nepalese families, children, the elderly, monks and nuns.
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    May 28, 2019

    Sharpening the Intellect

    To sharpen our intellect is not something many of us have been taught to do. Many educational institutions and religions and philosophies have taught us quite the opposite: dependence and subservience. They have taught us to even undertake practices to dull our intellect.
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    May 22, 2019

    BodyTalk for Animals Revival

    BodyTalk for Animals is a program that is so dear to our hearts. It has such potential to enhance the grounding and nurturing energy of the whole BodyTalk System and Life Sciences. Shifts in requirements and changes in available instructors and leadership brought the program to a pause for a little while. But new seeds have been planted and we are preparing to re-instate the program from a place of sincere commitment and respect towards the work, the animals, and the people who love them.
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    May 21, 2019

    Our Struggle with Self

    When left to its own devices, the head brain becomes a compulsive hoarder. It accumulates and stockpiles learned information and stories, squirreling them away as if readying itself for a famine. The greater the head brain's hoard of learned information and stories, the more adept it is at steamrolling intuition and guarding against the heart. Like any addictive behavior, the head brain's compulsion to learn and cling escalates until pathology successfully masquerades as a necessity: hoarding becomes essential to living.
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    May 10, 2019

    Big Shifts on PaRama Campus

    New unlimited access to BodyTalk Advanced Protocol course AND new free access to all other purchased courses for one year ... Whether you are a regular PaRama Campus visitor or wandered away and haven't been back in some time, we just released some big changes that we feel will greatly enhance your online learning experience.
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    Apr 04, 2019

    Satsang: The Art of Questioning

    I have long dreamed of offering a class with no pre-requisites and no pre-designed format. A class that has nothing to do with answers and everything to do with the questions themselves.
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    Apr 03, 2019

    2021 Members Conference Update

    As a web-based organization, to best serve our Members our top priority right now is the updating and streamlining of our online platforms, so we have taken the tentatively planned 2021 Members Conference in Australia off the agenda.
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    Apr 02, 2019

    You Are Not Your Diagnosis

    The title of Lyn Delmastro-Thomson's book, You Are Not Your Diagnosis, speaks to both her personal experience with a mis-diagnosis of leukemia and her desire to help others see past labels.
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    Mar 13, 2019

    Shift Happens: The Yin and Yang of Life

    Robyn Whatley-Kahn shares her personal ups and downs with BodyTalk, and she also just so happens to have compiled a beautiful photography book featuring her current island home of Ikaria, Greece.
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    Mar 13, 2019

    BreakThrough 7 Steps Exploration

    One of the reasons students do not even try leading a 7 Steps after taking BreakThrough 1 is because they lack confidence. But that rationale is backwards, because this work is not at all about perfection or achieving an end goal or becoming an expert. On the contrary, the whole purpose of the 7 Steps is for you use them to catalyze your own journey of self-inquiry.
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    Mar 12, 2019

    Access Outreach in Nairobi's Slums

    I would like to thank the IBF for supporting the BodyTalk Access Outreach program in Kenya. And a big thank you to Homeira Ghanongooi-Franke for her commitment and enthusiasm in providing BodyTalk Access training to the students of Sai Seva Primary School in Kawangware, a slum in Nairobi, Kenya. I was privileged to coordinate this Outreach event. The students of Sai Seva school all come from very poor and disadvantaged backgrounds.
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    Dec 04, 2018

    BodyTalk Outreachers in the War-Torn Philippines: A Pictorial

    Earlier this year, I returned from my travels in the Philippines having witnessed the strong commitment of BodyTalk Outreachers. I was and continue to be humbled and impressed by their efforts to bring BodyTalk Access to the neediest communities, amidst challenging social and political situations. Neither the scorching summer heat nor the sound of falling bombs deterred the intrepid team of Outreachers.
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    Dec 04, 2018

    Supporting the Outreachers

    BodyTalk Access Outreach is a program supported by the IBA and International BodyTalk Foundation (IBF) that serves those people around the world who receive inadequate healthcare or no healthcare at all. While many adults in these communities are often taught the Access techniques, the Outreach program also teaches a lot of children who can take the techniques home to help their families and animals.
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    Dec 04, 2018

    What Drives You?

    Overdoing it is something we all have a wee bit of experience with. Your system feels exhausted, you know you need a break and yet, you push on. Your tummy feels stuffed beyond enjoyment, but you ignore its groans and tell yourself, "just a few more bites." You feel parched as you look at your empty water glass and think, "I'll refill it as soon as I get this done." An hour later your mouth is dry and you still have no water. You offer to help a friend out and before you know it you are doing the whole job. You have a glass of wine and before you know it you have finished the whole bottle. "How did that happen!?"
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    Nov 01, 2018

    The Tiniest Tap

    When it comes to John's latest course, the analogy of the butterfly and the tornado seems most fitting. Not just because BodyTalk Direct involves the concept of torsion fields and John actually teaches about the healing nature of tornadoes. The Butterfly Effect is also most applicable to BodyTalk Direct because the gentlest, simplest of techniques sets in motion a profound ripple effect throughout the system and beyond.
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    Sep 19, 2018

    The Debilitating Nature of Fatigue

    The first topic in our Vitality and Clarity Group Session Series (renamed from Get Comfortable and Clear Series) kicks off next week, and there is a poignant tale to it. This is because John's own personal struggle and eventual triumph over chronic fatigue were the catalysts for the birth of the BodyTalk System.
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    Sep 06, 2018

    BodyTalk Direct

    John's new breakthrough course on torsion fields and instant communication takes him on the road for the first time in two years.
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    Aug 09, 2018

    Making Those Magical Connections: Interphasing the BodyTalk Modules

    Just as certain information and techniques in the Fundamentals course may not always be implemented in a BodyTalk session, those in advanced modules often do not come up as well. The knowledge seems fascinating when learned, so why does this occur, and how can it be better applied by the practitioner, who also inherently benefits from giving a session?
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    Jul 19, 2018

    The Magic of Distance Sessions

    Distant healing sessions allow for the benefits of healing regardless of an individual being physically present with the practitioner. Also known as remote healing, it has been practiced for centuries with countless testimonials attesting to improvements in the mindbody complex. Although long-practiced in the East, its efficacy is being recognized in clinical studies to a much greater extent in the West.
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    Jul 03, 2018

    Respecting Innate: Three Principles of Practice

    The term Evidence-Based Medicine, aka Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) has been heavily studied and implemented in many circles of research and professional practice. It is widely considered the gold standard for the quality of patient care within the medical community. The chosen descriptor for the BodyTalk System is Consciousness-Based Healthcare (CBH), or sometimes priority-driven practice. The differences and similarities between EBP and CBH are interesting to note.
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    Jun 21, 2018

    Meet Tim Hall

    Tim has been a BodyTalker since 2002 and considers himself a student to human nature.
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    Jun 21, 2018

    Volunteering for Veterans

    Volunteering to help veterans using BodyTalk has been very rewarding! I have been volunteering for causes I believe in since I was 24 years old. I'm in my 60s now, so it's been quite a long time.
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    Jun 21, 2018

    Sincere Support for the Aging Population

    Imagine a big family all living together in a rustic villa in Siena, Italy. Dad runs a shop in the day. Mom manages housework and kids. Auntie and Uncle run errands, help with the shop and tend to the garden and animals. Grandma, though widowed, helps in any way she can; some days its feeding chickens, sometimes its making dinner, but her favorite task is being babysitter to her grandkids... In an ideal world, this is the way our elders would age.
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    Jun 14, 2018

    John's Summer 2018 Schedule

    John's lineup of summer courses is here. We hope you can attend as many of the courses or group sessions that call to you, and that you can find a cool or cozy corner to cuddle up with your laptop (depending on which hemisphere you find yourself).
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    May 26, 2018

    Why I love the ABA Conference

    I recently celebrated 12 years in the IBA community and 4 years holding space as the president of The Australian BodyTalk Association Inc. (ABA), a position that has deeply enriched me and provided many opportunities for learning. Historically, one of my most favorite events on our calendar for BodyTalk in Australia is our national Conference... not to be confused with the IBA Members Conference in Australia happening in a couple years' time.
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    May 17, 2018

    What the Animals Teach Us About Healthy Boundaries

    Change is exciting. It allows old stagnation that no longer serves us to dissipate. It allows for new awareness and for life to work for you and through you. Change can be easy and effortless. Or it can come with pain. Apparently, I used to like my lessons to hit me like a two-by-four over the head. Until I decided I'd prefer a gentler approach. The gentler approach, I found, had to do with healthy boundaries. Of course, as an animal professional I thought, "I wonder how the animals will reflect that around me now that I'm exploring it?" Let's see what the animals show us.
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    May 17, 2018

    Data Removal Notice

    The IBA is making a variety of changes to be in compliance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As part of our overall data privacy efforts we are asking all IBA Members, past and present, to let us know if they have any material on our website that they authored or in any way contributed towards that they would like to have removed.
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    May 09, 2018

    GDPR for IBA and Data Security

    Data privacy has been in a lot of headlines lately and so it's important to let you know what the IBA is doing to protect your data. Last time I talked about the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), providing a summary of the law as we believe it pertains to us, the IBA. Now I am going to let you know what changes we are going to make to comply with this law. ... Another big change in 2018 is the new Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) change. Many of you may already know about this but for those of you who don't, let me offer some background.
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    Apr 28, 2018

    The Gift of Animals, Part 2

    Horses, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, mice ... all taught me how to be the human being I am today. I've been on television and radio many times, am known all over the United States, and have students and clients around the world. ... But, I started out a lonely, only child in an isolated rural area outside of Austin, Texas. My first love was four-legged and hairy, with big brown eyes that saw through to my soul, and a pair of lips that could open any gate.
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    Apr 11, 2018

    Building En Bonne France

    The retreat centre Domaine d'En Bonnes in the South of France just outside of Toulouse is set in a beautiful park with many trees, a swimming pool and a lake, close to the little village of Fanjeaux. We are lucky to live in a part of France that is still very authentic and where life is simple and rich with wonderful treats like local organic wines, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, oils and meats. We just finished the renovation of our seminar room (it used to be a barn) and will be open for reservations in May 2018.
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    Apr 11, 2018

    Retro Course from John

    I am really looking forward to going back to my roots to teach a course that has always been one of my favorites. I've been teaching Traditional 5 Element Acupuncture for about 40 years and have found that students find it very informative and helpful as a tool to incorporate into their healthcare practices regardless of their background.
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    Apr 09, 2018

    GDPR: What You Need to Know

    By now, many of you may or may not be aware of a new European law pertaining to data protection. This law is commonly known as the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR and it replaces the 1995 EU Data Privacy Directive. My goal here is to ensure everyone is aware of this new law so you can determine how it may affect you. In a future article, I will let you know what the IBA is doing to comply. In the meantime, here is a summary of my understanding of the new law.
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    Apr 03, 2018

    Bring Your Questions

    Our founders, John and Esther Veltheim, are once again opening the floor to any and all questions related to BodyTalk, health, the Life Science courses, and/or questions about the spiritual process through the Livestream chat format. This time, the floor is open not only to Members, but also to Non-Members and the public. This is a great opportunity for Practitioners to encourage their clients, friends and family to participate in an open Q&A.
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    Mar 28, 2018

    Fundamentals Manual Updates

    We are pleased to announce that we have an updated BodyTalk Fundamentals manual that Instructors will start handing out to new students once their current manual supplies run out.
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    Mar 27, 2018

    CEU Changes for Instructors and CBPs

    Effective January 1, 2018: Group Sessions now provide 1 CEU per session (3 CEUs for a series of three), also, CEUs are now eligible to roll over into your next 2-year CEU time frame.
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    Mar 02, 2018

    The Gift of Intellect

    'Intellect' denotes a mechanism of mind that has the potential to function in various ways. The intellect is the thinking function. One of the intellect's primary jobs is to "cut through" mental complications. Children do this so well. They look at something the adults are doing and a simple question from them can sometimes help the adults realize how ridiculously they are behaving. The child sees the complicated behavior and a simple "Why?" cuts through the complication. This ability is why intellect is often depicted as a sword in mythological studies and Tarot decks. When we make the most of our intellect, it has the ability to cut through the most complicated-seeming issue; to simplify, and to deeply inform us.
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    Feb 25, 2018

    Paying It Forward

    The Gift of BodyTalk: My Story of Volunteering

    Britt Toksvig Jorgensen shares her trials and triumphs, the gifts and frustrations, and some practical insights about doing volunteer BodyTalk work and partnering with non-profit organizations. Don't be surprised if Britt's beautifully honest article makes you decide you want to start offering volunteer BodyTalk sessions yourself.
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    Feb 12, 2018

    Britt, San San and Four Hands BodyTalk

    Since August 2016, I have had the pleasure of the company of my colleague San San Lee at the refugee center in Kuala Lumpur. We show up at the medical clinic every Tuesday and work with the refugees who are mostly from Afghanistan. Previously, I had enjoyed pairing up with colleagues for the same session during courses or study groups. It is nice to have that now on a weekly basis.
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    Feb 12, 2018

    The Prevalence of Complex PTSD

    When many of us think of PTSD, we often imagine a single, severely traumatic event (war, accident, rape etc.). This event can still have several incidences, but they tend to be put under the one umbrella even though we may need to address the specific components. However, as practitioners, we will more often need to address Complex PTSD also known as C-PTSD. This particular stress disorder generally results from prolonged and repetitive trauma. It frequently involves abuse or abandonment by a family member or caregiver in a situation where the power dynamic is skewed.
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    Feb 12, 2018

    Questioning and the Spiritual Process

    Spiritual process. Ask twenty different people what these two little words signify for them and you will probably receive twenty different responses. But, chances are quite a few of these explanations will contain the term becoming enlightened. Spiritual process. Becoming enlightened. Being a spiritual person. Most anyone involved in alternative healing or any kind of yoga will have come across such terminology or even regularly use these terms themselves. The subject of spirituality can be highly seductive, daunting and confusing. After all, the language we have for the spiritual life is laden with connotations, and conflicting-seeming schools of thought abound.
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    Jan 18, 2018

    What Is It to FreeFall?

    The idea of exposing one's self at all levels of being (physical, emotional, spiritual) to allow for truer vision into who we are appealed to me even though there was fear and inhibition. My ego had persuasive methods to make me feel and think that doing something as audacious as undressing in front of other people should be considered plain old crazy. Who in their right mind would pay to be that uncomfortable and for what purpose?
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    Dec 19, 2017

    The Gift of Animals, Part 1

    Animals are highly sentient feeling beings. Their wisdom is extraordinary and profound, and is best illuminated through the art of animal communication. When we talk to them energetically and telepathically, we discover that they are in fact intelligent, evolved, connected spiritual beings. In taking a stand for animal intelligence it is necessary to embrace our intuitive, subtle senses.
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    Dec 19, 2017

    John's 2018 Course Lineup

    During his continued travel hiatus, John has decided to keep himself very busy offering a wide variety of course, group session, and meeting opportunities during January and February 2018. We hope you can join us.
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    Dec 13, 2017

    Best Wishes Loesje

    Our dear friend and esteemed IBA Instructor, Loesje Jacob resigns from the IBA. Her love for BodyTalk and animals made an impression on many of us, not to mention the important work she has done to develop and expand BodyTalk across the world.
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    Nov 24, 2017

    Loving What I Do

    I am Dr. Jacquilen Fostor Tomas, Ali, a Philadelphia-based Naturopathic Physician (ND), BodyTalk Access Trainer, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and a Board Member of the BodyTalk MidAtlantic Association. In addition, I am a Certified Nutritional Counselor (CNC), Certified Holistic Cancer Educator and Master Herbalist (MH). Sounds like I'm an overachiever? Well, yeah, that's how I was raised. African-American families understood that we couldn't be average, we had to go above and beyond "average."
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    Nov 01, 2017

    Meet Jacquilen

    While Jacquilen's story was already quite personal, we still thought we'd ask her the five questions we like to ask all our contributing writers.
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    Nov 01, 2017

    BodyTalk Malaysia Here We Come

    I moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia about two and a half years ago with my family. I had never been to the country before, knew no one and was the only CBP. My plan was to take six months study sabbatical before venturing into setting up shop. As it turned out, the universe had other plans for BodyTalk in Malaysia.
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    Nov 01, 2017

    The Metaphysics of Treating

    There exists to this day no universally agreed upon definition of metaphysics. It is a word that evokes both fascination and bewilderment and is prone to colorful and sometimes fear-engendering interpretations. This is one of the reasons why, until now, I have tended to use the generic term "philosophy" in my classes instead of specifying "metaphysics." It has long been clear to me that before I use the word metaphysics, this provocative little word needs a course unto itself; a course dedicated to metaphysics as it relates to our work.
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    Oct 03, 2017

    Meet Gayathri

    Gayathri is a certified Ayurvedic Wellness practitioner and combines her BodyTalk practice with other health modalities. She practices in Shoreline (North Seattle), Washington, USA and spends part of her time in India.
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    Sep 19, 2017

    Practitioner Development Strategies

    Like many of you, my initial foray into a BodyTalk practice came with many questions: Now what? What should I call my practice? How will clients find me? Who should I work on? Do I know enough? Is there another course that will help? The questions multiplied along the way and came with a lot of self-doubt that blurred my vision. I had no execution or business plan. Many practitioners notice shifts and swings in their existing client practice, and most simply struggle with launching out of the gate. An execution plan with a strategy for your business accompanied by a continuous improvement process plan serves you well.
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    Sep 19, 2017

    Healing with Crystals

    At our 2017 IBA Heart and Soul Conference, Paola's presentation on crystals and the Cardinal Method of Life Connection spurred a lot of questions from intrigued Members who wondered how they might learn more, either to practice crystal sessions on themselves, or how to utilize them on a priority basis in a BodyTalk session. The crystal constellation session she did with John and Conference participants was powerfully felt and encouraged even greater curiosity. We asked Paola if she would write an article to follow up her presentation. She graciously agreed.
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    Aug 19, 2017

    What a Journey

    Now that the sun has set on our 2017 IBA Members Conference and we have all had the chance to rest and integrate our experiences a little, it feels like time to reflect on the many wonderful moments we shared in the name of Heart and Soul. For those of you in attendance, consider this reminiscing. For those of you who couldn't attend, we hope you enjoy this peek into a very special event.
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    Aug 11, 2017

    Meet Karen

    We got the chance to catch up with Karen a little before she set off on her Frequency Experiment Tour, which kicked off Saturday, July 22, 2017 in her home town of Mill Valley, California.
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    Jul 19, 2017

    BodyTalk and Music

    When I first started practicing BodyTalk in 2002, I delved into it full force, as I had done with (almost) everything in life, including my music career. Coming out of high school and college as a singer/songwriter/guitarist, I started touring, receiving awards and living the musician life along the way--until my health deteriorated, and my body forced me to stop.
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    Jul 19, 2017

    BodyTalk Access Outreach to Workers in Manila

    "Most workers in the Philippines hardly make ends meet," say Access Trainers Remar Soliza and Alan Along, Filipino CBPs who engaged some 31 workers in a BodyTalk Access Outreach in Metro Manila last June 17 (pictured below). "They receive less than 10 dollars a day and have no health insurance. With no savings and poor healthcare policies, an extra burden is placed on families when a member gets sick."
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    Jul 14, 2017


    So you've decided to start your BodyTalk practice. You get everything set up and ready for clients. You know how amazing BodyTalk is and you feel the entire world could benefit from it. You decide you'll do some marketing to get the word out. You start using words like consciousness, innate wisdom and inborn intelligence and you've just lost the attention of the general public.
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    Jul 14, 2017

    Meet Sherri

    As a hard-working mom, Sherri is usually the one behind the camera. We asked Sherri to take a moment to answer a few questions.
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    Jul 14, 2017

    New Course Prices

    As you know, John feels that we need to reduce the cost of our courses to make learning BodyTalk more affordable for everyone and thus open up more learning opportunities. Some of you have questions about this which we seek to address here.
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    Jul 14, 2017

    Planting Roots in Magical Kenya

    "Magical Kenya" is the name of the Kenya airways Boing 787 in which I embarked on my journey to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to share BodyTalk Access magic. This wasn't a coincidence, as the trip turned out to be magical in every way. Kenya is a vibrant and colorful country, but their healthcare system has been in turmoil. Public health is poor, and there was a 100-day health strike earlier this year that took a heavy toll on the majority of Kenyans, as most of them cannot afford private care.
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    Jun 16, 2017

    South African BodyTalk Association Wellness Day

    The South African BodyTalk Association (SABA) is an association of current IBA instructors, practitioners and students from across South Africa. SABA is committed to continually growing consumer awareness of the BodyTalk System as a fully integrated WholeHealthCare system and promoting its benefits to humans and animals.
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    Jun 16, 2017

    Meet Antonia

    If I could do anything in the world at this moment, it would be to provide a safe, loving space within which individuals can learn basic tools of self-empowerment and joyful living.
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    Jun 02, 2017

    Rising in Phoenixville: Here Comes the Sun

    In February, I enrolled in The Soul's Journey: Exploring the Mind and Three Brains course taught by Dr. John Veltheim in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. The calling to do so was very strong. I knew that the course would be profoundly life changing, and that I needed to be in Phoenixville, details not specific. A part of it had to do with an image of the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes that appeared in my consciousness, and this archetype of alchemy reassured me that I was on the right path.
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    Jun 02, 2017

    Understanding Versus Knowledge

    It always has been my vision that BodyTalk would evolve and shift not only as new scientific breakthroughs came to light but also as the intuitive understanding of the system deepened. My own research has contributed significantly to the ongoing development of BodyTalk, however the more essential component in BodyTalk's continued advancement and success has been the deepening of my own understanding and that of our many practitioners.
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    May 24, 2017

    IBA Conference Open to All

    Welcome All Healthcare and Wellness Practitioners, This year's Conference is oriented around BodyTalk Founder, Dr. John Veltheim's latest course, The Soul's Journey: Exploring the Mind and the Three Brains. In light of John's determination to give practitioners in all healthcare fields access to his work, we will be breaking with tradition this year. We are welcoming non-Members to attend the Live Streaming of our 2017 Members Conference. No previous training in BodyTalk is required for you to reap deep benefit from all our presentations.
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    May 13, 2017

    Get to Know Terryann

    I was born smack dab at start of the '60s. The typical Greek family was changing. The typical conflicts, such as who a daughter was going to be married off to, shifted to women standing up for themselves. At 9 I declared I would never get married! What dominated the coffee klatches were complaints about men, and I heard everything. Even as a tiny child I wanted to help.
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    May 12, 2017

    BreakThrough: The Beginning of My Journey

    A singular moment changed my life; in 2005 I walked into a BreakThrough class. Beforehand all I had encountered were platitudes about "changing beliefs," which was, to me, counter-intuitive. I did not want to change my beliefs; I was seeking a way out of the mind's hold on me entirely. As I listened to the lecture and watched someone be led through BreakThrough's Seven Steps, I thought to myself "this is it." I still was not completely sure of what I had stumbled upon but the powerful feeling of relief from the chaos of my mind was enough. I was hooked.
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    May 12, 2017

    I Just Have to Be Me, and That Is Good!

