MindScape for Business
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This course will open new levels of awareness for the MindScape student by gaining a deeper and more practical relationship with how to use MindScape to develop; your business, business relationships - clients/staff/peers/leaders, productivity, niche refinement and market interactions. We will work on learning how to make sound decisions and enhance your creativity to think out of the box for solutions to any issue you may be having. If you are struggling in any avenue within the business world, this course will help you shift your perspective and help you gain momentum for success.
The course is a hands on course, you bring your issues into our workshop and we work with those issues directly in our class. All levels and proficiencies are welcome.
You will receive a recorded review of basic MindScape prior to the course, (once payment has been received), to ensure that everyone is comfortable with using their basic WorkShop.
Prerequisites: MindScape Course
This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.