MindScape for Children

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Do you have a child, between the ages of 9 and 12, who would benefit from using his/her mind more effectively? Then MindScape for Children may be the course you’ve been looking for!

This one-day course is designed to give children ways of tapping into the powerful latent abilities of the mind. Course participants will learn a life-long tool that will train and enhance the mind, to improve performance in all areas. The secret of present and future success is in the mind!

Benefits of applying the techniques taught in MindScape for Children include:

  • More focus at school.

  • Learning things faster and more easily.

  • Better performance at sports.

  • More creativity in hobbies.

  • Increased problem-solving skills.

  • More appropriate responses to life’s situations.

  • More confidence.

Science has demonstrated that there is an optimal brain wave state for using the mind’s capabilities to the fullest. This Alpha-mind state unleashes the latent potential power of the mind. Through training to use this Alpha-mind state, your child will be able to achieve incredible changes in his or her life.

Participants will be shown how to reach the Alpha-mind state easily and through the building of their own MindScape Workshops will be able to activate all of the mental tools provided so that they have a good understanding of how to apply them in their everyday lives. The activities are experienced individually, although some interaction among the class members is encouraged to share their mental experiences.

Children of this age require few explanations and enjoy hands-on exercises. The theory that is included in the course will be delivered in a fun and creative way. The focus will be on strengthening their mind’s capabilities and working through any resistance that might show up. A manual is also provided.

If you are a parent and are using your MindScape Workshop to make significant changes in your own life, you will appreciate the enormous benefits that could be experienced by your child if he or she had the same tools to work with – and started at a much earlier age!


  • Children must be 9 – 12 years of age and motivated to learn mind enhancement techniques during a day long class.

  • It is recommended that a parent, or other close adult relative, has previously taken the basic MindScape training.

This course counts for 0 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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