    I grew up with the soundtrack "Free To Be... You and Me" playing in the background at home, as if it was a set of theme songs for my childhood. If you know that album, you might remember the primary message was that, regardless if you were a boy or a girl, you can achieve anything!
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    May 12, 2017

    BodyTalk Finds a Place in Holistic Nursing

    Over twelve years ago, in December, 2004, I was told that I would be dead in six months ... Obviously, since I am writing this, that didn't happen. But that day initiated a series of "coincidences" that led me to BodyTalk and changed the course of my life. ... This year, I had the honor of being nominated for The American Holistic Nursing Association board, and Access was chosen as one of the presentations that will support this year's theme: 21st Century Holistic Nursing, Reshaping Health & Wellness.
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    Apr 06, 2017

    New Tapping Technique for all BodyTalkers

    An important change has been made to the way we implement all BodyTalk formulas. This article has been written to distill the wisdom behind tapping the Three Brains. If you teach any BodyTalk course, be it Access or PaRama, or if you give public presentations on BodyTalk, we would like the basic principles of the Three Brain Complex and the Three Brains Tapping Technique to be explained to students. It should also be a technique all practitioners incorporate into their work with clients.
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    Mar 16, 2017

    Cultivating Access: The Art of Fostering a Daily Practice

    When it comes to the BodyTalk Access course, you are approaching people in a way that you are introducing them to a new sort of ritual in their lifestyle. Every day, almost everybody performs some kind of positive repetitive action as a way of protection, relaxing, or of strengthening some quality. ... It's true that the Access Routine is only ten minutes, but in reality, you are adding ten minutes to something you already do. The overall time can be significant for a busy Western person. Eventually, you have to give up one ritual in order to keep another one that works better.
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    Mar 02, 2017

    Terminology in Treatment

    We should all generally understand that when treating clients, it is important to use terminology that they can understand and not use technical terms or terminology that may either confuse them or have no meaning to them. That said, there are situations where using the correct terminology is important.
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    Mar 02, 2017

    Birthing Our Conference

    "Heart and Soul," the Theme of our 2017 IBA Members Conference was inspired by John's latest course, The Soul's Journey: Exploring the Mind and Three Brains. Before we jump ahead of ourselves in providing you with more conference details, we thought you might enjoy hearing about our remarkable experience thus far in bringing Course and Conference together.
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    Jan 27, 2017

    Seminar House in the Healing Bavarian Forest

    My name is Sabine Marschall. Five years ago, my soul's journey took me to a very special place called Eizersdorf in the Bavarian Forest of Germany. Amazingly, several years later, I was able to realize my dream of creating a center that fosters consciousness and connection right at its heart. In October 2015, I officially opened the "Seminarhaus am Goldsteig."
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    Jan 27, 2017

    Understanding the Healing Process

    An issue that occasionally comes up with clients is the need to understand the difference between a healing crisis and a healing process. As you know, I often talk about the fact that frequently in different forms of therapy, including natural therapy, the way it is performed can lead to a crisis situation in the body. In BodyTalk, however, the way we perform our treatments should never cause a crisis.
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    Jan 13, 2017

    Volunteering to Tap

    I recently had the privilege of volunteering my time and skills as an Access Trainer to teach BodyTalk Access to 14 dedicated healthcare workers from the Hokisa Home for Kids in my local community in Cape Town, South Africa. Hokisa focuses on caring for children living with and affected by HIV/Aids in a full-time family environment. ... I was humbled at how gratefully the training was received. It was tremendously exciting to see the staff implement their new skills, not only at Hokisa, but also back in their own communities, helping family, friends, and neighbors with health issues.
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    Dec 16, 2016

    Access to Belonging

    I remember my first Divinity class at boarding school, aged 8; we had not been there a wet week when the Master hushed us all and asked, "When did you decide that you belonged to the school?" I sat there with tears running down my cheeks thinking to myself "I do not Belong to the school, I belong to me and to my parents, I belong at home not here." His next question was "Do you belong when you put the uniform on? When you drive through the gates? When you came to visit on open day? At what point do you Belong to the school?" Looking back, it was an extremely profound question to ask a class of 12 eight-year-olds, and I still ponder it to this day.
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    Dec 02, 2016

    The Value of Connection

    As we learn in the Principles of Consciousness course, we are all ultimately striving for connection. The course describes the peace that we can feel when we have, "...connection with our families, our communities, the world, and God or some other symbol of divine consciousness." Engaging at any one of these levels (or all of them) can dramatically shift your experience of reality because as we connect with others we better understand our Self.
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    Nov 18, 2016

    The Gift of FreeFalling

    FreeFall is in Brazil. Can you feel it? Here I am, stepping out of the plane into my birth place: Rio de Janeiro. I take a deep breath in this humid warm dense air--the same air I first took breath in this life. I open my eyes to see the Guanabara Bay, my Brazilian womb. I am here to facilitate a FreeFall class. The first FreeFall class in Brazil, ever. When I say this to my friends in America they are surprised, "Why on earth didn't they have a FreeFall class before?" ... This would become history. Or not. I wondered why it needed to be me?
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    Nov 04, 2016

    Stepping Inside the Door

    FreeFall in Brazil! It happened. My name is Célia Barboza. I am 53. I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I have been working with BodyTalk for 11 years. I attended and monitored all modules and classes that were offered in Brazil. At first, I asked Myriam if I could only coordinate FreeFall, without participating. Myriam said we could find a way and I agreed to coordinate. Rio de Janeiro has a beautiful BodyTalk matrix which is traditionally the leading edge of most of the BodyTalk classes, and I like to coordinate them. But to take my clothes off??? Noooooo way!
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    Nov 04, 2016

    Coming Full Circle

    To me, Many of us who've been around for a while are used to hearing John over the years say things like, "This is the most important development in BodyTalk ever," or "This will take BodyTalk to a whole new level," to the point where, at least for me, I started to laugh to myself and take those comments with a grain of salt. For sure, those developments were huge and made a difference and were important steps in BodyTalk's evolution. But I never truly got the sense that those developments were "it." I don't recall ever thinking that those concepts or techniques were a game-changer. Until now.
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    Nov 03, 2016

    Re-building Self Esteem: Brazil and Portugal Unite to Understand the Past 

    It was the summer of 1952 when my father boarded the boat that would cross the Atlantic Ocean so that he would set foot in Brazil. Even at the age of 4, after an entire month staring at the sea, you grow aware that life has changed forever. Soon enough, perfecting a Brazilian accent became his only goal. Once the transformation was complete, he never looked back.
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    Oct 07, 2016

    I Had a Dream Part 2

    This is a sequel to my last Newsletter article, "I had a Dream," which was an introduction to the first half of my new course, BodyTalk: The Soul's Journey, Exploring the Mind and 3 Brains. To read that article first, please click here. "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." --Joseph Campbell Part 2 Now I would like to give you an overview of the key principles I teach in the second half of my new course, BodyTalk: The Soul's Journey, Exploring the Mind and 3 Brains. I will begin with the first key principle of focus.
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    Aug 19, 2016

    Anything is Possible

    After leaving my marriage last year, I was unable to feel grounded. I wasn't able to feel any peace or joy in my life. I didn't even like being with my kids. Looking back I see how I was jumping from one compulsive behavior to another, doing whatever I could to numb the guilt and fear that I felt. My brain was scattered, my heart felt broken and no matter what I did, I couldn't find any peace. I would lay in bed for days - feeling - meditating - praying and doing whatever I coach others to do but the most I would feel were glimpses of peace and joy but it would never last.
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    Aug 05, 2016


    If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time. Marcel Proust The evolution of BodyTalk began some forty years ago with a dream. The first part of my dream was of a therapy that would transcend the diagnostic model; allowing the body primary directive over its own healing process. In this therapy I envisioned the body having total say in the deciding of its own priorities for treatment. The practitioner's role would no longer be to orchestrate the treatment process according to diagnostic opinion. Instead, the practitioner's role would be to honor and be guided by the body's own priorities for healing.
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    Aug 05, 2016

    Our Self-Imposed Prison

    If you have taken a BreakThrough class you might have experienced the power of exercises that shed light on the habit of assuming. For those of you unfamiliar with BreakThrough, here is a simple exercise to try for yourself: Keeping a note pad on hand, for half an hour make a note, maybe with numbers or ticks, each time you realize you have made an assumption. The first time I did this exercise and tallied my number of assumptions, the result was horrifying. At the same time, I was struck by the extraordinary potential of such a simple act of observing.
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    Jul 15, 2016

    The BodyTalk Association of Switzerland

    We founded the BodyTalk Association of Switzerland (Verein BodyTalk Schweiz) in March of 2015. We decided, the year before, to start this association because we wanted to give BodyTalk in Switzerland a profound structure focused on building a local support system. We were eight bodytalkers who took over various responsibilities, in various fields: organization of courses, marketing, social media, finance and website.
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    Apr 22, 2016

    The Story of Zeke and Billy

    Update from client on Zeke the dog and Billy the cat. They both received distance BodyTalk sessions. Zeke would nip and not let himself get brushed, their guardian wrote and gave consent for me to share: "Zeke lets me comb him now. It's also a lot better for Zeke and we humans."
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    Jan 29, 2016

    Are We Really Different?

    Culture creates the illusion of being special. We say that we want to experience oneness and join groups, cultures, and religions that we feel understand us, unify us, and support us. We make mass cultural assumptions that we think are fundamental truths that separate and divide us. These divisive attitudes stem from our insecurities and the need to assuage them. What do we truly need as humans?
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    Jan 06, 2016

    IBA web site change

    Today, June 5th, we have made a change to the web site that we hope you like.
    As I am sure you know, our web site contains a lot of useful information but it is sometimes "hard to see the forest for the trees". This change centralizes all your pertinent membership activity on one page e.g. membership overview, course and order summary, with links to the other pertinent pages should you desire the details.
    We hope you find this change useful.
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    Jun 05, 2015

    Visceral Dynamics

    Structural Integration Concepts: Visceral Dynamics Pause for a moment, take a breath. When was the last time you noticed how your lungs move when you breathe? Are they just filling and emptying, or can you also sense a slight spiral as they expand? Do you feel any places where breath isn't going, like maybe your upper chest or your back? Now put your awareness in your small intestine – it's working throughout the day, constantly moving in its own rhythm – can you feel it? Is it moving freely or are there restrictions?
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    Apr 16, 2015


    "Music hath charms to sooth the savage breast." – Shakespeare
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    Apr 02, 2015


    Sometimes I ponder on how strenuous it is to provide the grain for a loaf of bread or a bread roll. 18 years ago I didn't think about this so intensely – but back then I didn't know the BodyTalk System – the system where one asks for "priorities".
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    Mar 21, 2015

    Hidden Message within your Goals

    This is the time of year where many of us make a New Years resolution to ourselves. The fact that we are making these goals is a sign that we are truly seeking something within, and it will not be found by completing this goal! How many times have you thought, I'll be happy when... and once you've achieved that goal, still not found the happiness you were seeking!
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    Mar 21, 2015

    Hoax "Phishing" Email Announcement

    IBA Practitioners, please be aware that hoax "phishing" emails are being circulated to our members. Responding to them could lead to financial or even personal harm; we urge you ignore these and any other suspicious emails you receive. The current one starts like this:
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    Mar 06, 2015

    A Testimonial

    "She said I have to come to her for sessions of BodyTalk. She said her name is Homeira Franke"
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    Mar 06, 2015

    Magnetize your Matrix!

    I have been asked to share with you all a fun little idea that came to me in December, 2013, that seems to have contributed in a very positive way throughout the whole year of 2014 to many individuals in and around my local area of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as well as my practice and whole local matrix.
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    Jan 23, 2015

    Matrix Work

    BodyTalk Matrix work has evolved and expanded over its original form since the concept was first introduced by John Veltheim 15 years ago. At that time, we viewed a matrix as any energy formation bound together by a belief system.
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    Oct 23, 2014


    There is an area in BodyTalk that is alluded to in a few items/topics, but the "further/more specific" details are never really discussed. As an artist, it is this area that is of great interest and importance to me, and that is colour.
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    Oct 23, 2014

    Tips on how to choose your business name

    When starting your BodyTalk practice, there are many things that can feel overwhelming and intimidating to move through. Choosing a business name is one thing that's very important and needs to be done as one of the first steps of creating your business. I have listed many tips that you may find helpful to explore and define your business, and a name to suit it
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    Oct 09, 2014

    30 Day Mirror Exercise

    Looking in the mirror takes a lot of courage, as our reflections are an expression of the stories and wounds that are locked deep within the body.
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    Sep 26, 2014

    It's All About The Ripples

    Gazing out over a beautifully Vancouver Island morning, pondering BodyTalk, I find myself on a wild ride of connections, pivotal moments and powerful aha's. Can you relate?
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    Sep 26, 2014

    The Power of Animals

    "We are so disconnected from Mother Earth and nature that maybe our pets are our only means of reconnecting to that rhythm"
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    Sep 11, 2014

    My MindScape Experiences

    In March this year, I took the MindScape class with Kristy Kenny in Nenagh, Ireland. I am writing this article to share my experiences with you, so here I go ....
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    Sep 11, 2014

    The Quest

    Our very own Heather Strang, CBP, just had her spiritual romance novel The Quest:A Tale of Desire & Magic published by White Cloud Press.
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    Sep 11, 2014

    PaRama Campus News

    PaRama Campus (aka 'PC') is our new online platform for learning. It blends a modern, creative, fun culture for learning and teaching that has been developed to engage and inspire every open mind
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    Aug 29, 2014

    We are not dead!

    In the spring of 2009 I worked in a greenhouse. It was the start of the season and we were getting shipments of seedlings to be transplanted into larger containers.
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    Aug 01, 2014

    Expo's Excitement

    I was recently invited to join this group of women to attend a Health Expo in Regina, Saskatchewan. When I reviewed my schedule, I was booked so unfortunately I had to decline, but offered support in other forms. As the day went on, there was a part of me really wanting to attend. I trusted this feeling and re-arranged my schedule. It had been a few years since I had attended a show, but I was quickly reminded of how participating in such events are so beneficial and inspiring on many levels. As soon as I called to change my original reply, my mind was on fire with ideas, I felt like a part of me got my Mojo back (kind of like Austin Powers).
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    Aug 01, 2014

    BodyTalk: Partnering in Wholeness

    In BodyTalk, the convention has long been to talk about doing sessions "on" someone else, or "for" someone else, but I realized a long time ago that this statement is not accurate.
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    Jul 17, 2014

    PaRama Study Group Intensive Retreat

    PaRama Study Group Intensive Retreat a few weeks ago here in beautiful Scottsdale AZ where we all BodyTalked our BodyTalk. The resort was great; the people were great; the sessions were great; the results were... beyond great! Several people reported having unexpected results and
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    Jul 04, 2014


    2 Years into my journey as a BodyTalk practitioner and enthusiast, I decided it's time. I'm going to bring BodyTalk Access to my small community, way up in the boonies of northern Alberta.
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    Jul 04, 2014


    The scariest thing about FreeFall, for many people, may be looking at themselves naked in a full-length mirror!
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    Jun 19, 2014

    Hard Science

    The Science of Emotions and the Key to Healing - Part Two By Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton, MBBS Dip Bio-Energy
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    Jun 05, 2014

    Tomatoes Thrive on Stress

    Word on the street, well actually word from the garden, says that tomato plants produce more tomatoes if you 'beat' the plant with a broom.
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    May 08, 2014

    Addendum to Words Before Action

    Following the article published in the IBA newsletter, 27/3/2014, 'Words Before Action' an avalanche of emails landed in my inbox. Clearly this topic had hit a raw nerve.
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    May 08, 2014

    Tales from Rwanda

    "I was like a dry stick; now I feel peaceful in my heart, and I share this peace with my neighbours"
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    May 08, 2014

    Myth Busted

    5 Myths About Module 5: Lymphatic Drainage and Applied Anatomy and Physiology
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    May 08, 2014

    BodyEcology Canada Testimonials

    The new BodyEcology course is absolutely fantastic. Cutting edge research meets immediate treatment strategies and revolutionary opportunities to heal our clients. The course and its manual are well organized, clearly presented, easy to digest, and, above all else, ENORMOUSLY VALUABLE.
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    Apr 24, 2014


    You've likely heard a lot about Heartbleed over the last couple of weeks. Heartbleed is a bug in some versions of OpenSSL, a set of software tools used widely across the Web for security. This bug may reveal your name, password and other private information. If you visit a website that uses a vulnerable version of OpenSSL, during the last two years, your personal information may be compromised.
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    Apr 23, 2014

    A Model of Success: The Toronto BodyTalk Community Clinic (TBTCC)

    Purpose of the TBTCC: Our purpose is three-fold: To provide affordable access of BodyTalk and BodyTalk Access sessions to lower-income citizens and their children within the community; To provide a professional Mentorship forum for Practitioner Trainees to gain the practice and skills to become Certified BodyTalk Practitioners; and to promote the public and professional awareness of the BodyTalk System as a professional and effective community health-care system.
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    Apr 10, 2014

    BodyTalk observation and evaluation

    From May 7th to June 16th (6 weeks) the children (from 2 to 9 years) in Ak Lu'um International School were given the Access BodyTalk techniques with the exception of Reciprocals, done only on Fridays.
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    Apr 10, 2014

    Online Instructor Meeting

    As announced at the Instructor conference in Malta, we will be having bi-annunal LiveStreaming Instructor Conferences to support our Instructor body more with their businesses and stay connected as a group.
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    Apr 06, 2014

    A One Way March

    Not long ago a karate instructor was telling a story of two students who were both told to practice punching a makiwara board. One was insistent it would weaken or calcify his joints and the other student looked forward to it strengthening his fists. The teacher was telling us that the two students had a different consciousness regarding the matter and that is what ultimately determined their results and their experience along the way.
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    Mar 13, 2014

    By Marcio Ribeiro

    The Principles of Consciousness course provides us with the potential of understanding life from a non-dualistic perspective. Vedic philosophy stimulates in us the idea that the concepts about ourselves, others, and reality that we carry through our lives have been instilled into us by our educators since birth. However, this information isn't the absolute truth for our experience.
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    Feb 27, 2014

    Join Us!

    The Founder, a Physical Therapist, a Molecular Biologist, a Dancing Osteopath, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and a Structural Integration Specialist all come together to cover the entire Fundamentals Course and more!
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    Feb 27, 2014

    Your Gut - A complex character

    The last few years have seen a major paradigm shift in our understanding of the role of microbes in our health. This change is akin to the shock when watching the last few minutes of a movie, when it hits you that the villain is really the good guy, and the protagonist you have been rooting for is the evil schemer.
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    Jan 30, 2014

    What does it take to build a healthy, thriving local BodyTalk matrix?

    When I first became a BodyTalk practitioner in the fall of 2009, the BodyTalk matrix in NYC was in the process of disintegration. There were no classes being held, and most of the active Practitioners were either leaving the city or in major life transitions that kept them from being able to play a leadership role in the local community.
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    Jan 30, 2014


    Have you ever really felt and understood your clients' physical pain? Or what's causing it physically and emotionally?
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    Jan 16, 2014

    Lets spread the word together! Introducing BodyTalk to your local community.

    Dear Members, By now you would all have heard about some of the projects the IBA have planned for 2014. One of the first we are rolling out is the creation of digital promotions and information/education guides to be available for you all to share and use within your community. As all of you are 'the man on the ground', in order for this to become reality, we need your input.
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    Jan 10, 2014


    Time and time again we turn to nature for valuable lessons in life; and this is no exception. Biology has been surviving, or dare we say 'thriving' for thousands of years in what seems to be an unpredictable world. How? Adaptation.
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    Jan 02, 2014

    I Love Cats

    I once heard a man say that the greatest sin is to believe God does not love you. Regardless of my concepts of God, love, me, or sin, I'd imagine that each of us can understand that statement in our own way.
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    Dec 05, 2013

    BodyTalk: Health on All Levels

    BodyTalk is a young modality, less than twenty years old, and although there are many practitioners around the world, it is still relatively unknown to the general public. It is so unlike anything that is currently offered that as a new practitioner, I struggle with how to concisely describe it to people in a way that will resonate with the western mindset, as there is nothing to compare it to.
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    Nov 21, 2013

    Removing the Barriers to Study

    A policy change we would like to tell you about is that we have removed the prerequisite of IBA membership in order to attend any Advanced Life Science Course. (BreakThrough, MindScape & FreeFall). We hope that this new policy will make it easier for students to study these Life Science Courses.
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    Nov 20, 2013

    RE-Member the IBA-conference in Malta

    Why didn't I write "remember" – but "RE-Member"? Because that is what the conference, PaRama Campus, my own journey, just life was, is and will be about: about RE-Membering. And here is the story:
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    Nov 08, 2013

    LiveStream Testimonial

    It is wonderful to be a part of the conference from the comfort of my own home. I want to thank all of the organizers for such exquisite attention to every detail imaginable. Receiving the conference kit at my door was a great surprise, which meant I immediately felt a part of the Malta experience. The website is easy to navigate and I love the daily email updates. The downloads are helpful and the slideshow song--adorable! We are in great shape to continue to partner with the universe as the IBA evolves. Susan Stenson Victoria, BC, Canada
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    Nov 08, 2013

    Post Conference Wrap Up

    Many of us have experienced the exhilarating feeling of a reconnected birth vivaxis and because Malta was the birth place of BodyTalk, that is just what we got. If you haven't had the pleasure of this experience then wait for it...the ripple is making its way through the matrix! It was also quite an experience to meet so many like-minded people from all over the world. What an opportunity to see the expansiveness of this work. Many, many brilliant minds and hearts came together in those few days to both learn and let loose :)
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    Nov 08, 2013

    From Felix

    Ciao. Not long now and I will be seeing you in Malta! I have some information that may be helpful to you:
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    Oct 23, 2013

    PERFECTED: THE PROCESS OF PERFECTION - Finding Health with the PaRama BodyTalk System

    Disease is considered to be an abnormal or pathological condition that is characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. Health is considered to be normal functioning in the absence of disease and to be symptom free. There would be no identifiable signs that the physiology is not functioning normally. Perfect health would seem to be the condition whereby the physiology were forever free from disease causing influences and the expression of their symptoms. Sounds good right? To be forever free of symptoms? That does not sound good to me and here is why.
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    Oct 10, 2013


    Understanding the Biophysical Mind – Deepen your comprehension of the relationships between BodyTalk, the new Physics and the dynamics of Quantum Healing. "BodyTalk can influence virtually any part or process taking place in the human body". James Oschman
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    Oct 10, 2013

    The Biophysical Mind

    Some extraordinary ideas are likely to emerge from this course. As important as these ideas are, it is equally important that we be able to articulate them to individuals who are steeped in older scientific traditions or who have completely different interpretations of the modern science.
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    Sep 25, 2013

    It's very simple! We love BodyTalk

    "So what is it about this BodyTalk – do you think?" The words came out of the speakers on my computer from Massimo Colombati, my dear friend and a collegue that I had met a couple of years ago on a seminar in Italy.
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    Sep 13, 2013

    The Sense Of Smell

    If your nose is working at its best for you, it can distinguish the difference between 10,000 smells! That's because our sense of smell operates from complex receptors detecting specific stimuli in both the normal and subtle senses.
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    Sep 13, 2013

    Farewell Ashley Pfohler

    It is with deep gratitude that we say farewell to Ashley, our longest standing employee at IBA. After eleven years with us, Ashley will be leaving IBA at the end of September.
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    Sep 11, 2013

    How to Help your Child with Special Needs - Parent Training

    Matthew Newell. Matthew is certainly one of the more exciting people I've met in my travels because he is on the very cutting edge of addressing the problem of brain damage. The Family Hope Center in Pennsylvania is probably the foremost center in the world for understanding, diagnosing, and treating special needs children.
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    Aug 30, 2013

    What's your clinic's formula for success?

    I'm writing this to invite other practitioners to share tips for what has helped to make their BodyTalk practice a success. Like many other practitioners I was working in a different field when BodyTalk came into my life, and the significance of how the work could help others became too great to ignore. After certifying I wondered – could I really make a living practicing just BodyTalk?
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    Aug 16, 2013

    BodyTalker Takes Vows as a Monk for a Month in China

    The opportunity to take vows as a monk was offered a week after the beneficial and extremely powerful Eastern Medicine course in Toronto with John. Becoming a monk for a month after this experience and prior to taking vows in marriage seemed like a gift to be received. The tradition of meditation I took vows in was a form of Guru Yoga that uses a mantra (sound of sacred syllables) to ignite one's own wisdom. A monk in all of its formalities and rituals offered a glance into me I rarely had access to, the mind in its uninhibited expression of chaos, suffering, and peace.
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    Aug 16, 2013

    The Sense of Hearing

    Each physical and subtle sense also includes the ability to store sensory data - a memory for future use and reference. The sense of hearing can bring us much pleasure. The first comforting sounds come from our mother's heartbeat and her digestive noises.
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    Aug 01, 2013

    John Veltheim's 2014 World Tour

    Sneak Peek - Official Launch and Registrations Open August 15th New Courses: BodyEcology BodyTalk for Plants Fundamentals Study Group with the Founder Principles of Consciousness Study Group with the Founder
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    Jul 31, 2013

    BodyTalk: What are the limits?

    What you believe to be true is true,within certain limits, which are themselves beliefs. In the province of the mind, there are no real limits.~John Lilly, The Center of the Cyclone (1979)
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    Jul 19, 2013

    Are you Emotionally Congested? What is weighing you down?

    If you were to dive deep into your body, like an episode of CSI, you would find what appears to be an entire nation of systems and cells working tirelessly in industry and productivity. Billions of interconnections make up this well-oiled machine. You would see chemical production plants, refineries, power plants and the most incredibly sophisticated waste management system. As a student of anatomy, I have always been fascinated by the intricacies of the lymphatic system.
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    Jul 05, 2013

    The Sense of Taste

    Our body is a magnificent ecosystem that carries us throughout our entire lifetime. It helps us experience ourselves and the world around us through our five physical and subtle senses. It is where our boundless and unlimited potential is recognized and registered. Pleasure comes from our sense of smell, sight, touch, and hearing and of course the gratifying sense of taste.
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    Jul 05, 2013

    The Sense of Sight

    Our body is with us throughout our entire lifetime. It helps us experience ourselves and the world around us. The body shows us the levels of our experience thru our 5 physical and subtle senses yet represent the starting point of our boundless and unlimited potential. Whatever type of body an individual has, the core essential for a fully functioning body is health. While we cannot naturally change the necessary structure of our body, what we can do is strive for vitality - physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
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    Jun 07, 2013

    Congratulations Maina Campos- New BAT!

    Maina Campos is a Brazilian-American who was raised in Miami. She has been apprenticing under guidance of our Senior Instructor, Janet Galipo since 2003, when she assisted in bringing BodyTalk into Brazil.
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    Jun 07, 2013

    Letter from the President May 2013

    It has been a while since I have written to you. As I had indicated last year, it was my intention to connect with you on a regular basis. Although I am very aware of my role as President and also as the Feminine Matrix Holder of the IBA, however it seems that I have been working more behind the scenes these last couple of months, rather than presenting myself on the forefront. At the beginning of the year, John Veltheim started his world tour of teaching his new and much awaited course "Eastern Medicine". In February, John and myself celebrated our 20th anniversary of knowing each other, which I must admit has been a snowballing adventure of continuous unlearning all along the way. In May, the IBA will launch its first "live stream" event of "Eastern Medicine" in Canada and in October, we will be holding the worldwide IBA members conference in Malta ("back to the roots / branching out / back to the origins") and still with quite a lot going on in between.
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    May 28, 2013


    Background: Norm is a much-loved patriarchal, though cantankerous, 85 year old family member who was in attendance at a celebration. His passion was swimming and for many years was the control freak who forced everyone at a meet, to hold their breath in anticipation...because he was the one with the starter's gun!
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    May 24, 2013

    Eastern Medicine Live Stream Testimonial

    Taking the Eastern Medicine course via live streaming was incredibly helpful for me, as I've got a busy schedule right now. I was a little concerned about taking it live stream because I had recently taken another live streaming course and missed a lot of it due to technical difficulties. However, the Eastern Medicine course ran very smoothly, and the IBA team worked hard to make sure everyone had a good experience.
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    May 24, 2013

    Can you guess what this is a definition of?

    Can you guess what this is a definition of? Noun: An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience or activity. It may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome. Verb: Engage in hazardous and exciting activity, especially the exploration of unknown territory Synonyms: Noun. Venture Verb. Risk – venture – hazard – jeopardize – dare – jeopardy
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    May 22, 2013

    FreeFall and Your BodyTalk Practice

    How has FreeFall complemented my BodyTalk practice? How hasn't it!!! Whether it was John training us in FF2 to 'see' with our subtle sense of touch from our hands or challenging my perceptions and overreactions with naked honesty, the FreeFall work has been fundamental in my professional development as a practitioner.
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    May 10, 2013

    Uncovering the Dynamics of FreeFall

    For decades now, our mass media has got incredible mileage out of the concept "body image" and self acceptance. Books, television, and seminars cater to image makeovers, loving your body, and opening your heart to self. This focus on shape, wrinkles, ageing, and stretch marks is a very limited approach to understanding your relationship with a healthy body and mind. In FreeFall we have come to know, that using the term "body image" may be creating a narrow filter in our ability to express the nature of our unique, state of the art therapy we offer; namely the practice of Advanced Bioenergetics.
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    May 10, 2013

    Eastern Medicine, Beyond Value My Life Makes Sense

    Tears stream down my face on the drive in to the final day of class, relief washing over me in waves. For the first time my life makes sense, the dots have been connected. People often wonder what it is I learn when I go to BodyTalk and Life Science seminars. Although every seminar is incredibly rich with healthcare techniques addressing body and mind in a uniquely individual and holistic manner that invariably profoundly impacts my practice, I very deeply appreciate the understanding and a-ha's that spontaneously bubble up and their import far outweighs the left brain knowledge in both it's impact in my personal life and my professional success. I'd like to share one small sliver of my wealth of experiences afforded to me by the IBA.
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    May 10, 2013

    Eastern Medicine Rocks Germany!

    Eastern Medicine meets Harmonics meets DNA & Scalar Waves meets Session Intensive – Marathon Event in Germany, 28 February – 05 March 2013 After Singapore and the UK, Germany was the third stop of BodyTalk Founder Dr John Veltheim teaching his new course "Eastern Medicine". The event was held in Wiggensbach near Kempten in the Allgäu area, Bavaria – the location of the IBA Europe. "Eastern Medicine" is a course IBA members (and non-members) have long been waiting for and it seems that the timing was perfect.
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    Apr 26, 2013

    New BodyTalk Book Launch!

    It's finally here! The highly anticipated new BodyTalk book by John Veltheim. The Science & Philosophy of BodyTalk Book will be a great addition to your practice and personal library.
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    Apr 26, 2013

    Sledge riding and

    Sledge riding and "Hüttengaudi " (Comment: „Hüttengaudi" is a traditional term in alpine regions and can be described as „having a lot of fun at a skiers' hut") ... this was the motto of the last meeting of the BodyTalk Network Allgäu – Tirol (January 2013, Germany / Austria). On 25th January, at 5pm, 18 BodyTalkers from both regions (some with their partners/children) set out to climb the mountain! We pulled our sledges up the piste to the "Kronenhütte" in the Alpspitzbahn ski area in Nesselwang (Allgäu).
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    Apr 12, 2013

    Super Health for Life, a Medicine Chest for the World

    Super Health for Life, a Medicine Chest for the World We describe BodyTalk Access as the simplest course in the BodyTalk world, rightfully so but don't let that fool you. It can be very profound in it's effects – bordering on miraculous. Ask anyone who has used Fast Aid on themselves or assisted someone else immediately following an injury and observed swelling, bruising, severe pain, loss of range of motion, blood loss, or disorientation abate right in front of their eyes. Some students have also noticed with regular Access, scoliotic curves, chronic stiffness and pain, and allergy symptoms diminishing, just to name a few.
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    Apr 12, 2013

    Beyond the Quantum

    Quantum: the word seems ubiquitous. It is on everything from batteries to dishwasher tablets. Increasingly it is a word used to explain the mechanisms behind holistic therapies. Quantum Physics, Quantum theory and Quantum Electrodynamics are names for some of the most successful physics theories of the twentieth century. We use the consequences of these discoveries in our electronic devices and more.
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    Mar 28, 2013

    New BATs

    I am pleased to announce the graduation of the following BATs in Europe: Hanna Brandl from Austria (teaching in German), Lotte Farran-Lee from Denmark (teaching mostly in Danish) & Chantal Remmerie (teaching mostly in Flemish)!
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    Mar 28, 2013

    Great Opportunity for BodyTalkers

    Namaste Nova Wellness Retreat is offering BodyTalkers of all experience levels the chance for ultimate energy exchange. Immerse yourself in BodyTalk while working on the retreat doing many different jobs and in exchange you will receive room, board and the opportunity to learn, grow and practise BodyTalk extensivley. At Namaste Nova Wellness Retreat they also offer daily BreakThrough study groups with a wonderful BodyTalk community. For more information please contact Kelly. Check out a video of the facility here. Or go to their facebook page.
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    Mar 15, 2013

    Healing Through Story

    I remember my early days as a BodyTalk student and practitioner with such clarity, bounding out of BodyTalk Fundamentals eager to balance the world one tap at a time. My exuberant enthusiasm took me into each session but collapsed unceremoniously as soon as I would meet the dreaded combination of "Details? Yes, More Specific? Yes". Yikes! Wasn't it enough of a challenge to figure out where Innate wanted to go, how to get there, and what to ask without having to traipse down the dark hallway of details? My anxiety would start to climb, as I would reach for the anatomy book or the physiology text wondering why it wasn't sufficient enough to simply link the entire liver to the entire spleen. Surely, the brain would know what the priority was and take care of it for me. My Innate consciousness seemed bound and bent to coax me down the rabbit hole leading me all the way down to the cellular level when I felt it was easier to just look at the big picture. Little by little my enthusiasm trickled its way down that dark hallway and into the rabbit hole with me and, lo and behold, the awe-inspiring complexities of the human bodymind opened up to me in all of its glory. I began to understand that the profound effectiveness behind the simplicity of the BodyTalk system comes from its respect and honouring of the unique story of each individual bodymind and the story is told through the Details! From that point on, my fear of the details became a yearning to develop my skills as an observer, a detective, a translator, and a storyteller.
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    Mar 15, 2013

    John Veltheim & James Oschman Collaborate!

    The rumours are true! We would like to announce an exciting collaboration. John Veltheim and James Oschman will be presenting a post conference course together at the 2013 IBA Members Conference in Malta! James Oshman Ph.D & Dr. John Veltheim The Biophysical Mind - Explore the nature, biology and universal connections of the unconscious mind. Course Overview The coherent mind embodies current thinking in physics and biology, the nature of consciousness and the unconscious mind, as well as biophysics, neuroscience and cosmology. The coherent mind is a special state of consciousness in which the holographic organism couples to the intelligent universal hologram, the actual fabric of space and time. The result is the creation of an intentional space in which all health issues can be addressed at their source: the cellular and tissue phenomena that are upstream from all normal physiology and structure. The workshop will detail these remarkable concepts and their significance for BodyTalk.
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    Mar 01, 2013

    Eastern Medicine Review

    Profound 5-Days with John Veltheim The Lunar New Year this year is celebrated with excitement and prosperity in a very unique way with 2 Workshops by John Veltheim. Instead of indulging our body with festive food, most of us took the opportunity and had taken time from our family, work and various commitments... and allow to feed the often neglected person - Ourselves!
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    Mar 01, 2013

    Of Dogs and MindScape

    The following story is true. The names have not been changed. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to be a part of a MindScape experience that actually saved a life. It all started out as a typical day at Namaste Nova. Kelley was teaching a Fundamentals class while I was managing the meals and the snacks. It was the weekend, and so our daughter was home from University for a couple of days. As with days when there are courses being held, the animals are coming and going from the house noticed in absence only at meal times. It was after lunch when the dogs, Rugby and Lewis, were last seen going outside
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    Feb 16, 2013


    The streetlights had just come on, illuminating the narrow cobbled stone streets below my clinic window. I loved this time of the evening in Spain, when throngs of people gathered in the plazas; walking; shopping; exchanging the news of the day; communing around coffee shop tables that spilled out onto the colorful sidewalks. The delicious aroma of hot chocolate with churros; the sweet, haunting sound of flamenco guitar; the music of fountain water spilling into its marble trough; lovers whispers; children laughing. No matter how many times I stepped out into the streets of Granada in the evening after work, the magic of it always thrilled me. A sensual banquet of sights and sounds and smells! I always felt as if I was stepping into a mysterious other world.
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    Feb 16, 2013

    Kundalini Energy

    Kundalini Energy (Extracts from the Kundalini chapter of the Eastern Medicine" course that John has written and will teach on tour beginning February 2013) For thousands of years kundalini awakening has been viewed in many cultures as a primary goal and the greatest blessing one can have in a lifetime. The nature of this blessing can take many forms because the range of possible experiences caused by the activation of kundalini encompasses all mental and physical types of experience as well as all transpersonal and transcendent types of experience.
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    Feb 01, 2013

    Great News for Australia

    We are extremely excited to announce that the work Sue Broughton and myself have put in over the last 2 years has resulted in the Certificate IV in BodyTalk being a government approved training qualification. It's official title is: 10334NAT Certificate in BodyTalk
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    Jan 18, 2013

    Beverly Lutz - Senior Instructor Emeritus status!

    I am so happy to see Beverley recognized like this. When I first taught in Canada, Beverley, Sylvia and Joleen rapidly became the powerhouses that drove BodyTalk in Canada to the incredible success it still maintains today.
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    Jan 18, 2013

    From IBA Europe

    Greetings to all IBA members in the whole world! Recently the IBA team and their spouses in Europe went for their annual outing in a renowned hotel where they were serving "Brunch" (breakfast come lunch) with local seasonal delicacies from 10:30am until 2pm. Afterwards we felt like going for a walk, however we opted to do this in our MindScape workshops instead.
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    Jan 08, 2013

    Eastern Medicine FAQ

    Eastern Medicine Workshop We have had quite a few inquiries as to whether there are any BodyTalk techniques taught in the Eastern Medicine course. Some people also want to know if it is the same as the Chinese medicine course that was taught by Kaimi over the last three years.
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    Jan 04, 2013

    Dai Mai

    The Dai Mai meridian is one of the eight ancestral meridians that have a very important function in traditional Chinese acupuncture as regulators of the 12 main meridians. As mentioned in my Chong Mai article, the reason they are called ancestral meridians is that they are the main energic controllers of our genetic ancestry. Hence, they are a powerful way of influencing genetically based diseases in the body from the point of view of traditional acupuncture.
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    Dec 21, 2012

    The Guessing Path

    It took many years of people telling me "you must read Marion Woodman's Addiction to Perfection!" before I actually read the book. Like any addict I dismissed these well meaning friends and the notion that I could have any such addiction. After all, I was well aware of how totally imperfect I was!
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    Dec 07, 2012

    IBA New Team Member

    Hi, I am Kassie Veltheim the newest team member of the IBA. I am very excited to introduce myself to you all.
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    Nov 23, 2012

    IBA Offers Free BodyTalk Study Groups

    We are excited to announce that the International BodyTalk Association will be offering Free study group sessions the 2nd Saturday of each month to support our growing BodyTalk matrix in Florida. An instructor will be available for most meetings.
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    Nov 09, 2012

    IBA Brand Evaluation

    In an effort to better understand what our membership and your clients need from the IBA, we've commissioned an online study. The survey, located here will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and will provide us with valuable input into the future direction of the organization. Please take a few minutes to give us your thoughts. The survey will close Monday, November 26th.
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    Nov 09, 2012

    BodyTalk at the Maine Medical Center Brain Injury Conference

    In September of 2009 I became a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Prior to that I had been working as a Float Pool Registered Nurse in the hospital. It was great to have the opportunity to use BodyTalk on clients while nursing because it gave me the validation and motivation to pursue my BodyTalk studies with great passion.
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    Nov 09, 2012

    The Concept of all Concepts... FreeFall!

    My journey over the last 2 & 1/2 years with BodyTalk has turned me into a bunny rabbit jumping down the rabbit holes and loving everyone one of them. I have shredded layers and masks willingly and each time feel freer and lighter. I'm now in danger of floating up to the sky after the weekend spent in a castle FreeFalling.
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    Oct 26, 2012

    OBTA 2012 Symposium – It's Possible!

    It was more than possible – it happened. The Ontario BodyTalk Association (OBTA) Symposium sub-committee hit a grand slam at the Kingbridge Centre on the weekend of September 29th – ask anyone who was there! People were so jazzed by the speakers, participation activities, venue, and fine dining that they are already asking about next year.
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    Oct 12, 2012

    The Connectome

    Sneak Peak at John Veltheim's New Course: Eastern Medicine- Anatomy & Physiology of the Energetic Body. The Connectome One of the more recent discoveries in neurophysiology is the discovery of the concept of the connectome. The principle behind the connectome has been an important basis of energy medicine. It underscores the understanding that the brain is not Cartesian in its makeup, and that it works as one large functional unit. Basically, the principle is that every neuron is connected to every other neuron in the brain in a complex configuration unique to every individual. It is this total functional unit that will then dictate the mechanics of what constitutes our character and personality.
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    Oct 12, 2012

    Congratulations Laura Bird!

    I would like to join the IBA in congratulating Laura on her Graduation as a BodyTalk Access for Animals Trainer (BAT-A) for small and large Animals.
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    Oct 12, 2012

    CareerHearted - How to Turn Your Passion into Prosperity

    On Oct 20, 2012, Jeffrey Goodman a BodyTalk Instructor and creator of CareerHearted, will be offering a One Day version of CareerHearted for those who are really struggling with their businesses and need something right away to get them going again. Think of this as the Access to the BodyTalk System. Jeff has taken some of the key experiences out of his three day intensive and put it into a one day experience.
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    Sep 27, 2012

    BreakThrough provides physical healing for our clients

    In early 2006 I took BreakThrough 1 for the first time. It was an intense but enlightening weekend. I felt that this was a wonderful technique for me to use for myself. BreakThrough would help me be clearer which would help me be a better person and BodyTalk practitioner. I practiced my BreakThrough skill with others in my area who took BreakThrough 1. I thought about using it with clients but wasn't sure how I would present it or follow through with people who had not taken the course themselves. Over the years I continued to "practice" BreakThrough 1, monitoring and taking the practical a few times. My husband, oldest daughter, and son-in-law also took BreakThrough 1 and we use it for any family or personal conflict. I tried to get a BreakThrough class together here in North Dakota but it was really a hard sell because other BodyTalkers (yes, they were mirroring me) saw it as a "me" course not something for our (my) clients. However, that has CHANGED! and I am going to tell you WHY..
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    Sep 13, 2012

    Congratulations Rosile!

    I would like to join the IBA in congratulating Rosalie on her Graduation as a BodyTalk Access for Small Animals Trainer (BAT-A). I personally welcome Rosalie to a powerful team of Trainers that will be travelling the world, to teach this powerful class! (Loesje Jacob - Trainer of BodyTalk Access for Animals Trainer's, Adv. CBP, BAT-A, CBI, CBI-A)
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    Sep 13, 2012

    There is an old sailors saying: "It is ok to pray to God for wind but in the mean time you must row."

    Many of you know me since the early days of BodyTalk and the journey I took from a very successful Fashion/Advertising Photographer to having a waiting list of BodyTalk clients after only 3 months of my first BodyTalk Fundamentals (Mods 1 & 2) in 2003. Due to this success I had many practitioners from a variety of modalities, including BodyTalk, start asking me for advice to help them achieve similar successes. Over the years of consulting, I have come to see a very common pattern emerge to why so many great BodyTalk Practitioners and Life Science Facilitators struggle in business and are not able to experience long-term abundance in their careers. There is a simple reason (and solution) to why they eventually run out of money and sadly are forced to seek out other career choices.
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    Aug 31, 2012

    Hey, Don't Knock the Fundamentals Course!

    Several people have commented that with all the new developments in BodyTalk, the Fundamentals course seems to have lost its importance and luster. People seem to think that in order to do marvelous things they have to have all the advanced courses. I realize that I have probably contributed to this mentality because of the enthusiasm with which I talk about the new work. So at this time I'd like to revisit the Fundamentals course.
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    Aug 17, 2012

    New Training Facility at IBA Headquarters

    We are excited to announce that we have expanded the Training Space at the IBA Headquarters in Sarasota. The new space is over 3 times larger than our previous training facility and has been designed specifically for IBA & BodyTalk courses.
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    Aug 16, 2012

    Philippines Update: BodyTalk Access Outreach

    Chic Ramoso, BodyTalk Access Outreach coordinator in southern Philippines, has organized a series of clinics to reach out to poor communities and to give recent Access grads an opportunity to practice their techniques. In June, 2012 BodyTalk Access was offered to SKKJ, an organization of former overseas women workers in Japan with Japanese-Filipino children abandoned by the fathers.
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    Aug 03, 2012

    How easy can it be?

    During the past year I have been conducting the Treatment Intensive module all over the world. I am getting great feedback, and obviously everyone's talking because my seminars tend to book out within a day or so of putting them online. One of the most interesting comments made is how easy BodyTalk looks. People watch me and note that I seem to be doing very little in my treatments. I do not appear to be using any of the basic modules or doing all the linking that is required in those modules. I have even had people ask me why we insist they learn the modules when BodyTalk can be so much easier to do.
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    Jul 20, 2012

    New Leader at the Helm

    It is our great pleasure to announce that, as of July 1st, Christopher Veltheim was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the IBA.
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    Jul 13, 2012

    A New Business Friendship Has Formed

    I have the honor to announce that the IBA and CareerHearted have formed a friendship and alliance to support your best success for your business! The IBA now offers CareerHearted as the official business course for BodyTalk Practitioners! Students will now receive 25 continuing education credits from the IBA upon graduating from this amazing, life changing, path to success!
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    Jul 06, 2012

    Why take FreeFall?

    I am sitting in a circle of FreeFall participants, waiting my turn to introduce myself, and state why I am here. My stomach drops and my head spins as sweat forms on my upper lip and the trembling in my legs breaks through my best efforts to hold them steady. My heart is pounding so loudly, that I can't hear what the person next to me is saying. A silence indicates to me it is now my turn.
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    Jul 06, 2012

    BODYTALK AT THE TOTAL HEALTH SHOW in Toronto ..... BUZZzzzz was the word!

    Exciting news to report and update on our presence and participation at the largest health show here in Toronto. The Total Health show is Canada's premier national health show. This show attracts over 20,000 attendees each year. The show is sponsored by the Consumer Health Organization of Canada and integrates complimentary and natural medicine.
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    Jul 06, 2012

    Please Welcome, Guy Nir!

    My name is Guy Nir and I joined the IBA in June 2012 as the Director of Finance. My role is to oversee and manage all the financial and administrative aspects of the IBA with the able assistance of Dawn, Cory and Ashley.
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    Jun 22, 2012

    Surrendering In Life With BodyTalk

    Kundalini Awakening
    As we begin to evolve as human beings it is a natural and evolutionary process to witness the consciousness ascend through the central channel, more commonly referred to as the chakra system or the arena where the Kundalini awakening happens from, and ultimately in to the brain itself.  When the consciousness of our soul or higher self is pure enough to purge through the gate into the brain, life as we know it ultimately changes.  The chakras have opened to the stage of burning away a good part of past karma and the purity of consciousness is more available.  Becoming a witness to the process in one's own being is not to be taken lightly.  BodyTalk has been for me and I am sure many others a beacon to assist in making life a little easier through the process. 

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    Jun 08, 2012

    Shoe's for the BodyTalk Family Matrix

    Have you heard the proverb: " The cobbler's children go unshod" or "The shoemaker walks without shoes"? This refers to the cobbler being too busy or distracted to properly supply shoes for himself and his family in his valiant and worthwhile efforts to provide shoes for his clients and support his business.

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    May 25, 2012

    Instructor Retreat- the aftermath

    The 2012 Instructor Retreat set sail on Carnival Cruise Line named "Inspiration" and it was more than Inspiring - it was heart, soul, and true connection. The premise was to get as many of our Instructors to one place to work on ourselves, come together as a group, and create a space for acceptance and nurturing of our talent. If I could bottle what we created together at this retreat and pass it out to everyone in our matrix we would never feel alone. The cruise began with a meet & greet where Karla Kadlec, (one of the most creative Instructors I know), graciously took us through icebreaker exercises. It was fun and quirky and really opened the space for our connection to begin. The last exercise Karla Kadlec and Beth Sampson helped me formulate hours before running it, connecting from the heart by gazing into the eyes of each person who was coming into the sacred space we were creating. Instead of feeling awkward or shy or judged, each person really was seen and nurtured in the initial meet & greet. Our second day we frolicked in the morning on Catalina Island, enjoying the beautiful coffee shops and connecting with people in a very casual way. We then moved into Gilly Adkins work - Intimate Connections - where it opened the heart connection for us to feel safe yet vulnerable, open and honest. It enabled us to look at our wounds, to share our feelings and truly look at how supporting each other is not just a necessity, its crucial for our development.
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    May 12, 2012

    Mary's News

    I'm just back from the instructors' cruise/retreat (April 23-27). Twenty-two of us met together; most of us were from across the USA and Canada, plus two from England and one from New Zealand. It was a great time of establishing new friendships, renewing and deepening old ones, and doing work for our group, around the Access class, and for the larger instructor and IBA matrices. From the very first meet-and-greet, where we connected hearts through an exercise led by Karla Kadlec, and our first official meeting, with Gilly Adkins teaching and walking us through her new Intimate Communication (Heart Talk) and Andrea Carter taking us through a powerful Heart Connection Forgiveness exercise, it was clear that this was not your usual instructors' gathering. Every day ended with a session for our group and the entire instructor matrix, and we did a powerful constellation exercise for the whole IBA (International BodyTalk Association) on the morning of our full day of meetings.
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    May 11, 2012

    Exciting MEWS, from the Animals.

     Woof, wwwwwoof, woof..... mew, mew, meow meeeeeoowwww...!!! Quack? RrrrrrrrroaR! Purrrrrrr...tweet, tweeeeeett, tweettweettweet. Neigh, whinny. Heehaw-heehaw? Grrrunt, grunt. Grrrrrr. Moooooo. Bzzzzzzzzzz bz bz bz bz bz bzzzzzzzz!!!

    What's all this buzzin, roaring & barking about?

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    May 11, 2012

    BodyTalk's Debut at The Villages Retirement Community

    On February 29, 2012, Lynn Teachworth gave a BodyTalk lecture and demonstration to 140 people at The Villages retirement community. The Villages has a population of 70,000 active and affluent retirees from all over the world. Many of the residents are seasonal "snow birds" who will return to the North to seek out BodyTalk practitioners. Also, there were almost received fifty emails asking for referrals for family members all over the US and Canada.
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    Apr 18, 2012

    Philippines Report: Access Review through Outreach Clinics

    We held the first Access classes in Davao City, on the island of Mindanao in 2010, and then the technicians, mostly from local non-governmental organizations, were on their own for two years. So, in February, 2012, to enliven their use of Access, Mindanao co-ordinator Chic Ramoso and I tried something new - Access Review through Outreach.
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    Mar 30, 2012

    The Integrity Theory of Disease

    The other day I told my legs that my arms were up to no good. I whispered that my arms didn't know anything and that they were spending too much time folded and idle. The biceps are knotted I smugly stated. Stupid arms. My legs said they'd keep it a secret but of course they sold me out and told the feet, and you know how the feet like to gossip. It got back to my arms and they were mad at me so now I have an elbow ache.
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    Mar 16, 2012

    The Theory of Unhappiness

    During a Truth and Reconciliation Commission held in South Africa set up to bring understanding to the actions that arose out of apartheid, a mother came face to face with the man who had killed her son during the conflict.
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    Mar 02, 2012


    I want to share my experience of Integrity during BreakThrough Step 3, my understanding of the Integration, the you in me, the me in myself, and both in Self. During the process of Step 3, I breathe and breathe, like during the contractions in labor, only me can push! First I am like the barking dog-defending my precious belief- the blame is out, then I realized that the behaviors are in me, and I start blaming myself. The instructor requesting to st.....
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    Mar 02, 2012

    My BreakThrough Experience

    I didn't really know what I was getting into when I went to my first Breakthrough course. Now that I have attended the class 12 times I can still say each and every time I never know what I am getting into! I LOVE BreakThrough, it's like getting a deep tissue massage from the inside out.
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    Mar 02, 2012


    A medical researcher, Dr. Wendy Levinson, from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada performed a study in 1996, to determine why certain Medical professionals in the United States are sued and why others are not. I found this article of interest because it made me consider the level of professionalism ....
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    Feb 17, 2012

    February is LOVE MONTH....

    When was the last time you actively did something for yourself to reflect how much you love YOU? Isn't part of engaging in our incredible system, delving into personal growth, creativity, and expression, an active way to connect to that genuine source energy...
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    Feb 17, 2012

    Health Empowerment Through Consciousness – Its Possible!

    Wow! What a day. With a big learning curve and relatively short notice, the Ontario BodyTalk Association's Inaugural Symposium was enjoyed by thirty-two BodyTalk enthusiasts who celebrated the future of BodyTalk in Ontario. It was a day of fun and excitement, rekindling old friendships, creating new relationships, and opening ourselves to new perspectives. Six presenters helped us experience our role in the concept of 'Consciousness' and how it ...
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    Feb 17, 2012

    The BreakThrough Forum: An Invitation

    Being conscious requires a shift in perspective. And a shift in perspective requires breaking through mental conditioning. As an IBA Member, the BreakThrough Forum provides you with the opportunity to shift your perspective by engaging in the art of self-enquiry.
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    Feb 03, 2012


    The other day I was in the dark. The room was pitch black and I was tripping over everything and quite miserable. I eventually figured out that if I sat still and did nothing with myself that I would incur no further injury nor traumas. It didn't take long to realize that that was no way to get by. At about the time I resolved to find a better way, I came across a candle and was fortunate to have a technique to light the candle. I now sat in a dimly lit room
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    Feb 03, 2012

    Comparison: Not Being Good Enough

    We all have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. We think that by using people we admire in some way as a standard, we will improve who we are, make ourselves better people. We think we can be better by morphing ourselves into something we can see in the mirror, someone stronger, better looking, smarter, more interesting, more focused, someone who has more money and a better job.
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    Feb 03, 2012

    What Good is a Fragmented Life?

    "I am this organ called the Liver?" Or does the Liver say, "I am the whole body?" Or does the whole body say, "I am the Liver?" Do I say, "I am this person called Tim?" Or does Tim say, "I am life?" Or ....
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    Jan 20, 2012

    BodyTalk Philippines: Year 3- From a Child to a Congressman

    In addition to BodyTalk Access and BodyTalk Fundamentals classes this year, we are also meeting with some members of the Philippine Congress and their aides to present the BodyTalk System and to advocate for Access to become part of the government community based health programs. One progressive congressman, Walden Bello has been ....
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    Jan 20, 2012

    Ending The War- BreakThrough for Couples.

    One day, many years ago, I was walking along a street when I passed a young man. As I looked into his eyes I had the strongest feeling that this was the man I was going to marry. This was a bit odd because, on that very day, within hours, I was to be wed to my high school....
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    Jan 06, 2012

    Thank-you, John. This course was life-changing!

    I cannot say enough about the Finding Health 1 DVD course. It was absolutely amazing. I am so excited by the amount of NEW information that it taught. I have no idea why but I was under the impression that it was very similar to BodyTalk Interactive and after having two small children thanks to BodyTalk, I had a hard time taking all the courses I wanted and I always put Finding Health on the back burner for that reason. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was FULL of so much new information – I can't believe I waited this long to take it!!! Thanks to John and the IBA for offering it as a DVD course, I was able to stay home with the kids and take the course while they were sleeping ?

    I learned so much about what I am actually doing during BodyTalk sessions. I have taken over 20 BodyTalk System courses and feel that I have a lot of the knowledge but this course was wonderful to give me more awareness of what is really happening during a BodyTalk session. This will help enhance my sessions and also will help me explain what I am doing to clients as well as during information sessions to the public.

    I feel that the content of this course really filled in the blanks for me. The information about cells, vibration and belief systems gave me extra awareness to what is being done during BodyTalk sessions. I always had a sense of the cell vibration and felt changes when I was doing sessions but I NOW understand what is happening and the changes that are truly being made.

    I also learned a lot of new information regarding consciousness, intuition and insight that will not only change the way I do things but will add new awareness behind everything I do. This will certainly change the way I teach MindScape. I felt during my MindScape training that there was information that I needed to be a more effective trainer but just didn't have a full understanding of what it was and I feel now that I have that understanding and will be a much more effective instructor because of that "aha".

    Chantelle & John- 2007

    The section on Matrixes and how they work makes me look at my life in a new way and how making changes will truly effect every area of my life!!! I see now where I have been making critical errors in the ways I support myself and my clients and also many other areas of my life...

    I appreciate what I learned about the beauty of conflict and the role it plays in our lives. It really makes me step back and open my awareness to the conflict in many areas of my life and gives me the realization that it is in fact wonderful to have and although I am sure I will never LOVE being in conflict but I will now have more curiosity and openness to why it is occurring. This information gave me a new insight into BreakThrough that I have recently started being passionate about again – I believe I fell away from using BreakThrough because of my own fear of conflict and I now have an added appreciation and excitement for this work!!!

    I feel that since becoming a BodyTalk Practitioner, I always felt very insecure about my health and felt embarrassed when anyone in my family was ill because I should know how to heal them because I am a BodyTalker!!!! John made this so clear to me and now I realize that life is going to continue to send me ways in which to resolve conflict and my health is no different so rather than feeling upset by it now I will allow myself to learn from it!!!

    I recently had a client on my table who was a very vocal skeptic. He scoffed and disagreed with everything I said about consciousness and belief systems. Last year, I would have been in tears and would have quickly ended the session and likely wouldn't have charged him. When it happened this time, I literally thought it was so funny and I was really surprised that someone didn't believe what I was saying. Rather than defending and arguing, I just continued with the session and smiled at him and told him that yes, I did believe what I was saying and maybe someday he would be interested to learn it as well in order to get lasting healing results. After taking Finding Health, I got an appreciation for the fact that me not getting upset and flustered means that I am now at the point where I believe in BodyTalk and it feels really good to not get triggered by skeptics anymore.

    One thing that I was not expecting to get from John's course is parenting tips? Anyone who knows me knows that I had tried for years to get pregnant before finding BodyTalk. After becoming a BodyTalk Practitioner, I had a session from John during a course in Florida and soon became pregnant and had a wonderful baby boy. Interestingly enough, I took FreeFall 2 with John when my son was 6 months old and got pregnant right away. Of course it was a bit sooner than I expected but my daughter was another blessing in our lives, making our little family complete...Yes, Finding Health made me realize the importance of honesty and trust in relationships with yourself, others and your children, even with money. I have known parents who say their kids are "out of control" and "never listen" and I have always thought that following through with discipline is very important and after John's course I understand how and why honesty and trust are vital in all relationships. I would have answered John's question that I am an honest person until he broke it down and I now have insights into ways to improve the honesty and trust in ALL areas of my life. I was also so intrigued to understand how this directly affects levels of intuition. During MindScape instructor training, I have always focused on the aspect of TRUST in your intuition and I was given so many tools to use during Finding Health to truly develop intuition and insight that I will integrate into MindScape courses I teach.

    Thank-you, John. This course was life-changing and I believe that every time I take the course, I will learn everything at deeper levels. It was amazing!!! I believe everyone could benefit from this course – it is a MUST for all BodyTalk Practitioners!!!

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    Dec 10, 2011

    Gopher Hole vs. Nudity

    Within our society many people live in constant fear. Living a life filled with many defenses, and much armor in hopes of protecting themselves from what they fear; life.
    We spend so much of our time running and fearing what it is we want the most; a life filled with ease, pleasure, security, and freedom.

    To explore this idea a little more, I am going to use an analogy and a visualizations to help express what I am saying.

    Imagine a gopher enjoying a hot sunny day, running freely around the pasture, playing, eating, just enjoying life. Then along came a farmer with his tractor and scared this little gopher. It ran into its hole and buried himself so far down it was afraid to come out. The hole then got filled in with dirt and with time this spot became a junk yard with wood, nails and screws, barbwire, metal, etc.

    Now from that analogy so far this is what we have done to ourselves. At one time in our life we have been scared, threatened, or perceived life to be dangerous. From that moment, we suppressed the whole incident of what ever it was and covered it up with as many layers of defenses and amour in hopes to feel safe.

    As we carry all of theses layers and burdens without ever looking or listening to them they begin to wear us down, deplete the body, sucking the energy and life right out of us.

    We have become so fearful of life, we have shut ourselves down like the little gopher in fear of getting hurt. As we collect all of theses defenses and wounds in life, we then try to disguise them with our clothing. We often wear clothing in hopes of hiding what we are really feeling and experiencing inside and we wear our clothing in such defensive state they too then become an additional layer that disrupts our ability to process and interact with life.

    The question was posed to me "Why Fear Nudity?" as we continue this analogy, it will help explore why it is we fear this state of being.

    Back to the little gopher buried in the hole with all of theses layer now piled on top of it.
    Now this gopher has been in there for 20, 30 possible 40 years. Now begin to pull the layers away from the hole, removing all the wood, nails, barbwire, bricks, dirt and bring the gopher out. How do you feel the gopher would respond?

    There are a lot of new things to re- introduce to the gopher, the bright hot sun, the breeze blowing across his body, the birds singing, the brightness with all the colors, fresh green grass to eat. Sounds like a perfect world. But this little gopher's senses are very sensitive to all these healthy, vibrant aspects of life yet very curious and familiar.

    This is how it is for us once we begin to explore nudity, we break free and become aware of all the layers we have covered ourselves with, we begin to see the beauty life has to offer, food becomes more tasteful and enjoyable, we become more playful, and have the ability to breathe fresh air and are given a chance to embrace life again.

    There is Fear amongst anything new we do, because it is unfamiliar. Once we find the courage within ourselves to explore what it is we fear. That place we feared then becomes familiar, and safe. We then gain wisdom, compassion and love. Nudity is our birth right and a place you can call home.

    The more we allow ourselves out of our gopher hole and experience what else life has to offer, and the more often we explore it, the easier and more enjoyable it becomes.

    Fearing nudity will only keep you living in the cold, damp, empty, isolated, restricted gopher hole. Being naked beneath our clothing allows us to live life from a place of lightness, pleasure, vulnerability, self honesty, and openness.

    Life is filled with many choices. Do you want to live in a gofer hole?
    If not, then allow yourself a chance to explore your nudity.

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    Dec 10, 2011


    ...for an BodyTalk Practitioner, Friend, or Instructor?

    Want to give a gift certificate to an IBA member for the perfect holiday gift? Well, thanks to Amanda Rollefstad for sharing this a great idea with us, we are offering this opportunity to everyone. If you would like to purchase a gift certificate to be added to the account of an IBA member, just contact Ashley or Cory at the IBA office and they'll be happy to get it setup for you. The recipient of your gift will be sent a "greeting gift card" from you letting them know the value of their gift and the procedures for ordering their products.

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    Dec 10, 2011

    New Inspirations

    From October 27-30 I was thrilled to have the opportunity to host the first BodyTalk Fascial Balancing Level 1 class in Canada.

    Thank you to Kerry D'Ambrogio for inspiring us all with an amazing new way to bring BodyTalk to a whole new dimension. The Fascial Balancing class brings anatomy to life and teaches us how all-encompassing and integral or fascial system is. When our fascia is holding tension, whether it be structural, emotional, or at the level of consciousness, function is altered. The techniques taught in this class give us the advantage over a strictly manual approach to fascial release as we have the ability to incorporate the tools of BodyTalk to identify the priority of release, as well as, the true nature of the barrier. Not only did we learn how to "take down the wall" but we learned how to determine why it was built in the first place.

    The class was filled with a very excited group of students, most of whom were laypeople. It was incredible to see structural shifts and release of tension as we incorporated our new "off the body" balances of the fascial system combined with BodyTalk "mojo". We learned to identify, evaluate and release fascial tension from the superficial level all the way down to the muscles, bones, joints, and vital structures using incredibly simple, energetic techniques. Amazing!

    Kerry's presentation of anatomy was so user-friendly and inspired us all to learn as much as we can about the body. I'm sure there will be a spike in the sales of Anatomy coloring books this week! This is a tool that we can all instantly incorporate in our practices. Can't wait!

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    Dec 10, 2011

    The Hippocampus

    Human memory has historically defied precise scientific description, its biological functions broadly but imperfectly defined in psychological terms. In a pair of papers published in the Nov. 2 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, researchers at the University of California, San Diego report a new methodology that more deeply parses how and where certain types of memories are...

    Click here to read more.

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    Nov 11, 2011

    Transcending Us

    An important facet in having shifts in our level of Consciousness and in being able to be in touch with our ego is our own willingness to do so. In a class like BreakThrough or Mindscape, we offer the mind a challenge in the form of a new paradigm, a puzzle or paradox. This is why people often leave Breakthrough and Mindscape realizing that they have seen into an up-until-now unnoticed corner of the subconscious mind. The feeling is often one of "Hooray!" while at the same time a feeling of "Wow. I cannot believe I thought that for all these years." or "Now I have a whole new chance at life." Some people feel out of breath and blown away as they realize there is so much more out there/in themselves that their eyes had not seen."

    The BodyTalk System transcends typical healthcare in that it offers the body the ability to put the puzzle together in the correct order, rather than in an order based on pattern recognition, which is often the method of diagnosis used in western medicine. As practitioners when we've transcended or at least faced and observed our own fears and old belief systems we offer perfection in the priorities we balance and thus, better work for the person on our table.

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    Nov 11, 2011

    BodyTalk on TV

    BodyTalk and Cortices Introduced to Overseas Workers

    Filipino BodyTalker Alan Along appeared recently on a talk show on The Filipino Channel (over two million subscribers) which targets Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and their families in the Philippines. There are more than three million OFW's separated from their loved ones, husbands, wives and children, often for years at a time. Alan is well known for his work, supervising BodyTalk Access clinics for the Philippines' Alliance for Bases Clean-Up International and offering BodyTalk sessions in communities affected by toxic wastes left behind by former American military bases in the Philippines.

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    Nov 11, 2011

    The Container Principle ala Namaste

    Time and again we see it. Folks come from all over, consumed with the hardships in their lives, unresolved feelings, fractured relationships and frayed emotions. They land at Namaste anxious, fearful and hesitant--unsure what lies ahead, with much trepidation about exposing their raw truths and ultimately about how they will be received by others.

    That first day is always a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation -- everyone's heart beating to the sound of their own drum...

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    Oct 28, 2011

    My BreakThrough Journey

    "Isn't that cool!" she said, looking at me with a big smile, sparkling eyes and excitement in her voice.

    "I have no idea what just happened," I thought to myself as I sat across from her in the hotel room. I felt like I'd been dropped in the middle of nowhere.

    I was attending my very first IBA Instructors conference in Sarasota, Florida and Brenda Miller had just led me through my first BreakThrough Steps. I'd learned BodyTalk a few years earlier from John (Veltheim), and when I took (Mod 3) BodyTalk: Principles of Consciousness with him, he talked about this other system called BreakThrough which his then wife, Esther, had developed. From what I understood at the time, it evolved out of her own need to understand herself. And what I understand now for myself after attending several BreakThrough classes with Esther and other instructors as well as training and finally graduating as a BreakThrough Instructor this past summer, is that it's a system that cuts to the core of your dis-ease in a way like no other.

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    Oct 28, 2011

    Expanding to Ecuador

    First Ever BodyTalk Access in Ecuador

    Don't you just love the way life unfolds? When we see the opportunities and are prepared to just go for it, great things can happen. That's how the first ever BodyTalk Access course to be taught in Ecuador showed up, and I went for it.

    Adventures in China
    Rewind to 10 years ago when I was presented with an out- of-the-blue opportunity. a chance to spend 2 months in China, learning acupuncture and moxibustion. It really was one of those 'just go for it' scenarios. At the time, I was working full-time as a Practice Nurse and also studying part-time for my Diploma in Aromatherapy. A fax with the headline "Study Acupuncture in China for Free" churned out just as I was passing the fax machine in my medical center. It lacked details, but gave a local contact number. Nine days later, I was on my way.

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    Oct 28, 2011

    BodyTalk is All

    We hear that BodyTalk is "Consciousness-based Energy Medicine for Optimal Health." If "Consciousness is all," then why the distinction when we also say that "Everything is energy?" As an approach to health care, where is our priority in finding health?

    If we have categorized BodyTalk as a dynamic energy healing system, was it not to distinguish the work as being more subtle than physical manipulation and safer than pharmaceutical medication? Working at the subtle energy level is less invasive and has a broader range of influence all the way down to the physical. Yet we've gone a step further to include Consciousness, which is more subtle than the subtlest energy and all-inclusive, whether subtle, dense or otherwise.

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    Oct 28, 2011

    John Veltheim Does Brazil Brilliantly

    "John Veltheim is coming to Brazil". That phrase by itself stirred much excitement in the entire Brazilian BodyTalk matrix. The matrix grows stronger each time we get to experience the energy and teachings of Dr. Veltheim. Over the last year we welcomed our first Portuguese-speaking instructor; in our capital alone, we had more then 200 students trained in BT Access and at least three well- recognized public hospitals across the country offered BodyTalk Access classes and BodyTalk sessions.

    In September, Brazil was the place for BodyTalk. The Brazilians hosted JV for his last live Finding Health class. We also witnessed the Second Quantum Health and Quality of Life Symposium, which took place in the northeastern city of Recife, often referred to as a new port of entrance for world industry and knowledge. In the Seminar, Dr. John was a keynote speaker amongst 20 other top thinkers and scientists from all over the world. Presenters included Elizabeth Rausccher, Richard Amoroso, Amit Goswami and Uma Krishnamurty. Dr. Thornton Streeter, the founder of Streeter Biofield Sciences and a champion for non-invasive healing techniques, methods, and products, said about Dr. Veltheim, "?John Veltheim held the whole show together and personally looked after most of the other speakers with deep healing. That man is incredible."

    Besides hearing of beautiful work being done, inspiring speeches, lessons for life and clinical practice, we had the opportunity to see The BodyTalk System being introduced to a 1500 person audience. It was incredible to witness 1500 people learn to tap out their cortices in unison. The feeling during those moments that we are all connected was so real. After Dr. Amit Goswami's referral to BodyTalk as "a system able to promote healing at true quantum levels," the lining up for free BT treatments took half the space of the large hall outside the auditorium.

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    Oct 14, 2011

    The Doctor is NOT in.

    Reaching across the distance- BodyTalk in the intensive care unit

    I love BodyTalk distance sessions! Just this morning I called the intensive care unit at the nearby university hospital in order to report a session to the mother of the girl I had offered a distance session to the night before. The daughter was suffering from acute bacterial meningitis with the usual severe headache, nausea and vomiting and a high fever.

    The BodyTalk session brought up only two links, one relating to the flow of cerebro spinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain and a 'reverse' hydration relieving the cells of edema which then linked as a package to the pancreas and sugar metabolism. The second link was a very simple one: cortices to kidneys balanced/tapped for 10 minutes. Ah, the power of the simple link!

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    Oct 14, 2011

    Top 12 Reasons to Take (or invite a friend or family member to take) BodyTalk Access

    1. It's a great way to become popular with friends and family!
    2. Heal yourself. It's cheaper.
    3. Fewer flus and colds.
    4. No needles!
    5. Makes you feel more powerful.
    6. Kids love it. Grandmas do too.
    7. Awaken the inner healer!
    8. Really cool, full-color manual is yours to keep.
    9. Let the brain begin!
    10. No pain, much gain.
    11. Head, shoulders, knees & toes, knees & toes feel better soon.
    12. Wake up your body's inner wisdom.

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    Oct 14, 2011

    Get in the Zone

    When you get into the Zone, doesn't it feel expansive? Normally when I get into something, I find myself in a smaller place, like a car or elevator. But the Zone feels like the universe is within it and within me.

    Do I get into the Zone, or is the Zone in me? What if we said that the Zone is deep within and when we "go into it," it is more like we are bringing the Zone out from within?

    Does BodyTalk work when you're not in the Zone? Well, it certainly works better when you are in it -- and the deeper the better. The quality of the Zone seems to correspond with the quality of the session. So when Innate Intelligence works its magic, it works in the Zone, and it appears to engage more as the Zone deepens. John sometimes talks about "levels of practice" and how deeper Zoning allows for more effective sessions. It would seem then that Innate Intelligence functions in and through the quality of the Zone.

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    Sep 30, 2011

    Find JV on Facebook

    Dr. John Veltheim, D.C., B.Ac. has a page on FB. Do a search and click "like" to be part of the energy. You can answer the polls, offer input, and hear more up to the minute details about BodyTalk and JV events.

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    Sep 30, 2011

    The Container Principle ala Namaste

    There are numerous contexts and explanations of the 'Container Principle,' but our favourite interpretation most resembles that of the Shambala Buddhists:

    "The container principle is the idea that the environment you establish or find yourself in informs your experience and can influence or even give rise to an outcome."

    Namaste Nova is an environment that shapes and informs personal experiences and gives rise to miraculous outcomes.

    How is the 'Container Principle' relevant to Namaste Nova? When a course of an intimate nature is held in conference-type facilities and hotels, participants leave the venue AND the energy that the group has manifested during the day. That energy disperses as people go their separate ways, and participants have to not only come together physically, but they also have to re-establish the energetic connection they all experienced the previous day.

    A Namaste experience is a 360 degree immersion. Well-appointed dorm-style accommodations and a dining room that can host a crowd are just a couple of elements that combine to create Namaste's sacred container.

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    Sep 30, 2011

    Shiny, Happy People

    A review of more than 160 studies of human and animal subjects has found "clear and compelling evidence" that -- all else being equal -- happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers.
    The study, in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, is the most comprehensive review so far of the evidence linking happiness to health outcomes. Its lead author, University of Illinois professor emeritus of psychology Ed Diener, who also is a senior scientist for the Gallup Organization, of Princeton, N.J., analyzed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental human and animal trials, and studies that evaluate the health status of people stressed by natural events.

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    Sep 30, 2011

    The New Section Entitled Business Tips

    While helping our clients move towards living healthy lives we often bring them through areas of their lives that need better attention and balance. Our goal in this new sections is to help wellness practitioners' businesses thrive. We realize that to best accomplish this we can bring in seasoned business experts who really understand what it takes to have a successful wellness practice and who can share practical ideas with other BodyTalk Practitioners to help them understand areas of their own business that might also need better attention and balance. Yes, you are correct in thinking that – just like your body needs to be cared for holistically in Body, Mind and Spirit, so does your business. To be clear we will not giving business legal advice here, instead we will be platforming this section as a great place to plant seeds of possibilities for practitioners to choose new levels of success for their businesses.

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    Sep 30, 2011

    Do You Live BodyTalk?

    Last night I dreamt I was on the Dr. Oz show, live, giving Oprah a BodyTalk session while Dr. Phil did the before and after orthopedic evaluation. I woke up screaming!

    I know I'm not alone. This issue can afflict anyone at any time. Why do so many of us have such strong performance anxiety? And is it a problem to run away from, or a sign that Innate Wisdom is working out deep stresses leading us to a greater state of health and wellbeing?

    If you were a runner and your cardiovascular was not functioning optimally, wouldn't you exercise it to clear out the, blocks and stresses before running your marathon? Can't we also accept responsibility for our present state of consciousness and work thru any blocks that arise as BodyTalk practitioners? If doubt, fear and misperception are the antithesis of the Zone and Innate, shouldn't our personal priority be to heal those blocked aspects within our own consciousness?

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    Sep 16, 2011

    Kids Labeled With ADHD Benefit from Outdoor Play

    A study that appeared in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being lends more evidence about the benefits of the theories outlined in the book, Earthing, this issue's suggested reading.

    For Kids With ADHD, Regular 'Green Time' Is Linked to Milder Symptoms

    ScienceDaily (Sep. 15, 2011) -- A study of more than 400 children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has found a link between the children's routine play settings and the severity of their symptoms, researchers report. Those who regularly play in outdoor settings with lots of green (grass and trees, for example) have milder ADHD symptoms than those who play indoors or in built outdoor environments, the researchers found. The association holds even when the researchers controlled for income and other variables.

    The study appears in the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.

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    Sep 16, 2011

    Treatment Intensive WOW!

    Treatment Intensive with John Veltheim himself is a must do class!! Not content with attending just the May class in Limerick, Ireland I also popped along to the July class in Surrey, England all within just seven weeks. For those of you who are not familiar with this seminar it is simply watching the master himself in action as he conducts sessions on around 30 people over 2 days. The class is open to BodyTalkers of all levels and John explains what he is doing in a way that everyone can understand. He approaches all manner of disease in the same way regardless of the perceived severity with comments like "oh it's a benign tumour and it'll be gone by morning". As John is no longer in practice he uses this as a means to develop the system and it is very exciting to be part of those Eureka moments!! I am constantly amazed at how the BodyTalk System continues to develop and evolve and John shares some of the new techniques from the PaRama College as they come up in sessions and some of his new insights from Finding Health 2. Obviously the more we understand these techniques as practitioners the more we can help our clients.

    One thing that did surprise me was the number of sessions where I felt an entanglement. So I would tap myself out as John tapped out the client and then check if I needed anything else along those lines. There were many shifts for everyone some who were crook, some very crook and luckily only a couple classed as b*gg*r*d on the Australian scale of health!!!

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    Sep 16, 2011

    Is There Something Wrong With the Scientific Method?

    On September 18, 2007, a few dozen neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and drug-company executives gathered in a hotel conference room in Brussels to hear some startling news. It had to do with a class of drugs known as atypical or second-generation antipsychotics, which came on the market in the early nineties. The drugs, sold under brand names such as Abilify, Seroquel, and Zyprexa, had been tested on schizophrenics in several large clinical trials, all of which had demonstrated a dramatic decrease in the subjects' psychiatric symptoms. As a result, second-generation antipsychotics had become one of the fastest-growing and most profitable pharmaceutical classes. By 2001, Eli Lilly's Zyprexa was generating more revenue than Prozac. It remains the company's top-selling drug.

    But the data presented at the Brussels meeting made it clear that something strange was happening: the therapeutic power of the drugs appeared to be steadily waning. A recent study showed an effect that was less than half of that documented in the first trials, in the early nineteen-nineties. Many researchers began to argue that the expensive pharmaceuticals weren't any better than first-generation antipsychotics, which have been in use since the fifties. "In fact, sometimes they now look even worse," John Davis, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told me.

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    Sep 16, 2011

    John Takes Final Lap With PU1 Practical

    Dr. John Veltheim has announced his he will no longer be teaching the PaRama Unit 1 Practical course. His October 2011 class in the UK will be the last PU1P course with John. Sylvia Muiznieks, Dr. Janet Galipo, DOM, Claudia Schembri-Heitmann and Dr. Nancy Werner, M.D., have been approved to teach the course in 2012 and beyond. Dr. Veltheim will be focusing on teaching Finding Health 2, the PaRama 2 Practical, conducting research and developing new courses while representing BodyTalk on the world stage.

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    Sep 02, 2011

    Access Music Lyrics for Kids

    Be sure to check out Andrea Casserly’s lyrics for teaching BodyTalk Access to kids. It can be sung to the tune of Frere Jacques. This project was created to make Access more fun and easier to remember for kids. It’s now available in our members downloads section under BodyTalk training material.

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    Sep 02, 2011

    Welcome New IBA Staff Member Paul Clayson

    My name is Paul Clayson. I am the newest member of the IBA team. I’ll be based in Sarasota, FL. I have decades of Information Technology experience and a broad range of skills across a multitude of platforms, including web site development. Over the next several months I will be using my skills and experience, while working with the senior management team to lay out the future for our web site and supporting technology. So stay tuned as I hope to bring you status updates in each monthly newsletter. These are exciting times to be an IBA member!

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    Sep 02, 2011

    Member News and Updates

    Please visit the online conference to review your favorite conference presentations, see pictures of your colleagues, instructors, friends and for some of you – your family members. Transport yourself to Clearwater for your own conference experience Check it out.

    Other important updates:

    • The BodyTalk Fundamentals softcover textbook is available at the IBA store.

    • Coming soon: The DVD with the new and improved Advanced Procedures.

    • Did you see the email about the name changes for many of the courses in the BodyTalk System? Now would be a great time to review your biography page and make any necessary updates regarding course name changes you may have listed.

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      Sep 02, 2011

    Ontario Symposium 2011

    Since John Veltheim's BodyTalk Treatment Intensive and Ontario matrix session in the Fall of 2010, the Ontario BodyTalk Association has been formed and is growing with community initiatives throughout the province.

    You are invited to join in a meeting of the minds & hearts in a place called Consciousness for fun, insightful connections at the Ontario BodyTalk Association's first annual Symposium on October 1-2, 2011.

    The future of BodyTalk in Ontario is bright! Come celebrate with us as we feature speakers from across Canada and visit topics that will be open for exploration and integration:

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    Sep 02, 2011

    Aspiring Brain Academy

    A Post MindScape Course Study Series

    For years students have been asking for more support with MindScape, and we've been listening! We finally have a product to help you gain clarity, answer your questions, and support you in your development after the basic MindScape course is over.

    If you want to learn how to use more of your MindScape workshop, and would you like to do it from the comfort of your own home, this study series is for you! Andrea Carter has created a 6 week study series, called Aspiring Brain Academy, which is 1.5 hours of lecture and MindScape experience time, per study session.

    It is all done via webinar! You will see the powerpoint presentations and listen online, or if you don't have speakers that work, you watch the powerpoint while you listen via the telephone. It is easy and effective! If you can't make one of the 6 series, no problem! You can still click on the link and listen once that session has finished, and then experience at your leisure!

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    Sep 02, 2011

    Where in the Universe is JV?

    Dr. John Veltheim will be heading to Miami in early September for a Treatment Intensive, September 10-11. Then, he flies to Brazil for the Suade Quantum Symposium September 15-18, where he'll be one of the keynote speakers. Other keynote speakers at the event in Brazil include Quantum Activist, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., and Professor Sylvia Rausch, who received her B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics. After that John will be teaching Finding Health September 23-25 in Brazil.

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    Aug 19, 2011

    Five Key Factors in delivering Successful Group Distance Healing

    At this year's IBA conference the power of working as a group was very present. BodyTalk associations from all over the world presented their impressive accomplishments, the instructors performed powerful group sessions at the instructor's meeting, and John Veltheim did his traditional session to balance the IBA group matrix. Group work is something that we have all experienced in BodyTalk seminars, but it is not something that many do on a regular basis.

    As a BodyTalk class coordinator, and the founder of the Southern California BodyTalk Association, I am very familiar with group healing work. In fact, I often tell students that some of the biggest shifts they will experience will be in the presence of a group. Not only does increasing the number of observers amplify the impact of the session on the individual, but the increased understanding of the group amplifies the results for all of the participants.

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    Aug 19, 2011

    Member Conference Reflections

    Dear Fellow Members,

    The member's conference 2011 far exceeded my expectations. From a practical sense of world-wide accomplishments to a vibe of love in the air, the mind and heart of the IBA came together in time and space for one thoroughly enjoyed week. While we may all be one in consciousness, it is also nice to get together in person to exchange ideas, energies and lots of hugs.

    The new textbook for BodyTalk Fundamentals is superb; I feel safe speaking for everyone when I say thank you to all who contributed and for our receiving the limited edition copy. It is very much appreciated.

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    Aug 19, 2011

    Congratulations Ben Manalo

    The IBA Team along with the BreakThrough Instructor body would like to congratulate Ben Manalo as the first-ever male Certified BreakThrough 1 Instructor. Welcome to the BreakThrough team Ben!

    Photo credit: Tyla Lippai

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    Aug 19, 2011

    IBA Members' Conference 2011

    Dear Members,

    The IBA team is still buzzing from another successful Members' Conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida. The theme of Celebrating Community emulated throughout the event, where members from all around the world came together to learn, grow, connect, love and celebrate our thriving matrix.

    Over the coming weeks we will be re-capping and making available many of the presentations and announcements that were made at the conference. We are grateful to everyone who took part in the event and would like to recognize everyone who is involved in the IBA Community. Even if you weren't physically present at the Conference, you were certainly in our hearts.

    Happy Tapping!
    The IBA Team.

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    Aug 05, 2011

    Introducing BodyTalk Fundamentals - the new Module 1 & 2!

    We are excited to announce the new Module 1 & 2 Manual is complete. Did you have a friend who attended the conference? Ask them if you can take a look at their new BodyTalk Modules 1 & 2 textbook. Members who attended the conference were gifted their very own copy as a thank you for being present. In addition to a complete rewrite, BodyTalk Modules 1 and 2 have been combined into one course and now has a new name – BodyTalk Fundamentals.

    In preparation for moving towards a college environment, a complete rewrite of Modules 1 and 2 had to be undertaken. This project took over a year to complete and we now have a completely new full color, professional text book.

    The BodyTalk Fundamentals will be available for purchase September 1, 2011.

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    Aug 05, 2011

    Congratulations Melanie Buzek!

    Congratulations to Melanie Buzek who was promoted to the position of Senior BodyTalk Instructor at the Members' Conference. We are excited about the impact Mel will have with this new position as she brings her experience and love for teaching to people everywhere.

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    Aug 05, 2011

    Spanish BT ACCESS, one woman's dream becomes a reality for Many!

    A smile and laughter is universal, no matter which language you are speaking, and we had PLENTY of that in our first ever, BodyTalk ACCESS Bi-Lingual English/Spanish class held in Miami, Florida on Sunday, May 15, 2011!

    "Persistence pays off" became a living breathing reality for one woman who never gave up on her dream to learn how to help herself and her family heal, through BodyTalk. Bertha Pichardo has been receiving BodyTalk sessions for over a year. Her daughters have been receiving sessions as well. Since her very first TAP, she has been wanting to learn how to do this, for herself and her family! She is a native of Nicaragua, living here in Miami for 22 years. Her many attempts to learn English have never manifested to the point of communication she desired, but, one thing she always knew and was able to say: "I want to learn BodyTalk!"

    I learned about Bertha through her practitioner, Belkis Galainena, CBP. Belkis and I have worked together as "spokes" for the South Florida BodyTalk Association, for years. For over a year, now, Belkis has been telling me about Bertha and her dream. She told me Bertha works very hard and continues to put money aside, to learn BodyTalk. Each time Belkis and I talked about Bertha, we never got passed... "It's coming". Well, last April, the energy shifted, and we moved from "it's coming," to... it's coming here next month, in May!

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    Jul 22, 2011

    New BodyTalk & Access Banners!

    Thank you to everyone who provided us with feedback to the products you identified as highly needed to help build your practices and support your classrooms. Over the past few months, the IBA has been working very closely with an outside procurement specialist to find us vendors that will produce high-end quality content at affordable pricing. After reading your suggestions and requests for banners, we put these as one of the high priority items.

    We are happy to announce that we will be selling both the BodyTalk & Access banners in 4'x6' sizes. These banners are vibrant, lightweight, satin like material, non-transparent and are easy to fold, resulting in easy transportability and lowered shipping costs. They have both grommets and loopholes for hanging, so they can be hung with or without poles. By purchasing these banners in bulk, the IBA was able to negotiate a competitive price to pass onto our practitioners and instructors.

    These new banners are limited in quantity for our first order, but they are available now for online ordering, at $95 each (hanging poles not included) and can be delivered at the conference. We will have them available for purchase at the conference along with a few other great items that we'll being rolling out to support your practices and classes.

    We are hopeful you find these of the highest quality and thank you for your suggestions and feedback.

    Our procurement specialist, Steve Feder, will be happy to meet and speak with you at this years conference.


    Please Note: You will have through Monday July 25th to place pre-orders through the Conference store. After this date the Conference store will be closed We will have some items available to buy at the conference.

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    Jul 22, 2011

    Finding Health... Discovering Namaste... ...Realizing Yourself.

    The day started out much like all the others but considerably earlier; with the sounds of the chirping spring peepers wafting through the crisp morning air; it was still dark as I fumbled for my alarm clock to tell me that it was 5:30 a.m. and time to rise to the occasion. I show-ered, dressed and emerged from my warm, red sleeping quarters and was met by Don and Kelley Burry who had been up for at least a half an hour tending to the horses and preparing that first pot of freshly perked Joe.

    It was the first day of „Finding Health? here at Namaste; the first morning that everyone who arrived late the day before... who made it through the uncertainty of „sleeping with strangers? and being away from familiar surroundings, who managed to brave their first night stay, got the op-portunity to meet one another through rested eyes and refreshed perspectives.

    If you ask anyone, that first night is a challenge for most. I see it time and again, the look of uncertainty and hesitation mixed with excitement and anticipation as they come through the door one by one or in groups to attend a course here at Namaste. Reminiscent of going off to camp as a child, this experience conjures up very simi-lar emotions and offers up the very same opportunities to make new friends, surmount old fears and doubts, laugh, cry, wonder and eventually emerge refreshed, having learned something that will enhance and possibly change the course of their lives forever more.

    7:00 a.m. the guests started to emerge from their rooms one by one, wiping the sleep from their eyes, pouring that first cup of coffee and wondering what the day would hold. Uncertain of who everyone was and wondering about their own place in this group of spiritual explorers.

    A bountiful spread of freshly baked breads, ripe seasonal fruits, freshly prepared bacon, pancakes and eggs was laid out for the morning taking. One by one the guests served themselves and found a seat next to someone of whom they chatted with the night before. The quiet murmur of con-versation was heard throughout the dining room as people became acquainted with one another, where they came from, whey they were there and sometimes offering up truths about themselves that they would never normally otherwise volunteer. Trust often begins to develop here, over French toast and fried eggs.

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    Jul 22, 2011

    From becomING to beING

    This is a beautiful letter I received last week from Ingrid Jager. We have long had the byline 'from becoming to being', used to symbolize what BreakThrough is all about. But in her letter, Ingrid adds her own special slant to the words, along with some wonderful insights for us all, whether you've taken BreakThrough or not. Thank you so much, Ing.

    Esther Veltheim

    From becomING to being.

    I love this sentence. (Also because in Dutch, Ing, is short for Ingrid and my Dutch friends mostly call me Ing. So this gives it an even stronger and personal meaning).

    From becoming to being comes from a course that I did some years ago with The BodyTalkSystem Life Sciences, called BreakThrough, written by Esther Veltheim and taught to me by Terryann Nikides. BreaktTrough is not so much about accumulating new information, but primarily about UNLEARNING attitudes that cause mental inflexibility.

    This workshop and Esther's book Beyond Concepts, The investigation of who you are not, helped me realize that what I had been doing while working on my self-growth and increasing my self-knowledge all these years, had been more about becoming a better person. I tried to become the perfect ING and forget that I already was ING! Ha! How liberating that insight was!

    It meant that I could stop adding more layers, more coping tools, more masks to become a "perfect" version of myself, because I finally realized that I'm already perfect as I am, WITH all my imperfections! Because there is no good or bad. There just IS. I could start to let go of all the cumulated guilt about not being perfect enough, that kept me from really loving myself. I could finally start BE-ING, start DIS-covering the beautiful person that I already am. Slowly breaking through the layers that had been building up through the years through belief systems, ideas, attitudes, that had been (and still are) holding me back from who I really am, this certainly did bring a paradigm shift in perspective!

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    Jul 08, 2011

    A BreakThrough Testimonial

    I am so in love with this technique! I can't tell you how light, playful, child-like and above all just so in love with life I feel. My sense of gratitude towards the teachers, leaders and the fore runners is so great I can't put it into words: so thank you thank you. I will have to fill you in once a few more things settle but it's all falling into place in a fabulous way. Each BreakThrough is amazing and I'm afraid I am going to say that I'm addicted to this.

    I wanted to say thank you for putting this technique together and allowing us to experience it, grow from it, and make our personal lives filled with so much joy from it. I feel like a new person – well more like the true person underneath has finally found room to breathe and be exposed up and away from the layers of crap that were dulling and creating doubt, hurt and pain.

    Julia Baumeister

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    Jul 08, 2011

    The Poetry of Health

    A friend recently published her third novel, and to acknowledge her creative achievement invited a sizeable group of thinkers and other artists to share insights in an evening of discourse and celebration. Listening, I was delighted and absorbed by their rich exchange. Her
    book is an examination of the anguish of the human condition, yet the evening of eloquently expressed shared insights was an acknowlegement of the joy and power of language, well used.

    Sharing that evening felt to me like arriving at an oasis after a long trek in the desert. I would like my clients to experience something similar, through the joy and power of language, in our sessions.

    Over the years, I've often referred to BodyTalk as "the Esperanto of health." This is because it is universal, and gives hope. The wellturned phrase and the ablity to accompany our clients with a dispassionate narrative of their journeys reflects the power of our discipline. It is an ability practitioners cultivate, impossible to learn in a single class, or even to teach – one that grows and becomes stronger over time and with experience. Lately though I also sense our discipline as the Poetry of Health.

    Masters of language, masters of the talk, walking the talk – that is what we yearn for in our practice of the Language of Health. In some circles, masters of language are called "poets" and the mastery achieved is known as "poetry." The root of that word actually means "to make" and is based on the Sanskit meaning act or deed.

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    Jul 08, 2011

    BodyTalk Wows Holistic Nurses in Louisville

    After months of planning and wonderful collaborative efforts with Ellen Hall and the IBA staff, Chris, Anja and Monique, we, Jalma Marcus RN, HNB-BC , AT and Mollie Yunker , arrived at the American Holistic Nurses Associations' (AHNA) 31st Annual National Conference in Louisville, Kentucky on June 2.

    It was the first time that BodyTalk had a booth presence at the AHNA National Conference. The opportunity to introduce BodyTalk to 600+ Holistic Nurses from throughout the country was a dream come true.

    Key Players
    Mollie had previously attended a local AHNA meeting where she taught the group Cortices. She was thrilled to see the national conference coming to Louisville. Jalma, a Board Certified Holistic Nurse Practitioner, CBP and Access Trainer, encouraged Mollie, who lives in Louisville, and Ellen Hall, RN, CBP to share the booth. The IBA graciously supported this endeavor with a quarter page advertisement in the Journal and with promo materials, flyers, a banner and an IBA tablecloth. At the last minute Ellen was unable to attend, but her participation in the planning helped everything move smoothly.

    The Event
    Mollie, with her previous skills as a graphic designer, created a small poster with a headshot of both herself and Jalma and organized a functional, inviting and aesthetically pleasing booth. We chose a corner location which provided a great deal of visibility and a private feeling when giving sessions.

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    Jul 08, 2011

    The Conference Store is Now Open

    Conference pre-orders placed in the between now and July 22nd will be filled and brought to the Conference in Clearwater for collection. We will, of course, have our store open at the Conference itself, but the product list will be limited. Ordering through this conference pre-order store is your best chance to secure your wish list of product at the conference.

    There will be no shipping or handling on conference orders, however because these are considered Florida sales (being delivered to the customer in Florida), we are obligated to charge 7% Florida sales tax.

    If you are registered for the Conference you will find an option to switch to the conference pre-order site in your members area online store.

    When placing your order make sure you select the ‘Conference’ shipping method. This will ensure you will have your package once you arrive at the conference. Click Here to access the Conference store.

    Please Note: All regular orders received after 7/27 will not be shipped until the week of 8/8 due to the office being closed for the COnference. All Practitioners and Instructors should plan accordingly for the closure.

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    Jun 24, 2011

    ACEP Conference

    Dr. John Veltheim delivered a scintillating keynote address to 165 psychologists and other therapists at the American Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) conference on Friday evening, June 3, in Reston, VA.

    As many of these practitioners had never even heard of BodyTalk's approach to consciousness-based healing, Dr. Veltheim's remarks generated a huge wave of interest. Following his presentation, and throughout the rest of the weekend conference, the BodyTalk display booth attracted a steady throng of conference attendees from all over the world.

    Many asked in-depth questions and sought information about practitioners in their geographic area. Others expressed interest in taking the Access Class and Modules 1&2. They appear to be keen both to refer their clients and to experience a session for themselves. Don’t be surprised if you get a call from a local psychologist or counselor who is looking for a CBP!

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    Jun 24, 2011

    Thoughts Can Heal Your Body

    Our thoughts can make us sick, and they can help us get well. That may seem like New Age thinking, but medical research increasingly supports the role played by the mind in physical health.

    "People have been seeking healing through prayer and intention since Paleolithic times," notes Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. "What's new is our detailed scientific knowledge of how the mind-body connection operates."

    Scientists first proved a link between stress and disease in the early half of the last century. Since then, researchers have examined old and new practices--including biofeedback, meditation, guided imagery, spiritual healing and deep breathing. The fast-expanding field of psychoneuroimmunology, which examines how the neurological and immune systems interact, is providing new clinical evidence of the connection between thoughts and health.

    "We now can measure changes in immune cells and the brain in ways that give us objective scientific proof of the connection between them," says Mary Jo Kreitzer, director of the Center for Spirituality & Healing at the University of Minnesota.

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    Jun 24, 2011

    Sarah-Jane and Feedback From her Client

    I’d like to tell you about feedback from a new client who has had just 2 sessions and really gets it! This is what she had to say after presenting with incredible migraines, confusion about her life path- Kenyan born, living in the UK for the past 10 years and recently relocated to South Africa and a multitude of physical and emotional symptoms.

    Hi Sarah-Jane,

    I trust that all is well with you. I am writing this email to celebrate with you the clearer yet not so clear and possibly new me. I am very happy and feel very centered…Yippee!!! And to express my gratitude for having found you and BodyTalk! After my initial session, the physical changes were quite remarkable, the migraines have gone completely, I can now lift and lie on my left shoulder without debilitating pain and the indigestion has cleared although I was nauseas for a few days after the release on my gall bladder. I slept soundly for the first time in years and am excited to be alive!

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    Jun 24, 2011

    As heard on American Airlines...

    During the months of September and October, 2011, an Interview with Dr John Veltheim will be featured on The Executive Report, by American Airlines.

    This interview will be placed on 58 000 flights reaching a potential of 8.4 million passengers.

    The Executive Report is also promoted in the American Way Magazine during both September and October. They have 3.2 million readers per month.

    We have put this interview under a new video section of our website called, Interviews. Check out the interview on our website by clicking here.

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    Jun 24, 2011

    The Joy of Anger

    Anger is a natural emotion, one that unfortunately today we tend to suppress. The harm of suppressing anger is indeed a dangerous pathway to take. Anger is a healthy emotion; it is vital to move our body and is responsible for the flight/fight response. Suppressed anger can lead to fear and rage, and unnecessary stress. The stress of this kind of suppressed anger, (where we go into "coping") for 5 minutes could potentially be more dangerous to us than being in a car accident!

    Anger needs to move, bottom line! Anger helps move other emotions as well. Very often we see fear being stuffed beneath that anger. So if Anger can help move other emotions, then our perception needs to shift of this emotion.

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    Jun 10, 2011

    2011 Australian BodyTalk Association Conference

    The Australian BodyTalk Association had an enjoyable weekend at the Gold Coast with the first ever Conference on 16th and 17th of April. An enthusiastic group of members and the Founder gathered to build the Australian matrix, and listen to a number of interesting speakers who presented various topics, all designed to increase our passion for our growing BodyTalk businesses.

    We were fortunate to have John Veltheim kick off the weekend with a first-hand insight into the many activities that the IBA is currently involved with. It is always a pleasure to hear what John has to say about the future directions for BodyTalk and to reaffirm the possibilities for this powerful healthcare system throughout the world.

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    Jun 10, 2011

    The Queen, Obama and John Veltheim!

    Greetings from Ireland and our many CBPs here in the "Green Isle".

    The week of May 3rd was a historic one for this country with the visit of Queen Elizabeth of England followed by the President of the USA – Barack Obama. Both visits proved extremely healing for the people of this country bringing renewed vigour and application to life in these changing times.

    It was by no mean coincidence then, that parallel to these visits, was the very first visit of John Veltheim to Limerick, Ireland to deliver the Bodytalk Treatment Intensive and Finding Health Modules to eager members of the Irish BodyTalk matrix.

    BodyTalk was introduced to Ireland a few years ago and now has an ever growing matrix and a respectable number of practitioners qualified to a myriad of levels – including some now studying at Parama level and also now with its own Mod 1&2 Teacher and soon to have a number of BT Access trainers. Whilst most of the BTers were from Ireland, we had some practitioners from the UK and one BTer flew in all the way from Japan – now that's dedication!!!

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    Jun 10, 2011

    Conference Store Coming Soon

    The Conference store is opening June 15 through July 23. This is a great opportunity to place orders in advance and have your order ready for pick up at the conference. Save on shipping cost and collect your product in person. Individuals will pay a Florida tax of 7% on their purchases.

    As our staff will be in Clearwater during the conference dates, all online orders received after 7/27 will not be shipped until the week of 8/8. All practitioners and instructors should plan accordingly for the closure.

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    Jun 10, 2011

    My Personal Experience with BodyTalk

    I am a BodyTalk practitioner and became one because of the sessions I received as a client. Doing a session every week or two for about a year, my immunity improved and my chronic back pain started to shift and dissipate. But most importantly, I became aware of how my emotions were stuck in my body and how my life was being drained of life.

    Studying for my BodyTalk certification I worked with a fellow student and received an amazing session revolving around my birth and my core beliefs. As we all know, the way in which we are birthed into being has a profound impact on our bodies and minds. I was born very premature and had a twin who survived only a day. I remember my birth and the feeling of sharing life with her. But I grew up feeling a major loss, fear for my own security, and a sort of desperate hopelessness that life was meaningless and too short.

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    May 27, 2011

    What do The Three Bears, the Universe, and BodyTalk have in common?

    This exciting journey into the nature of mind, consciousness, and applied awareness, will play a significant role in the way you live, love, and practice. If Finding Health 1 resonated with you, raise your discussions of philosophical and scientific concepts to the next level with Finding Health 2 – The Evolution of Consciousness. This class will expand upon the topics of time, space, and the universe. These two days will be a Difference Maker in your own journey of awareness. Explore the implications in your daily life once you shift your understanding of these concepts and how they really function. Dr. John Veltheim will lead this endeavor into some of the lesser-known truths about the universe. Of course, he'll answer the question: What do the three bears, the universe and the BodyTalk System have in common.

    When your growing self-awareness meets the intimacy of Higher Self at the Supramental level, and only when you gain a deeper understanding of the Bliss level do you start living. This seminar will help you become more consciously aware of the nature and purpose of evolving consciousness. Take Finding Health 2 to fully grasp your ability to consciously be part of The Process and the magnificent flow of the Universe. Healthcare practitioners and other professionals from all walks of life will benefit from what this seminar offers just for you.

    Register Here.=

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    May 27, 2011

    My year as a BodyTalk Access Trainer

    So 2011 is here and I have been a BodyTalk Access Trainer (BAT) for a year! As it is the new year when we traditionally reflect on the past, I thought I would share my experience.

    If you had told me 5 years ago if I would give up my senior management position in Change Management to be a 'health practitioner'... to spend my days talking about poo (come on we all have clients with digestive issues) and tapping people on the head... I would have laughed!

    However, things change and I tend to change quickly when I see something which is of value to me and to others – so a few years ago I found myself giving up my job to become a BodyTalk practitioner. And I love it!

    As someone once said "If you drive the same way to work for 25 years, and someone shows you a quicker route. How long does it take you to use the new one? It is instantaneous." Change can be instant, and BodyTalk'er' Practitioners get a glimpse of that every week in clinic. The moment I finally gave in and went to Modules 1&2 to learn BodyTalk I knew I was in the right place, and I have never looked back.

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    May 27, 2011

    Can you be truly happy?

    Can you be truly happy? Of course you can. All it takes is a fair amount of insight into yourself. You need to understand your ego and your own divine nature in your human core. You need to use all you are wisely and in loving service of others. When you are happy... you can love and when you can love others... you can help them to heal their life.

    Consiousness is the key to personal freedom, a healthy body and mind, emotional intelligence, the gift of unconditional love and an unbound, happy one-to-one relationship. Understanding your life includes a deep look into the identification with body and mind, and this will free all aspects of you, from mind to sexuality.
    Profound self-insight allows you to understand your role in the world and to engage all your personal resources and talents of body, mind, spirit and heart in your daily living. Your life will spontaneously self-organize, as you become an integral part of the universe and tap into the many resources of the healthy, awakened human being.

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    May 27, 2011

    New Module 1 and 2 Manual Sneak Peak

    There is a sneak peak of the new Module 1 and 2 manual on the 2011 Members Conference Webpage. Can you find it?

    The new Module 1 and 2 manual will be launched at this years Members Conference. Anyone attending the 2011 IBA Members Conference, who has completed Modules 1 and 2 will receive a new edition of the manual in his or her conference attendance pack, a value of $250.00.

    Curious as to how we've improved the standard of the BodyTalk Module 1 and 2 manual? Follow us on twitter to discover a clue on where to find a sneak peak of the manual on the 2011 Conference webpage.

    2011 Conference webpage!/bodytalksystem

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    May 13, 2011

    BodyTalk for Animals Update

    First, I'd like to apologize for such a long sabbatical from teaching and say that it is wonderful to be connecting with all of you again. As some of you may already know, Matt and I had a baby last year and my hands have been rather full. While I've really missed practicing, teaching and simply being in touch with my IBA friends and colleagues, spending this time with my son Logan has been such an incredible privilege and I feel very lucky to have been able to stay home with him. Already I feel the time is passing far too quickly, I realize those of you who are also parents can understand this!

    This winter our family moved back to Missoula, Montana and it has been so wonderful to be back home. Logan is rapidly and happily adjusting to life as a Montana baby and has already been skiing, hiking and rafting. He is absolutely in adoration of horses, and so we feel this will be a great place for him to grow!

    I'd really like to thank Heike Stelter and Loesje Jacobs who have continued to teach in my absence. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to Alexa Linton, the newest member of our team. Alexa was graduated to teach BodyTalk Access for animals in January. Alexa began the process of training to teach with a wonderfully rich background in working with animals, and her experience with horses in particular is quite incredible. It was an absolute pleasure to train Alexa who has shown already to be a very dynamic teacher and passionate animal handler and healer. Please do be sure to check Alexa's schedule for upcoming BodyTalk Access for Animals seminars and attend if you are able.
    My intention in writing this article is to update you on a few changes that have taken place as well as to inform you of future opportunities to study with me, or train to teach with me.

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    May 13, 2011

    BodyTalk Access Course to be taught at Mount Royal University Fall of 2011!

    It is with pleasure and delight that I sit and write this article. Today, May 12, 2011, years of work from John and Esther, as well as all members of the BodyTalk community, were recognized at the University level.

    There have been so many hours clocked within our community, dedicated to the advancement of our system, that today I feel not only honored to have been a part of this, but also humbled by the work and commitment that everyone else involved has also given us. John and Esther I hope that your hearts glow with pride as you read this.

    Over the past 3 years I have been privilidged to be a guest speaker at both Universities here in Calgary for the Nursing, Medical, and Complimentary and Alternative Medicine departments. Each year they have a few symposiums whereby complimentary medicine is emphasized. Each year I have spoken at these conferences and nourished the connections that I've made.

    Last September, Amanda Rollefstad and I invited John to Calgary to give a public lecture and teach Finding Health. It was at this time that I decided to contact these connections and give them the opportunity to investigate the system via the words of the Founder. I put together packages and sent them to all of the Directors, Deans, Doctors, and Nurses I have ever spoken with. We had an incredible turn out, 300+ in attendance, and in that lecture, the right people were ready to hear what progress the BodyTalk system has made.

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    May 13, 2011

    BodyTalk Access for Animals

    Ever had something that you felt like you were born to do? Perhaps it's BodyTalk or cooking or running or crocheting evening gowns. Well for me, that thing was working with animals. Growing up the suburbia that is Vancouver, Canada, my animals were my retreat. My parents spent many long years listening to my incessant whining before they finally gave in, granting me my wish for riding lessons. I was the kid that when asked what I was going to be when I grew up, I answered without hesitation, "a veterinarian." University awoke my passion for the intricacies of the human body, leading me into Kinesiology and all its facets of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. Then all of a sudden (well, 4 and half years later to be exact), my degree was coming to a close and the big question hung in the air....what next? Can't say exactly what propelled me, but something most definitely did, to apply at the BC College of Equine Sports Therapy. Unconventional? Definitely...

    To say that the next 2 years spent becoming an Equine Sport Therapist were life-changing is probably an understatement. Suffice it to say that my understanding of horses, health and life in general was irrevocably changed! The person that emerged was fluent in the language of energy and understood and revered the inherrant connection between all things. I had, without a doubt, entered the rabbit hole, never to return.

    The journey continued, an insatiable hunger developing in me for more knowledge and further deepening of this new understanding. Reiki, flower essences, crystals, EFT, sound healing, Touch for Health...all adding to my practice and my passion. My experience moved from horses to dogs to cats to goats to birds and finally to people.

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    Apr 29, 2011

    Celebrating Community Continues..

    The IBA team again volunteered their services to the Jungle Gardens team last Friday for there 10th Annual Easter Event. The team worked concession stands, got creative with face paintings and handed out candy to all the visitors.

    Recently the IBA team has been supporting and celebrating our community through rewarding volunteer projects. How have you celebrated your community? We welcome you to share your community experiences with us by submitting your photo's and stories to the IBA. We look forward to celebrating our community matrix with you all in July!

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    Apr 29, 2011

    The Conference Webpage Is Now Live!

    This is your go to place for all information regarding the 2011 Conference and Pre and Post-Classes. Visit this site regularly to keep up to date with all the exciting announcements. We are so excited to have the IBA Members together in July. See you there!

    2011 Members Conference Page

    EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: Early Bird Discount has been extended 2 weeks! Early Bird Discounts are now Available till May 15, 2011. This Extension is only for Soren's Class: Defining Holistic Healing, being taught July 27- July 28, 2011 (9am – 5pm EST) before the 2011 Members Conference.

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    Apr 29, 2011

    Life Management – Response-Ability –Life Sciences a (his-)story

    Having recently spent some wonderful days with Kristy Kenny, VP for Life Sciences, I feel compelled to write about this special field within the IBA. In parallel, it describes also my personal story, history or journey. There are many names for this personal evolutionary process of (un-)learning.

    Whoever has attended a Life Science Class with Kristy, has for sure heard one of the reasons why she decided to train within all of the three Life Science fields – MindScape, FreeFall, BreakThrough. What has helped her to become a better BodyTalk practitioner and alsoto enjoy Life (more) were mainly the experiences and personal shifts she had after attending, learning and embracing MindScape, BreakThrough and FreeFall in a multi-dimensional way. So that is what she wanted to be able to share with others, too.

    I had never looked at this in this way, but I am in full support of this perspective BIG TIME. Some time ago, you could read my bio in the IBA newsletter. But for those who don't remember: I met John (and Esther) Veltheim back in 1993 in Malta. At that time, they were teaching "Life Management" classes (LM), with the subtitle of "Response Ability" or "being able to respond to life" (rather than react to life all the time).

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    Apr 29, 2011

    Thank You John

    The Namaste Nova BodyTalk Nova Scotia team would like to thank John for an illuminating and incredible visit to Nova Scotia.

    Despite the weather forecast, over 120 people came out to discover the truth about their body's healing capabilities, to find out that sustainable healthcare does exist, and the limitless possibilities that it offers.

    At lecture closing, we bravely shuttled our leader and participants through blinding snow (literally!) into the night heading to our PaRama 1 practical.

    As the newest graduates of this course, we are all filled with incredible information, possibilities and energy to take to our practices and everyday lives. I am not alone in saying that I am also left with a burning desire to keep learning this beautiful work through further studies with advanced modules, PaRama 2, Finding Health, Earth Talk and it doesn't stop there.

    We are so fortunate to have John return in June to bring us another lecture, Treatment Intensive and Finding Health, not to mention breaking in his new Sou'wester rain hat.

    Namaste Nova Equestrian and Wellness Retreat will be opening it's brand new doors this April! We have scheduled Module 3 with Richard Stuart, and Module 8A and Animal Access with Loesje Jacob for April, with a full schedule of continuing courses.

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    Apr 15, 2011

    What is the body, where does it come from, and how does it talk?

    Jim Oschman has been fascinated by John Veltheim's scientific descriptions of Quantum BodyTalk. Explaining this approach to life and health to others can be challenging because of the ways our thinking has been influenced by the dominant materialistic paradigm. This paradigm has been shaken to its foundations in a series of breakthrough moments that forever change our perception of ourselves and the world we inhabit.

    While the basic ideas can be traced to antiquity, their modern expression began at a specific moment at the turn of the century. On December 14, 1900, Max Planck reluctantly presented to the German Physical Society meeting in Berlin his discoveries about an obscure physical phenomenon known as black body radiation. His hesitation came from an awareness that his findings were totally contrary to the accepted notions of the nature of matter. Moreover, these notions were very dearly held, for they were widely viewed as a triumph of logic and reason – a means to understand all of nature. At the time of Planck's lecture, all matter was viewed as composed of "billiard ball" atoms moving about predictably according to the laws of motion developed by Sir Isaac Newton. Lord Rutherford summarized the physicist's self-confidence by stating that all of science was divided into two branches: physics and stamp collecting. Newton's mechanics had led to an industrial revolution that offered much hope and enthusiasm for the future of technology (Figure 1). Max Planck's upsetting presentation led to the birth of quantum physics, and the end of an era of comfort in which physicists knew with great confidence they had the means to fathom all of the mysteries of nature. The universe had come to be predictable as a "clockworks" and the human body could be viewed an intricate machine made of parts that could be understood and fixed if necessary.

    Quantum physics led to an entirely different worldview, in which the atom, its parts, and all things made of atoms including living things were better viewed as relationships rather than as isolated things. Electrons are no longer viewed as particles orbiting the atomic nucleus like the planets orbit the sun, but more as energetic essences with sizes and boundaries that can only be approximated.

    There arose from Planck's discoveries, and those that have followed, a sometimes uncomfortable awareness that our basic concepts, our language, our whole way of thinking, are inadequate to describe the world we live in. This is not just an intellectual problem, but an emotional issue. For it goes to the heart of the way we view the nature of reality and what we are taught about how the world works from the first days of our lives. Frijtof Capra's Turning Point (1982) documented how this change in awareness of relationships has altered every aspect of our reality. There have been attempts to establish a Quantum Medicine, but it was not until Quantum BodyTalk that the discoveries in Quantum physics became part of the daily reality of many healthcare practitioners and their patients.

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    Apr 15, 2011

    Holistic Health with Soren Ventegodt

    Soren spoke at the European Conference in Munich, and was afterwards invited to teach his Holistic Health course in the UK and Ireland. I attended both courses and it was a profound and heart warming experience; every person was deeply touched by this work.

    The testimonials from those courses say so much... and nothing.

    As one participant put it: 'There is no thing to teach – and no thing to learn.'

    Soren offers an experiential workshop where he facilitates participants to find something within – every BEING has – and many of us have forgotten.

    I have been a BodyTalk client for 5 years, a CBP for nearly 4 years and have taken a long list of BodyTalk & Life Science courses. Each and everyone helped me grow as a person and practitioner. When I heard Soren speak in Munich, his message resonated with me instantly. I was part of a demonstration. In the 15 minutes Soren worked with me, my life changed.

    In my heart I knew, this 'work' can be easily integrated into BodyTalk.

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    Apr 15, 2011

    Laura Mitchell Biography

    I'm a CBP and PaRama College student. I earned my
    Bachelor's Degree of Arts in English Literature and Journalism from the University of Dallas. I was in graduate school and law school at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA before leaving to start my own business as a student athlete specialist. I've always loved sports, and I played basketball and ran track in college; I was even an NCAA Head college basketball coach for several years.
    Then I found BodyTalk.

    My BodyTalk practice, Quantum Athletes, focuses on helping athletes and dancers be healthy champions. I've practiced BodyTalk in Malibu, CA, New York City, Chicago, and Romeo, MI.

    I recently relocated to Sarasota, Florida to work more closely with the IBA as Executive Assistant to the President. My duties will include editing, writing Public Relations correspondence, outreach articles and promoting John's attendance in areas that he'll be traveling to.

    For fun I like reading, working out and playing sports, traveling, going to the beach, public speaking, swing dancing, watching ballets and movies, meeting new people, and learning new information that will enhance my BodyTalk practice and my life.

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    Apr 01, 2011

    A day with Jungle Gardens

    The IBA has a long history and a long love for animals. So what better way to show that love than to celebrate our community with Jungle Gardens of Sarasota. This bird sanctuary has been around for nearly 71 years, and the IBA staff rolled up their sleeves to get dirty and help out.

    The IBA team did an awesome job painting picnic tables, building tents, and digging fence holes and railings for the birds. We spent nearly the whole day doing whatever we could to help out. The experience wasn't just fun, but it was a rewarding experience the whole team could share.

    We urge all members, instructors, and even the public to go out and help your community. Send in the photos and the experience you all had during your volunteer service. Every little bit can help out in a big way and BodyTalk has the perfect membership base to do this.

    Please submit all your photos of you helping out in any way you can, we will be using photos throughout the newsletters to come, to help promote Celebrating Community.

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    Apr 01, 2011

    Eric O'Connell- IBA Lead Web Developer

    It is with mixed emotions that we announce the resignation of Eric O'Connell, Lead Web Developer, from the IBA team. Eric has been with the IBA as an integral IT employee for over 8 years. His primary responsibility was the development of the current website and systems related to it along with responding to inquiries from the membership for support services. Eric is part of the IBA family, so as with any family member, we are happy for his career opportunities, but recognize the gap that it brings to the IBA IT team structure. Please join us in expressing our appreciation for everything Eric has done for the IBA for the many years he has been working for us and join us as we wish him well in all his career and personal endeavors.

    As with the loss of any valued employee, there will be a transitional period for us to find a replacement and we, therefore, ask for your patience and understanding if you come across technical difficulties. We have currently engaged temporary outside consultants to assist us during our transition to hiring a replacement for Eric's Lead Developer position and we will address your inquiries and technical difficulties as promptly as we can. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

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    Apr 01, 2011

    The Art of Practice - An Interview with Gilly Adkins

    Aside from studying and practicing Body Talk, what other things do people need to learn in order to set up a successful BodyTalk practice?

    There are many different elements to setting up a Body Talk practice when you first start out:

    How do you get experience when you don't have it?

    How do you place a value on your services in a way that communicates the value to clients?

    If you give away your services for free, it devalues your practice.

    To build your credibility, you need to start by creating an illusion of a viable professional practice until you have a viable practice.

    How do you do this?

    A lot of it is how you schedule. You want to put two appointments back to back – so that clients see someone coming in after them.

    Do not be available 24/7. For example, "I'm sorry, I'm full that day. I could see you on this day." This way, you're not like a begging dog wagging your tail hoping for a morsel.

    If someone expresses interest, say as little as you need to .. little is better than more. For example, if someone expresses interest you might say, "That's great, I'd love to offer a session. Fascinating energy medicine ... I could talk about this for a long time but I recommend that you come and have a session and feel it." Have the work do the work.

    From the minute you take on a client, be aware that everything you say and do is telling a story about you: How you are on the phone, how you fit them in, email, directions, what kind of intake form they fill out.

    I very quickly developed a session three package.
    In BodyTalk, we do get miracles but that's not the way to build a successful practice. Life just happens. I don't want to put myself or the client in the position of expecting unrealistic results. After three sessions, I expect there's a viable, tangible result. My clients feel the value of what I'm offering. If they don't, I don't want to waste their time or money, or my time if this isn't going to work for them

    Logistical, practical things are very important.

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    Apr 01, 2011

    Share your Community at Celebrating the Community!

    The IBA invites you to share your community at Celebrating the Community! We are looking for images from your practice, your study groups, your classes, local conferences and social events so we can showcase our global community at this years Members Conference.

    The best way to deliver these images is to upload them in your members photo sharing site. If you are not yet a practicing member and do not have access to this fabulous resource then you can ask one of your BodyTalk Friends who is a practicing member to upload them for you. Or as a last resource send your pics to Remember- You will need permission from everyone in the photo to share this image with us.

    To register for the conference please follow this link:

    If you have any questions please email

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    Mar 18, 2011

    The FreeFall Approach To Understanding Human Sexuality

    This essay explores healthy sexuality and the integration of The Life Sciences. In particular it describes a comprehensive approach to personal growth, intimate relationships, and our vital health.

    In my research I have found mainstream media takes one of two approaches in uncovering sexuality information. One approach is the medical model revealing sexual dysfunction issues. The other popular approach is pornography. While the two do contribute to the overall theme, there is an obvious split from a more holistic inclination; namely body-mind considerations.

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    Mar 18, 2011

    Mini Instructor Get Together From Around the World..

    This February many of the IBA Instructors around the world pulled together on the same couple of days and took part in a mini instructor get-together! Below is a bit of feedback from each of the meetings. If you have a chance to get together with the other instructors in your area, please do, it was a great way to connect and do some work on 'our' stuff!

    From Calgary, Canada....
    Our get-together began with some socializing and catching-up on each others lives, it was nice to hear about how everything was going for each of us on a personal level. We had a couple Instructors from the Calgary area attend including myself (Amanda), Andrea Carter (and her new addition Peighton), Sylvia Muiznieks, and Richard Stuart. Then we were lucky enough to have Joanne Matheson, join us all the way from New Zealand (she was here in Calgary training with Sylvia) AND we also joined up with Lasha Watson from Shoal Lake and Kelley Burry from Nova Scotia via Skype. Yeah for technology!

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    Mar 18, 2011

    Consciousness Based Practice

    I learned early on that more is better. That’s just obvious. If it is good give me more, so that it keeps getting better and better. Then one day I discovered that less is more. I lost something and discovered, much to my amazement, that a greater gain had come in its place. The more I lost the greater the gain.

    Accumulation began feeling heavy. The less I had the lighter I felt. Without it being a conscious plan, the realization of an underlying principal slowly surfaced and affected more of my thinking and behavior.

    In order to gain something, I had to initiate some action that would generate a particular response and return to me my goal, in whatever form. Since the goal was always something I didn’t have, great effort was used to work up the mental and physical energy necessary to accomplish the task. I believe in physics the term for expending energy to accomplish a task is called work.

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    Mar 18, 2011

    Will I Ever Change

    Years ago I used to wish that I would simply be free of my body and be in a wheelchair so I didn't have to experience the pain of its constant betrayal and so I could simply focus on the area where I excelled, the intellectual academic game. Gone would be the harassment to exercise, eat more, look normal, and compete with others in sports.

    I used to view my body as the complete and ultimate enemy, something which I had to put up with and tolerate. Through BreakThrough and FreeFall I have found both courage and strength to step into and make friends with this body and to live wholly, by embracing this so viewed enemy and finding the tremendous joy enraptured within that I had been keeping separate from myself.

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    Mar 04, 2011

    BodyTalk helping the Christchurch Quake Distaster

    A team of dedicated BodyTalk practitioners have been helping in the recovery effort following Christchurch, NZ earthquake disaster.

    The police officer in this photo said he had had the best night sleep after the first session since the earthquake which was a week before

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    Mar 04, 2011

    Birth, BodyTalk & FreeFall: Maëlle's Birth Story

    When I sat down to write our birth story and realized how much BodyTalk and FreeFall has helped us it hit me, our story starts WAY before labour and delivery. My husband Ryan and I are both BodyTalk practitioners and have been involved with BodyTalk for many years. This past August we decided we would like to start having kids. Like true BodyTalkers we started doing sessions to help prepare my body for baby. We thought for sure that we would likely have to try for about 3 – 6 months just like all our friends, but as you can guess when everything started to balance out we were pregnant within 3 weeks. Needless to say it was a bit of a surprise! We should have known better.

    During my pregnancy I was very fortunate to take lots of time for baby and me as I was working full time at BodyTalk and was able to make a schedule that worked for me. It was so wonderful to be able to rest when I needed it and really take time to grow a baby. I know that being so relaxed was a big part in our baby being so relaxed as well. I did have morning/all day sickness but other then that I was very happy and healthy. I had many BodyTalk sessions for me and baby and spent lot of time talking to baby. We had decided right away that we were going with a Midwife and having a home birth. I was so excited to do things completely natural, and our Midwife was very excited for us to be using BodyTalk through the whole pregnancy and delivery.

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    Mar 04, 2011

    Member Conference Addition: Pre-Conference Seminar with Soren Ventegodt

    We are very excited to announce that Soren Ventegodt M.D, Key Note speaker at IBA Members Conference will now be presenting pre-conference seminar in Clearwater.

    This class will be open to all IBA Members and will run July 27 & 28. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting new course to be released in the forthcoming week.

    Dr Ventegodt is the director of the Nordic School of Holistic Medicine and the Quality of Life Research Centre (QOLRC) in Copenhagen, Denmark. This research centre is considered one of the worlds most productive in new medical knowledge in the field of clinical holistic medicine – "quality of life as medicine".

    Recently Soren has written textbooks on holistic psychiatry and holistic sexology. Dr Ventegodt has also published numerous scientific or popular articles and a number of books on holistic medicine, quality of life, and quality of working life.

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    Mar 04, 2011

    Allison Bachmeier Biography

    Allison Bachmeier lives and breathes the philosophy underlying FreeFall, BreakThrough and BodyTalk and is experienced in guiding students through both professional and personal transitions, both of which transpire in tandem with addressing the root cause of conflict. Extensive education in the body and the mind, including a B.Sc in Anatomy, B.A. in Psychology and 2.5 years of medical school, followed by a personal health crisis led to the discovery of consciousness based medicine, namely The BodyTalk System and BreakThrough & FreeFall.Allison's strong interest in personal transformation is continuously nurtured by studying all of the BodyTalk modules, MindScape, BreakThrough and FreeFall studies. She is an active student in the PaRama College and stays abreast of the latest research, developments and techniques by continuously training with founder of BodyTalk, Dr. John Veltheim and founder of BreakThrough, Esther Veltheim.

    Allison's focus and commitment lie in facilitating optimal health by addressing the root cause of conflict. She is currently instructing internationally and operating a BreakThrough & BodyTalk clinic full-time. Allison is available for private sessions, lectures, seminars as well as to travel to teach FreeFall, BreakThrough and BodyTalk seminars. To make an appointment for a session, a consultation or inquire about having a training course near you, Allison can be reached via phone at (306) 280-8264 or email at

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    Mar 04, 2011

    PaRama BodyTalk

    The BodyTalk community in Nova Scotia would like to take the opportunity to welcome with open arms all of you PaRama students and practitioners who are contemplating taking (or have already registered for) the PaRama Practical with John Veltheim in March.

    PaRama will be held at Annapolis Basin Conference Centre located on the famous Bay of Fundy, known for unique high tidal patterns.

    We offer many courses here in Nova Scotia throughout the year. In the near future courses coordinated by our group will be held at Namaste Nova Equestrian & Wellness Retreat, a beautiful and secluded rural property only 40 minutes from Halifax.

    Come and join us for four days of Nova Scotia hospitality.

    Seminar Registration

    "It's a tiny province populated with people with really big hearts and wide open minds, and they're ready to reach out to help you however they can. Staying with them retreat-style is like being wrapped up in the arms of love." Brenda Miller

    Jocelyn Pulchny, CBP

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    Feb 18, 2011

    Who Am I

    I was born and raised on a farm on the prairies in Alberta, in western Canada. I had three brothers, one sister, a mom and dad, a hired man, dogs and cats and a horse that frequently ran away with everybody. I didn't notice. I thought we were galloping because I wanted to.

    A typical day included dad hollering, "Daylight" followed by the sound of our feet hitting the floor to get ready to feed the animals before school. Mom was a fantastic cook and could make a meal out of one potato and sometimes did. We were poor enough, money-wise, that mom and dad lived in a tent when they first married. Eventually they moved to a small house, but we didn't have running water or a television. Due to that circumstance, I spent some my childhood thinking I was deprived. Now I see the blessings and have gone back to no or little TV by choice. The days on the prairies were long, and hard work was the ethic and reward of that time and place.

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    Feb 18, 2011


    "I hate my father. There is nothing that will change that. Ever. I just wanted to say that."

    The group that had come together to take the BreakThrough 1 seminar was silenced by the forceful words and raw feelings. The woman who had spoken them, vibrated with hurt and defiance. There was nothing to say in response that wouldn't be a platitude uttered to make the rest of us feel better, and, at the same time, dismiss her pain. It was one of those moments when words fall short of the mark and you can do nothing but feel it, and wonder how it is that life seems to hurt so much sometimes.

    She was nine years old when she woke up one morning, an innocent child, and by the end of the day, experienced such deep hatred that it would be kept alive in her for over fifty years. Her father, a drugged-up angry alcoholic, on that terrifying day, sexually abused her and then threw her over the balcony onto the dirt below, where she lay stunned and trapped. Her mother came out and told her she better get up or he'd do it again. She couldn't get up; both of her collarbones were broken. On that day she didn't only lose her innocence, she lost sight of love, security, hope, and trust.

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    Feb 18, 2011

    What is the role of BreakThrough in the BodyTalk System family?

    I took BreakThrough 1 in early May 2010 with Brenda Miller. She came out to Australia spontaneously to teach a little group of 11 students at the Gold Coast. This class led to Brenda teaching a BreakThrough 1 Steps Intensive, after the Practical, and another class for her in Gympie. Consequently, she now has many upcoming BreakThrough classes booked in a few different states of Australia in 2011.

    So, why was I so keen to learn BreakThrough? Well, in the PaRama course, BreakThrough is mentioned a lot and I got really curious. I never had Steps done for me before, but was led to BreakThrough by reading and hearing about it. I also participated in a BreakThrough telephone seminar with Terryann Nikides and straight after it I had the chance to apply some of the insights it gave me with my husband. We had a little argument and I said to him that my behaviour was abusive and manipulative. Try it, and your partner will send you to the next available BreakThrough class for sure! ? Well, that basically happened in my case, and I also 'dragged' him along, which was all just a tiny bit manipulative and abusive.

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    Feb 18, 2011

    Insights into client interactions

    As an Insights Discovery™ practitioner, I work to improve self-awareness for individuals and improve interpersonal communications in companies across all industries as well as local, provincial, and national government agencies. Many of the strategies directly apply to how BodyTalk practitioners interact with clients.

    A client who leads with fiery red energy will be bold and direct when speaking, like big ideas, exude confidence, embrace challenges, and expect fast results. You can meet their needs by matching their pace and volume; showing confidence in your abilities; explaining BodyTalk in a brief, point-form, big picture way; and providing immediate results. Teach them the cortices technique while emphasizing it as the single-most powerful BT technique for daily use – and show how quickly the technique is implemented. Strive to book the next appointment immediately or they may keep searching for the next big thing. After a session, suggest that matching their next appointment to the needs of their innate wisdom is the best way to achieve the fastest results.

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    Feb 04, 2011

    Welcome Theresa

    We would like to officially welcome Theresa, one of our newest staff members at the IBA USA office.

    Theresa has a BFA in Graphic Design, a minor in Asian Studies and an A.A.S in Computer Graphics / Graphic Design. She spent some time studying Japanese language and culture at the Nagasaki College of Foreign Language in Japan. She then graduated in 2010 from the State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY), with magna cum laude honors.

    Theresa's role in the IBA is to work on both the upkeep and improvement of the IBA website and on various other design projects. She hopes her efforts will continue to improve of the IBA's visual impact.

    In her free time she enjoys hip-hop music and scooting.

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    Feb 04, 2011

    What if you BodyTalked your BodyTalk?

    I grew up in a family with Transcendental Meditation. My parents were at a yoga class at Des Moines Unity Center when they first heard about TM. This was in the early 70's when TM was booming, although I do remember being teased as a little kid because meditation was still weird to most small town Midwesterners. By the way, the whole family is now also a BodyTalk family, and we're known as the weirdoes with the voodoo!

    Over the years my parents would pack us kids up and travel the country listening to lectures on meditation and spirituality by leaders within Maharishi's Spiritual Regeneration Movement (SRM). Many times they didn't need to go far because we lived two hours outside Fairfield Iowa, which is where Maharishi Mahesh Yogi established Maharishi University of Management.

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    Jan 21, 2011

    New Training Facilities now available at IBA headquarters in Sarasota, FL.

    We are excited to announce that we have opened a BodyTalk Training Space at the IBA Headquarters in Sarasota. This space has been designed specifically for BodyTalk training and seminars.

    The air-conditioned space can hold up to 18 students classroom style plus an Instructor. The room also includes 2 massage tables, all BodyTalk wall charts, seating, pads and pens. Tea and coffee, available at a nominal fee with free internet access. The building has ample free parking along with multiple food and accommodation options close by.

    Instructors and Coordinators will appreciate the ability to bring in your own catering supplies. Students can also benefit from IBA store order forms in the lobby with next day pick up options, saving on shipping costs.

    The rental space cost is only $95.00 US (a day). Contact Monique Ring, to enquire about availability.

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    Jan 21, 2011

    John Veltheim, a Key Note Speaker at ACEP

    Dr. John Veltheim will be a key note speaker at the 13th Annual Energy Psychology conference presented by ACEP, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.

    The conference, themed Portals to a Transformed World: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Practice, will be held in Reston, Virginia, USA on June 2-5, 2011.

    To find out more information on the conference including pre and post workshops and to download a conference brochure visit the website for the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Click Here

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    Jan 21, 2011

    Congratulations to Sylvia Muiznieks on becoming a Senior Mindscape Instructor

    We congratulate Sylvia Muiznieks on achieving and graduating to the status of Senior Mindscape Instructor. Sylvia's teaching excellence and considerable experience in applying MindScape to clinical work, personal growth and a multitude of other areas made her an excellent candidate to become a Senior MindScape Instructor. Sylvia has seen hundreds of her adult students benefit from employing Mindscape techniques and she has designed a one-day Mindscape course for children aged 9 to 12. Since September 2003, she has taught Mindscape in Canada, Australia, England, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, Scotland, and South Africa. In her capacity as a Senior MindScape Instructor, Sylvia will be able to train new MindScape instructors.

    Sylvia has had extensive experience in the complementary health field as a practitioner, educator and administrator. She learned BodyTalk from founder Dr. John Veltheim in 2000 and was amongst the first Certified BodyTalk Practitioners in North America (and later amongst the first Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioners in the world). She became a Certified BodyTalk Instructor in January 2002 and a Certified Mindscape Instructor in September 2003. In 2003, she was also appointed a Senior BodyTalk Instructor and was elected by her peers to the position of Junior Vice-President of the International BodyTalk Association (a position to which she was re-elected in 2005). In 2007, she switched roles to become the VP for Academic Studies and she became an Advanced Senior CBI.

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    Jan 07, 2011

    IBA announces the business engagement of Harqui Eventos of Brazil

    IBA is happy to announce that effective immediately, we have entered into contract with Marta & Rosane Ferreira who have been engaged to assist in serving and growing our Brazilian members with membership registrations, yearly renewals, Portuguese manual orders, and limited product distribution.

    Members and students may contact Marta and Rosane through their business, Harqui Eventos, or continue to be served through the IBA website, whichever is most convenient in meeting the individual’s needs. Below is Marta’s and Rosane’s business phone and mailing address information:

    Marta & Rosane have served the IBA in years past as coordinators for seminars and events such as our recent PaRama Unit 1 live session course held in Rio de Janerio. We are pleased that they have accepted to offer their business services to help us better serve the Brazilian members with membership related inquiries, registrations, renewals and course material purchases.

    We look forward to the opportunities and benefits that this business relationship holds for our Matrix and our Brazilian membership. Welcome Marta and Rosane, and thank you in advance for a bright horizon of serving our Brazilian members and growing with us.

    -IBA Management Team

    (Click “Read More” to View This Article In Portuguese)

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    Jan 07, 2011

    IBA announces the business engagement of Harqui Eventos of Brazil

    IBA is happy to announce that effective immediately, we have entered into contract with Marta & Rosane Ferreira who have been engaged to assist in serving and growing our Brazilian members with membership registrations, yearly renewals, Portuguese manual orders, and limited product distribution. Please click to read more, we also have this information translated into Portuguese...
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    Jan 07, 2011

    BodyTalk Treatment Intensive with Dr John Veltheim at the Gold Coast – What a way to end the year!

    Approximately 30 Australian BodyTalkers, from newbies to advanced Parama students, spent the last 2 days observing, discussing and receiving treatments of Dr John Veltheim. Studying with John is always a very valuable experience, because from whom better could you learn than the founder of BodyTalk himself, no matter how long you have been involved with the BT System?! The observation of his treatments alone created huge shifts and a deeper....
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    Jan 07, 2011

    BodyTalk Treatment Intensive with Dr John Veltheim at the Gold Coast – What a way to end the year!

    Approximately 30 Australian BodyTalkers, from newbies to advanced Parama students, spent 2 days in December observing, discussing and receiving treatments of Dr John Veltheim. Studying with John is always a very valuable experience, because from whom better could you learn than the founder of BodyTalk himself, no matter how long you have been involved with the BT System?! The observation of his treatments alone created huge shifts and a deeper understanding in all of us, receiving one as well, was just the icing on the cake.

    The Treatment Intensive met way more than my expectations. It was not 'just' a treatment class, but came close to an Interactive and even Parama class. John was happy to answer all of our questions, updated us on some very exciting IBA news, explained some of his newest work, especially in the Epigenetic field and how he has been tackling genetic disorders, enlightened us with his stories and delighted us with his jokes ?, and of course blew our minds away with his ability to see everything that's going on in our bodies and the most incredible sessions.

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    Jan 07, 2011

    And the winner is..... Lucy Taylor!

    BodyTalk is a simple yet powerful way to communicate directly with our bodies, finding out what really lies at the core of our physical or emotional symptoms. Combining modern science with traditional healing methods, BodyTalk gently encourages our systems to reveal what needs to be addressed. Really big changes can be made without having to relive the past or make huge efforts, simply by asking the body what is going on right now. By tapping into the innate healing wisdom within each of us, BodyTalk stimulates recovery, balance and good health on all levels. So, discover your body’s wisdom!

    - Lucy Taylor: 99 Words

    We would like to thank everybody who submitted entires and voted for the “What is BodyTalk Competition”. Below is a a link to a document that has “Top 5, Honorable Mentions, and Staff Picks”.

    Click Here
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    Dec 24, 2010

    Runners Up

    The BodyTalk System is an effective health modality that offers a unique, individualized solution to both simple and complex diseases. This modality addresses all factors contributing to the disease (or symptoms) including all physical, mental, emotional, and environmental stressors thus allowing for true healing. BodyTalk recognizes the connection between the body and mind and how the conscious and unconscious habit patterns, thoughts, and attitudes restrict the body and affect disease. It is through the use of the body’s innate wisdom that we determine all the facets of disease and can then prioritize how, and when the problems should be addressed.

    - Amanda Rollefstad : 100 Words

    BodyTalk is a healthcare tool that taps into the body’s natural ability to heal and thrive. The BodyTalk practitioner uses a comprehensive system to help locate unique priorities and specific techniques that simply remind the body of its innate balance. BodyTalk works to relax the nervous system, release stored stress, and enhance communication both internally and within the larger family dynamic. BodyTalk is best used as preventative care, to help each individual adapt to changes and let go of deep-seated emotions and self-criticisms that affect our physiology.

    - Katherine Taylor: 87 Words

    Where science and the art of living life consciously meet, defines BodyTalk as a potential to every and each human being.

    Life with BodyTalk brings awareness to help understand and heal issues that we carry for a long time. To see life long illness finally receive a new shed of light that promotes and incorporate all healing potential.

    With BodyTalk, life feels more real. It promotes ease and simple links of all forms of healing that can interact as they do but now with conscious awareness.

    Be Conscious Be BodyTalk.

    - Marcio Ribeiro: 90 Words

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    Dec 24, 2010

    2nd Place: Ben Manalo

    BodyTalk is a simple Consciousness-based health care system that accelerates your body’s healing process and prevents disease. To experience optimal health, every part of you needs to work together effectively and efficiently as a team. By improving the cooperation and communication throughout your bodymind on all levels, BodyTalk enhances your natural capacity to quickly heal and adapt to the stresses of day to day life in subtle yet profound ways.

    -Ben Manalo: 71 Words

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    Dec 24, 2010

    Cliff Berry's Biography

    Here at the IBA, our collective goal remains to communicate a vision, tools, and training in life sciences on a worldwide scale. The primary task of my daily activities is using the visual medium to help further promote the verbal and textual ideas put forth by founder, John Veltheim, and the IBA matrix. As a graphic designer, my creative process combines art and technology. This includes working with hand drawn illustration, paint, photographs, computer generated...
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    Dec 10, 2010

    How spirit, playful joy and presence let you BE successful

    Maren, my 8-year-old niece takes great delight in doing artistic gymnastics. Two years ago she joined the local gymnastics club in her hometown Salzburg and started doing gymnastics once a week. Last year she was asked to join the Austrian All-State first team and took part in a competition for the first time – it gave her great pleasure and she wanted more...
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    Dec 10, 2010

    My Adventure to the Philippines

    Now that I've been back in Germany for a while, I've had some time to digest and sort out my impressions. My second journey to the Philippines started on 23 June 2010, after I had been there once already in September 2009 to meet a friend I've got to know through the Internet. Well, as it is, I'm a BodyTalker through and through, and regardless where I go, I'm living BodyTalk all day. That was also the case in Cebu, a town in the Visayas Islands.
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    Dec 10, 2010

    How spirit, playful joy and presence let you BE successful

    Maren, my 8-year-old niece takes great delight in doing artistic gymnastics. Two years ago she joined the local gymnastics club in her hometown Salzburg and started doing gymnastics once a week. Last year she was asked to join the Austrian All-State first team and took part in a competition for the first time – it gave her great pleasure and she wanted more...

    Her coach had nominated her for the Austrian championship that took place on the last October weekend 2010. Accompanied by her Mom, her little brother Raphael, her grandmas, Cousin Felix and her Aunty she entered the sports hall where crowds of 6- to 15-year-old girls were already busy on the different apparatus.

    Maren appeared to be really calm but also a bit lost in view of the crowd – she had never been to such a big event. Her coach made her feel secure and it was fascinating to watch how our little one changed when she came near one of the apparatus. Already during her warm-up I discovered something marvellous: Maren was suddenly oblivious of everything around her and there were merely she and her routine. She was all focus – thank you Maren for showing me so clearly ?.

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    Dec 10, 2010

    Cliff Berry's Biography

    Here at the IBA, our collective goal remains to communicate a vision, tools, and training in life sciences on a worldwide scale. The primary task of my daily activities is using the visual medium to help further promote the verbal and textual ideas put forth by founder, John Veltheim, and the IBA matrix. As a graphic designer, my creative process combines art and technology. This includes working with hand drawn illustration, paint, photographs, computer generated imagery, typography, and sometimes motion. Coming up on my sixth year with the company, my initial workload was solidifying a brand identity, and I look forward to the challenge of upgrading our visual presence as we forge into the process of becoming a college.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions related to IBA graphic design or about the brand standard guide. The designs I create aid as learning and promotional tools for membership, so also send comments on likes and dislikes, and insight to new materials that you feel would be a commodity for our growing matrix.

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    Dec 10, 2010

    My Adventure to the Philippines

    Now that I've been back in Germany for a while, I've had some time to digest and sort out my impressions. My second journey to the Philippines started on 23 June 2010, after I had been there once already in September 2009 to meet a friend I've got to know through the Internet.

    Well, as it is, I'm a BodyTalker through and through, and regardless where I go, I'm living BodyTalk all day. That was also the case in Cebu, a town in the Visayas Islands.

    I had planned to stay for 2 weeks. In the first week my body needed to get adjusted to the climate and the time change. We also found a portable massage table that I could work on and I had all the right bits and pieces for giving sessions.

    On my first visit in September 2009 I had already given some sessions to family members of my friend. This summer I could start to work on outside people as well, since I had this portable table now. I started working with a slightly more affluent family and gave an information afternoon too. People reacted fantastically to the sessions, so word got out and when I'll come again next, I'll be able to teach one BodyTalk Access-Course if not more.

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    Dec 10, 2010

    Thank You Dr. Don Kaimi Pilipovich!

    Recently Dr. Don Kaimi Pilipovich resigned as VP for Academic Development and we would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his generous energies and help to the IBA while head of this position.

    We appreciate your dedication to this position over the years and are truly thankful for your wisdom, knowledge and help to the IBA. Thank You Kaimi!

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    Nov 26, 2010

    Honoring Our Matrix- The First European IBA Conference.

    In October, 2010, I had the privilege of attending the First European IBA Conference: Honoring Our Matrix held in Munich/Munchen, Bavaria, Germany. Firstly, I want to commend and congratulate Claudia Schembri-Heitmann, Felix Schembri and Stefanie Diesch-Muller and their team of volunteers for doing an amazing job of co-ordinating and hosting this awesome conference. Job well done!

    On Wednesday, October 13, 2010, I flew from Amsterdam to Munich to attend the public presentation that Dr. John Veltheim was doing. The presentation was very well attended. It was in a hall with a stage at the front. However, as the evening went on, I discovered that it was also a "bar" as there was a waitress who came around taking peoples' orders for beer, etc. I'm not a beer drinker, but I must say it was fun to attend my first BodyTalk Public Presentation where beer was actually served! Claudia Schembri-Heitmann did an amazing job translating for John.

    Thursday was the Instructors' Meeting. Great representation of both Access and BodyTalk instructors from Germany, Austria, Italy, Ireland, England, Denmark, the US and, of course, Canada.

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    Nov 26, 2010

    Welcome Dawn!

    My name is Dawn LeBlanc and I am proud to be the newest member of the IBA team in our office in Sarasota, Florida. In my role as Office Manager, I will be reporting to Monique and learning various aspects of the business. I welcome your contact regarding billing, payment processing, payables and administrative questions pertaining to John and Esther's schedules and courses. Over the next few months, I will be cross-training in various areas of the business and learning a great deal from my team members.

    I have an AS Degree in Applied Business from Terra Community College in Fremont, Ohio, which I graduated with summa cum laude honors. My work experience includes 7 years as a financial aid representative at a community college and 14 years as an executive/administrative assistant at a certified public accounting firm.

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    Nov 26, 2010

    Randy B.

    I have been participating with BodyTalk for over 5 years and have come to understand many things about my life. This trip was nothing short of a miracle for me. No, I do not have some life threatening illness, and no I did not find Jesus on a taco shell, but I found something greater.

    Bringing these Access Techniques to the children and their 'family' was the best thing. You could immediately see that, even with a language barrier, all the kids were willing to do it, and could do it so easily, as though without thought, they all knew what was going on.

    Aside from the teachings we brought with BodyTalk Access, this trip represented so much to me, and my naive view of the world. So, do you want to know the miracle was for me?

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    Nov 12, 2010

    "Change Yourself, Change the world"

    With the support of the International BodyTalk Foundation, the Batam Harris Resort, and donators world-wide, Loesje Global is excited to inform you that on February 8th – 22nd, 2011, a team of Facilitators, BodyTalk Access Trainers, youth, and adults, will be embarking on the next Loesje Global Conscious Adventure.

    In January of 2010, Loesje Jacob realized one of her many dreams. Her dream was to bring a team of youth together from different parts of the world to share the gift of the BodyTalk Access techniques with the orphans of Batam, Indonesia (*Reference the January 2009 article in the Access Newsletter archives section). This magical journey took on many threads. Some of these were for youth to become aware of their own limitations, to explore their view of the world and also to experience the innate healing powers of the orphans as well as themselves, by applying the energetic techniques of BodyTalk Access.

    Many of the youth stated, "It was the trip of a lifetime." Now they are actively bringing what they learned back into their own families and communities. For all of us – the youth, the facilitators, and the support team volunteers, it was truly an experience of deep joy, gratitude, love and a witnessing of miracles that unfolded on a daily basis.

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    Nov 12, 2010

    Ayesha Campbell-Payne

    How to even begin to put into words how this trip changed my views and perspective on life is a challenge... As a BodyTalk practitioner I was excited to share this incredible self-healing tool with the children and their carers. I had experienced the huge benefit it had on my life and health and couldn't wait to share this with the orphans.

    Working with the children and sharing these techniques was the most rewarding thing I have ever done! The kid's enthusiasm to learn and take part in the techniques was amazing. These kids don't have the doctor around the corner or the idea of when you're ill you take a pill, so to them they had no barriers or masks as to what works or doesn't!

    I'm sure I speak for a lot of the people on the trip: We were going to help the orphans with the Access techniques but soon realized that the children were having a huge impact and healing on us

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    Nov 12, 2010

    John Veltheim's Canadian Tour- September 2010

    From Vancouver

    September was a busy month for BodyTalk in Vancouver. I had the great pleasure of coordinating for John while he was in our city. The last time he was in Vancouver was several years ago, so we were glad when John decided to make a stop here on his lecture tour. We had a great turnout for the Public Lecture, with 140 people at the Vancouver General Hospital Health Auditorium. Some people had heard about the talk through the CBP's in town, others had heard John speak on Conscious Living Radio and wanted to connect with the man himself. People were impressed by John's presentation, and signed up on the spot for his Finding Health Seminar. I was very proud of the work by local CBP's to pack the house!

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    Oct 29, 2010

    An Emergency Call with BodyTalk

    Last weekend I was travelling by train when my attention was caught by a co-traveller, who was having a seizure at one of the stations. His family, which were also on the train, told me later the man was well over 80 yrs old and had suffered from epilepsy for almost 40 years, which had been medicinally "contained/controlled". I work as an emergency medical doctor so I know the symptoms. He was unresponsive, with a fixed gaze and swallowing reflexes ... Other travellers had put out an emergency call and quite automatically I gave him a Cortices Treatment. After the first run through he collapsed, lying on the ground during the second run – no more convulsions – and during the third run he came to, stood up and was totally there. I have never seen that kind of reaction!

    His family told me, that usually he remains quite dazed- even after milder episodes, feels disoriented, speaks dialect and needs 20-30 minutes to recover. He boarded the train again and the emergency car could leave again. It also seems that in the hours following the incident no new convulsions occurred. It is just fine!

    Thank you and heartfelt greetings from,
    Dr. med. Jutta Batke, IBA Member, Berlin, Germany

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    Oct 15, 2010

    Chantelle's Story

    I have seen so many changes in my life since I found BodyTalk. Not only did I become pregnant twice and now have the two most beautiful and precious children (I am sure we all think our kids are the cutest and smartest in the world) but I have also noticed many changes in my physical, emotional and spiritual health along my journey. When I had my eyes checked, I found that I no longer needed to wear eyeglasses. My eyes went from being so far sighted that I needed progressive lenses to not needing to wear glasses at all. My eye doctor thought there was no way that he was looking at the proper file. I also notice that my headaches and migraines I used to experience are gone. My shoulder injury and hip pain have cleared up AND I am a nicer and happier person. I used to suffer from depression and anxiety and was judgmental, unhappy and bitter and I now feel truly happy and peaceful.

    Chantelle and Dr John at PaRama 2 in Winnipeg

    I recently had another experience to show me how much my life has changed. I have been catching myself lately wanting to visit people and telling my husband how much fun it would be for his mom to stay with us for a few days and although this doesn't sound like a big deal, for me it is. I used to have so much anxiety about having people visit us. I would have panic attacks every time anyone would stay at our house. I was so uncomfortable, I just wanted to lock myself in my room or run away!!! It is funny because I remembered the other day how I used to feel and it is just another reminder of how BodyTalk literally transforms you into a new person.

    I am so lucky to have this amazing system to use on myself and my family as well as over 800 clients that I have seen since March, 2007. I am so lucky to be able to work when I want and to see the amazing improvements in client health with every BodyTalk session.


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    Oct 15, 2010

    Hands of Help – Youth Team

    This week, we would like to share a very special video with you. We have featured the work of the youth team in the IBA newsletter before but here is a re-cap for those who do not know about this project.

    The Hands of Help- Youth Team was formed by BodyTalk Instructor Loesje Jacob, also with the help of BodyTalk Instructor Michael McKibbon. The youths in the Team have varied backgrounds and stem from over 3 continents. All of them are trained as BodyTalk Access Technicians and/or Certified Body Talk Practitioners. Each of the youths have experienced the life changing advantages and healing through the BodyTalk System. Their work has reach out to over 200 orphans throughout Indonesia.

    We hope you enjoy this short film on their work. (Click on the image below to view the film)

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    Oct 15, 2010

    Remember to Smell the Flowers...

    As healthcare practitioners I would argue that there is an inclination for us to focus on problems AND solutions (they are one and the same in this scenario) instead of enjoying the moment we are in. In other words, we are always looking to fix things and because of that we are missing out on how great things really are; in this moment.

    The nature of our work urges us to look at things from the perspective of what is 'wrong' versus what is 'right'. If we take our clients, for example, when they come in to see us we are always asking them about symptoms, aches, pains, etc. Yes we may also ask about improvements but let's be honest we have a tendency to focus on the problems, after all, that is what they came to us for. And then there is ourselves, we may have made leaps and bounds in our own healing and growth but once again falling back to thinking about 'what could be better', or 'what we could WORK on this time'.

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    Oct 01, 2010

    Volunteers Needed for a BodyTalk Chronic Pain Research Study!

    Be Healthy Inc is conducting a BodyTalk clinical research trial for people who suffer from any type of chronic pain condition. We are looking for volunteers who have never had a BodyTalk session and are interested in helping us evaluate the effectiveness of a series of distance BodyTalk treatments for pain management.
    Because we are using distance treatments, volunteers can be located anywhere as long as they:

    • Are over age 18
    • Have had moderate to severe pain regularly for 6 months or more
    • Have NEVER had a BodyTalk session
    • Have internet access and are comfortable completing on-line health assessments
    • Read and speak English at the 8th grade level or above

    As practitioners and students of the BodyTalk System we are looking for your help to identify family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues who have an interest in BodyTalk but haven't yet tried it, that fit our qualification needs above. Please pass along information on this opportunity to anyone you think may be interested!

    Study volunteers will receive 8 BodyTalk sessions that are perfectly safe, relaxing and may provide substantial improvement in pain symptoms. Participation will involve only a few hours of time over a period of 3-6 months.

    To learn more about participating in this study, call or email:

    East Coast: Karen Taylor, 305-538-8998,
    West Coast: Dr. Laura Stuve, 408-884-1972,

    Dr. Janet Galipo, DOM, AdvSrCBI, AdvCBP, Founder of the non-profit corporation, Be Healthy, Inc, is working with Dr. Laura Stuve, PhD, CBI, AdvCBP to direct this research study. Janet and Laura are working with a team of outstanding practitioners and consultants on this exciting pilot project.

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    Oct 01, 2010

    Think with the Heart; Love with the Mind

    I occasionally have conversations with people about the benefits of the IBA's 'Life Science' classes. A person might say, 'I know the class will help me, but how can it help my BodyTalk skills and practice?' When time and money is on a budget, I can understand how a practitioner may set aside attending BreakThrough for example, let alone FreeFall. I hope this short article helps identify them as a priority for you, regarding your personal life and professional practice.

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    Oct 01, 2010

    John is shifting Consciousness, or Consciousness is shifting John?

    Written August 2010 by Olga Arsenyuk, CBI, CBP, Calgary, AB. Canada.

    Update! Due to popular demand the room size for this talk has now been increased to accommodate more people.

    This is the question I kept asking myself when I alone sold more then 80 tickets to John's Public Talk in less then 10 days! Ironically, I also gave somebody my last 3 tickets that I bought for my family members and myself. My clients were literally begging me, and I thought I would get the tickets for myself later. Now, as we are fully sold out I am afraid that my family members and myself might be detained by security for trying to "sneak" without a ticket.

    Both myself as well as some other Practitioners/Instructors still have people on the wait list, and there are no tickets left. It is only August as I write this, and the talk is at the end of September! We are considering a change of venue here in Calgary to fit more people, and hope to accommodate those on the wait list wanting to listen to John. We better do this, or I might need to start begging my own clients to sell me the tickets they bought from me for 3 times the price. Also, we might have to hire extra security, as people might start climbing the walls or breaking in through the doors and windows.

    John was in Calgary 4 years ago, and there certainly was interest, but we had some spare seats in the audience. Now, I have observed an interesting phenomena: all I had to say this time was: "John is coming to town", and people started to phone non-stop for tickets. Even more interesting was the fact, that many people did not know who John was, what is Body Talk, and sometimes, even what was the topic of the lecture. Regardless of that they sounded very exited and adamant, as their friends told them that they just "can not miss it".

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    Sep 17, 2010

    Let's Get Chemical!!

    We practice a discipline that is energy- ("frequency") and consciousness-based. I see the role of a good BodyTalk practitioner as that of gatekeeper, or guide, between the worlds of gross physical experience – that is, Cartesian, 4D manifestation (say, orthopedic surgery) – and the less concrete realms of subtle experience. The BodyTalk protocol is a technology that helps the practitioner and client to tune-in the proper bandwidth for the day's healing encounter.

    Many of our patients arrive with low levels of body awareness – completely engaged with a few obvious symptoms, and separated from a sense of the healthy organic function within reach.
    On a psychological level, clients struggle with emotional and cognitive awareness. Perhaps they are overidentified with and discouraged by their stories, obsessed with symptoms, or feeling confused, lost, or empty. Good use of the BodyTalk protocol serves us as a road map which helps both client and practitioner to shift from usual limitations to a wider bandwidth of possibilities in well-being. Put simply, when a practitioner identifies a priority, and links it to another priority, the body's hyper-reactivity can be
    re-set and neutralized.

    One way practitioners and clients can appreciate this bridging is through Body Chemistry, that fascinating discipline right on the borderline between gross and subtle perception, or Cartesian vs. quantum viewpoints. We can't see chemicals, but a microscope and experiments convince us of their reality. We may not believe in the frequencies carried by saliva, but we see, feel, and smell the substance. Body Chemistry is a bridge between these worlds.

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    Sep 17, 2010

    BodyTalk Access FastAid Success

    One of my students wrote about her experience using Fast Aid this summer. The changes in the person has made her really consider taking module 1&2 in the fall. Her is her experience...

    About a year ago, I took an Access Course and have only used it on my self and a couple of friends until recently. For the first time, I used the Fast Aid on a construction worker and it totally amazed me. I have been told what Access could do; you never really believe it until you see it for your self. I have been asked by my teacher, who I am grateful for, to tell you this story and I would love to share.

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    Sep 17, 2010

    What is the true cost of health?

    Hello, my name is Ann Williams and I am an Advanced CBP and BT Access Trainer. What does health cost? I don't know for sure, but in 2009 it was much cheaper than before BodyTalk came into our lives! It is wonderful to spend that money traveling and doing things that we weren't healthy enough to do before. Our health is priceless, and for us so is BodyTalk! There is no doubt that BodyTalk changed our lives, personally and as a family. I wanted to know just how much money we spent on health care in 2009. I came up with less that $1,500.00 which included a crown (not covered) for my husband and two annual visits for well check ups. I wondered how this compared to 2001, the year before I started BodyTalk. I pulled our 2001 tax return and almost fell over....

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    Sep 03, 2010

    BodyTalk Courses now approved for professional CE hours!

    We are very excited to announce that the IBA is now affiliated with a number of national accrediting agencies for professional licensure throughout the USA. All IBA Certified Instructors of BodyTalk Access, Modules 1&2 and Module 3 are now eligible to enroll in a program to offer continuing education hours for professions in Nursing, Social Work, Energy Psychology, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

    The accrediting agencies that currently endorse IBA courses are:

    AHNA- American Holistic Nurses Association
    ACEP- Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
    NCBTMB- National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
    NASW- National Association of Social Workers
    NCCAOM- National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

    As of September 1st, 2010 all of the above mentioned agencies will offer 6.5 CE hours for BodyTalk Access, 16 CE hours for Module 1 and 16 CE hours for Module 2. NASW will also offer 21 CE hours for Module 3.

    This program has been in the making for over a year. The IBA would like to say a big THANK YOU to Jalma Marcus and Donnalee Forbes for their continuous contributions for laying out the foundations of this great program. Without your hard work this program would not be possible.

    Our vision for this program is to seek affiliation with other accrediting agencies both within the USA and across the globe. Recognition with agencies of this stature will ensure BodyTalk and the IBA Life Science courses, mark their way into scholarly journals, professional news publications and other media. We hope you are all as excited about this accreditation as we are.

    **Note the CE program has opened for Instructors to start submitting their details for acceptance. Approval will not take effect until Mid – Late October in accordance with time restraints related to filing and the accreditation process. Instructors should know that the sooner they submit their paperwork the better, as the order of acceptance and approval will be based on your submission date.

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    Sep 03, 2010

    BodyTalk Access Project at the Nussdorf Elementary School Austria

    The students who took part in this project requested that John Veltheim receive this message

    Michaela Ellen Kain (CBP, Access Trainer) ran a three week BodyTalk Access project at the Nussdorf elementary school. Everyone from 1st to 4th grade was taught how to do the BodyTalk Access techniques. Ms Kain taught the students the 5 BodyTalk Access techniques which aim at helping the students to cope with the work-intensive life at school in a healthy and focused manner. The youngsters all joined in eagerly. With inquiring and interested minds, they explored the topic of how the body worked and questions were the order of the day.

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    Aug 20, 2010

    A Pediatrician's View of BodyTalk

    As a practicing pediatrician and holistic physician, I have had the privilege of evaluating and treating many children and families over the years. BodyTalk continues to be one of the primary treatment modalities I use in my practice because it is effective, gentle, without dangerous side-effects, and because IT WORKS!

    I have come to the realization that medicine is about communication and the ability (or inability) of the body's energy system to transfer information.

    I have found this to be very clearly evident in the field of pediatrics. In the BodyTalk system we have the concept of the family matrix. This has importance from an energetic and consciousness based perspective for all members of the family, including parents, children, siblings, pets, etc.
    BodyTalk provides a method or a means to elucidate the primary factors contributing to a child's current state of function on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels of being.

    I use the family matrix concept during many BodyTalk sessions in my practice to enable the information transfer required for the child's energy system to rebalance as well as for the coordination, functioning, and understanding of all of the family members affected by or contributing to the imbalances.

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    Aug 20, 2010

    Self Care for Healing Professionals

    How did you get interested in BodyTalk? You are both a psychotherapist and a Body Talk practitioner. How do you incorporate both into your practice? What are some of the ways that Healing professionals can get burnt out? Why is it important for healing professionals in particular to learn effective methods of self-care
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    Aug 06, 2010

    Audacity gives room for growth – Are we ready?

    Contemplation of where things begin can often relate back to the playground in elementary school. Someone breaks the cardinal rule associated with the game of hopscotch or dodge ball, and the children go wild! "Hey you can't do that! Its against the rules!" Playing whichever game, whether in the schoolyard or in life seems to be all about obeying the rules. Yet, when someone has the audacity to break the rules, isn't that when we lay it on thick – judgment and the necessity for conformity. This learned behaviour is also action that through fear keeps us from exploring potential and possibility. It keeps us from looking outside of the box for solutions and instead holds us to repetitive reasoning's. Audacities as many of us have seen displayed through television, magazines, research papers, and new developments is also the key player in creating change, new businesses, art, and world ranked athletes. It not only creates products with innovations years ahead of our times, but also awe inspiring movements for health, technology, and business. Audacity moves people into action. It virtually cuts through credentials and experience, and demands that if someone is willing to step up, act extraordinary and lead, the playing field will be level for them.
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    Aug 06, 2010

    It is Healthy to Live Consciously

    Wikipedia states, "Physiological healing is the restoration of damaged living tissue to normal function." This is easy to understand but it begs the question, "what is normal function?" Also, the 'normal function' pertains to the structure of the 'living tissue'. This suggests that when the structure is repaired, the tissues automatically behave normally. As healers, scientists, doctors and lay persons, it is easier to evaluate functionality rather than structure. Sometimes it is obvious that a structure is damaged such as a dislocated shoulder, but even if we have a microscope or MRI, evaluating the subtle anatomy by observation is very difficult if not impossible.
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    Aug 06, 2010

    New BodyTalk Research presented at leading scientific conference, ISSSEEM.

    Dr. Don Ka'imi Pilipovich, Vice President for Academic development at the IBA presented new BodyTalk research at the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), in June The theme of this year's conference was Evidence-Based Spirituality, and a specific sub-question was "How can prayer and psychic healing be taught more effectively and more widely?" Dr. Pilipovich presented research he produced in partnership with the Centre for Biofield Sciences in Pune, India. He sent BodyTalk sessions to subjects from a distance and they were scanned and had intake before and after. 100% of subjects showed positive results. This is the first time that scientific research about BodyTalk has been presented at the ISSSEM conference, the cutting edge conference for the scientific study of energy medicine.
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    Jul 23, 2010

    Teddy Bears Picnic in Auckland

    Auckland Teddy Bears were delighted to be the guests of honour at one of Auckland's BodyTalk practice nights. Little ones, big ones, pink ones and Benjemin Bartholemew from Shepparton UK) were there because....have you guessed yet? was Cellular Repair practice night.
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    Jul 23, 2010

    The Riddle... Who am I?

    This woman has done all the BodyTalk Modules, most of them with John Veltheim, and many of them more than once, plus all of PaRama and BreakThrough 1 and 2. Now guess what: She hasn't paid for any of them – in fact she GOT payed for her attendance! Weird, isn't it? And though she really understands (and loves) every concept, every Step, every idea, every single word, she never did a BodyTalk exam and doesn't practice BodyTalk either. She's had sessions with Marita Roussey, John Veltheim, Claudia Schembri-Heitmann and many other fantastic practitioners, so she must be quite balanced (and she is – well, more or less). As an honorary member she has access to the Website, but only uses it to read the newsletter. In fact she has read all the newsletters and though she's neither a BodyTalker nor a team member of the IBA, she takes this space to publish her vita right here, in the newsletter of the IBA. So here comes her vita, and when you read on till the end, the riddle might get solved...
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    Jul 23, 2010

    Did you know?

    Did you know that food and fluids only provide 25% of our energy – where does the rest come from?
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    Jul 09, 2010

    "I'm proud to be a BodyTalker."

    Submitted by Jenna Caplette, CBP, Bozeman, MT, USA

    When I brought BodyTalk Access home, my daughter Rose just got it. Within twenty four hours she'd started using Cortices and other techniques on herself. I never expected that. Rose is an adult with Down Syndrome. Now 28, Rose just took Module 3 with Katharina Hirsch. Here's what she has to say about her experience:

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    Jul 09, 2010

    MindScape Expands Your Neural Network

    Your brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows by interacting with the world through perception and action. Mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline, as does physical exercise.

    The human brain is able to continually adapt and rewire itself. Even in old age, it can grow new neurons. Severe mental decline is usually caused by…

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    Jul 09, 2010

    Tapping Away at School

    This this autumn I started to teach in primary school for 8 hours a week after three years absence from teaching. I am really very happy to be back teaching for a few hours every week. In my absence from teaching, I became an Access Trainer and on our first day at school we did the Cortices in teams. Children like this funny thing, and each class begins with tapping out our cortices. They also love tapping out MY cortices and we have so much fun!

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    Jul 09, 2010

    BodyTalk in Kenya

    I am very pleased to report that the BodyTalk Kenya matrix received a great boost recently. On April 9, 2010 Dr. John Veltheim gave a public lecture on The BodyTalk System to approximately 120 people in Nairobi. The lecture was held at the Lois Leakey Auditorium in the National Museum of Kenya.

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    Jun 25, 2010

    Understanding Acupuncture Meridians

    Interview with Rayna Jacobsen by Suzanne LaGrande You are a nurse, Acupuncturist and Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner. How did you get started doing BodyTalk? Why is it helpful for a BodyTalk practitioner to know something about acupuncture and meridians? How do you incorporate both Acupuncture and BodyTalk into your practice?
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    Jun 24, 2010

    Follow IBA on Twitter!

    Twitter is a free service that enables users to keep in touch by sending and reading quick messages or 'tweets'. These tweets are text based posts of 140 characters or less. They are displayed on a profile page and delivered to anyone who subscribes to that page. On twitter subscribers are called 'followers'.
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    Feb 24, 2010

    BodyTalk and High School Football

    When a High School Football Coach recognizes the value of BodyTalk, everyone's a winner! I've been visiting a local high school in Los Angeles recently to attend to football players' aches, pains, and injuries. The football coach has allowed me to work on the players so that I can begin to build a practice working with teams. The head coach allowed Lauren Brim and me to teach cortices and tell the team about BodyTalk.
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    Jan 08, 2010

    Healing with Nature

    "Opening The Book of Fay is like opening the gate to a garden I have never seen before but finding it strangely familiar. Spending time there allows me to see the landscape of my life in a different way." Claire Parent
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    Dec 18, 2009

    Top Down and Bottom Up

    Growing up I was curious to know if people down under in Australia saw the world the same way we did. I would stand on my head to see what the world looked like upside down. The eyes do not "See". They collect information ...
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    Dec 18, 2009

    The Sense of Sight

    If you do have a meditation practice, then you already know the benefits of regularly quieting the mind and turning within. But for most of us westerners, classic meditation is something that does not seem to come easily. Whether you meditate already or not, the beauty of working with The Book of Fay is that it makes meditation something very natural to the mind.
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    Dec 18, 2009

    Monique Fay's Biography

    I would like to briefly introduce myself to give you an idea of what brings me to step forward at the request of John and Esther Veltheim to teach a course on healing with the power of the elements using nature photography as portals for a deep personal process of transformation.
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    Dec 18, 2009

    Tap, Tap, Tap too much?

    There have been stories on the forums about students having adverse reactions to tapping the cortices too much. Or, some react simply from "too much" tapping in any technique.
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    Nov 25, 2009

    Anja Sebasio (née Veltheim)

    It is my pleasure to introduce myself as the newest member of the IBA Australasia team. Although I am a new employee, I am not in any way new to BodyTalk; being John Velthieim's (BodyTalk's founder) daughter and Christopher Veltheim's (CMO) older sister. I grew up in Brisbane, Australia, spending most of my childhood playing sport, never focusing on any one in particular. Instead, I preferred playing at least three different sports at any given time of the year. Living 200 yards away from a sports complex allowed my love of sport to thrive.
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    Nov 20, 2009

    BodyTalk on the High Seas!

    As well as running a busy BodyTalk practice, my husband and I are also professional ballroom dancers. We were recently hired to perform aboard a luxury Japanese cruise liner called Asaka 2...
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    Sep 08, 2009

    BodyTalk and the Art of Speech

    When I first got in touch with BodyTalk I was firmly decided to let nothing keep me from my writing. Contrary to my apprehensions though, BodyTalk was very helpful from the start, because working in the zone is quite similar to the creative process...
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    Sep 08, 2009

    BodyTalk with Dad

    Ever since I became a BodyTalk Practitioner, one of the first people I wanted to do a session on was my father, the hardest working man I know. In my very first session aspects of our relationship came up which helped me to let go of many false beliefs I have carried. We have a very close relationship but...
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    Sep 08, 2009

    John Veltheim in Zürich / Switzerland

    In mid-June John Veltheim mesmerized the audience during his public talk which was held in the heart of Zürich / Switzerland. John had just returned from the UK after teaching "Finding Health" and before travelling to Germany to teach "PaRama Unit 1 Practical"...
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    Aug 21, 2009

    IBA Global Healing at Work

    In the spirit of global healing that the IBA strives to foster, Iranian-born Homeira Ghanongooi Franke from South Africa has just been certified as a new BodyTalk Access Trainer by Israeli-native Olivia Pinto.
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    Oct 31, 2008

    Access Reaches Thousands in South Africa

    Cathy Hastie, of iSabelo Learning – an ex-teacher and visionary in this field, put together a program to assist grade 12 learners, final year of school in SA, from previously disadvantaged schools and backgrounds to do revision in maths and science before they start their prelim or pre final school leaving exams..
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    Aug 18, 2008

    Successful Book Launch in Chicago

    On Thursday night, John Veltheim officially launched his new book, BodyTalk Access: A new path to family and community health at a public talk and booksigning event at Transitions BookPlace in downtown Chicago, Illinois.
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    Jun 06, 2008

    BodyTalk South Africa Takes to the Airwaves

    Debbie Zacharias, a member of the BodyTalk South Africa group, recently participated in the research, hosting and follow-up for three radio programs aimed at raising awareness of the ways in which the body communicates its wellness needs.
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    Feb 15, 2008

    Musician Gives Credit to BodyTalk

    In dedicating his most recent CD, “In Joy,” jazz musician Gordon James included The BodyTalk System™ and Certified BodyTalk Practitioner Leslie Nanson among those he thanked for their contributions to his work.
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    Feb 06, 2008

    Dr. Veltheim to Lecture in Toronto

    Dr. John Veltheim, founder of the BodyTalk System™ of healthcare, will be in Toronto on October 18, 2007, to present a public lecture on “The Future of Energy Medicine.”
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    Sep 21, 2007

    Members Go Marketing

    On March 11, 30 IBA members from all over the world joined the association’s first foray into teleconferencing..
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    Mar 17, 2007

    Bali High on BodyTalk

    A class of 6- and 7-year-old pupils in Bali start their day tapping out their cortices to enhance their abilities to concentrate and focus.
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    Feb 24, 2007


    Congratulations to Ange Trenga who was graduated as an AnimalTalk Instructor
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    Feb 15, 2006

    BodyTalk Ventures the Open Seas!

    BODYTALK VENTURES THE OPEN SEAS! Join BodyMind Healing Ltd for their 1st Annual BodyTalk Wellness Retreat-At-Sea on November 21, 2005 where BodyTalk Founder Dr John and Esther Veltheim will PERSONALLY TREAT the 1st 6 travelling partners who book, each performing 2 of their 8 private BodyTalk sessions.
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    Apr 04, 2005

    New! Family System Constellations Course!

    Dr. Jeanette Bevilacqua has developed a fascinating new BodyTalk course. This class is specifically designed for those BodyTalk practitioners who desire a more extensive theoretical background in family system dynamics to enhance their BodyTalk practice...
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    Mar 14, 2005

    First BodyTalk Course in Mexico a Success!

    The first Public Presentation of The BodyTalk System in Mexico was given to a truly international audience representing people from England, Chile, Italy, Sweden, Mexico and the U.S. at Escuela de Masaje of Tulum.
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    Jul 19, 2004

    Karen Atkins, CBI

    We are very pleased to announce that as of July 14, 2004, Karen Atkins is officially a Certified BodyTalk Instructor. Click here to find out more about Karen, and click here for the schedule of her upcoming classes. Welcome aboard, Karen!
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    Jul 15, 2004

    Okanagan BT Study Group Action!

    This spring, the Okanagan-British Columbia BodyTalk Study Group participated in The Women's Wellness Day, sponsored by Nature's Fare Natural Food Store.
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    Jul 08, 2004

    Chicago Sees Successful BT Demo

    At the Infinity Foundation's annual benefit in Chicago, BodyTalk was such a hit that people were literally turned away from the demonstrations. Margie Williams, CBP, spoke about BodyTalk and gave sessions to interested participants.
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    Jul 08, 2004

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