BodyTalk Orthopedic Evaluation

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BodyTalk Orthopedic Evaluation Video

Course Title:
BodyTalk Orthopedic Evaluation

Course Overview:
As BodyTalk makes changes inside the body through restoration of communication, there is also a change in the external body, which can be measured. In this course you will see how environmental influences, stress, emotional and mental factors affect the physical body and learn to see and feel the corrections after a BodyTalk session. You will be taught how to incorporate before and after evaluations into your sessions that will amaze both you and your client and will result in increased credibility to your practice of BodyTalk.

Course Description
BodyTalk Orthopedic Evaluation introduces practitioners to the various methods of evaluating the physical body to measure change as a result of a BodyTalk balance. BodyTalk is a subtle form of restoring communication and health in the body. Often, practitioners and clients find it difficult to register immediate change within a session. BodyTalk Orthopedic Evaluation provides invaluable tools to measure tension and stress in the body and to validate the changes that occur once a BodyTalk technique, formula, or session has been tapped out.
The physical state of the body is a representation of the armour that we have formed based upon our daily stresses, physical injuries, beliefs, emotions, active memories, and environmental influences. The focus of this course is to teach you how to find the dysfunctions in the client’s body using innate (MindScape Techniques) and confirming your results with manual testing methods. In the course you will improve your palpation skills and feel physical lesions in the client’s body. The BodyTalk Practitioner will learn to evaluate posture as well as range of motion of the upper and lower extremities, the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine and rib cage. You will learn to perform tension tests that determine bone and joint stiffness, muscle spasm, fascial tension and swelling.
Evaluations will be taught in a manner that will allow the practitioner to demonstrate tension and/or asymmetry in the body resulting from the links that have come up as a priority in the session. Students will be given an easy to follow color chart designed to help determine which evaluations will best show the tension before and the changes after the BodyTalk balance. As a BodyTalk Practitioner, the manual procedures taught in this seminar will help you to quickly locate the problem areas and verify the dysfunction and the nature of the tissues involved. The therapist and the client should both be able to see and feel the changes made. This helps educate the client on the effectiveness of BodyTalk. As a BodyTalk Instructor, this course will help with class demonstrations. For those continuing in research or case studies, this course will provide objective measurement to validate your outcomes and provide increased credibility for BodyTalk.

Course Outline
Review the key concepts from BodyTalk Fundamentals and integrate the information with a comprehensive orthopedic evaluation.

Interconnections within the Body
What is Fascia
Fascial Tension Patterns
Causes of Fascial Tension
The Effect of Stress on the Body
Principles of Biotensegrity
Body Armoring

Balancing Principles
What is the Total Body Lesion?
How Do We Asses the Total Body Lesion?
Barrier Concepts
ROM Testing: Abnormal End Feels
Causes of the Total Body Lesion
Why do we Evaluate
Why is Evaluation important to both you and your client

Asymmetry: Postural Evaluation
Postural Evaluation: Foundations of Posture
Sagittal Postural Evaluation
Frontal Postural Evaluation
Transverse Postural Evaluation

Range of Motion: ROM

Lower Extremity

Upper extremity

Spinal ROM
Cervical Spine
Thoracic Spine
Rib cage

Evaluate the Three Diaphragms
The cranium will be demonstrated in this level 1 course.

Tissue Texture & Tension Changes
Lower Extremity Anatomy & Scan
Upper Extremity Anatomy & Scan
Anterior Torso Anatomy & Scan
Posterior Torso Anatomy & Scan
Full Body Scan

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will:
• Be able to conduct a thorough full body orthopedic evaluation using range of motion, end feels and tension tests on the upper and lower extremities, the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, rib cage, and the organs of the abdominal and chest regions. The cranium will be demonstrated in this level 1 course.

• Learn to build your BodyTalk practice through education, communication and measureable results that will astound your clients and get them raving about you and your practice

• Be able to demonstrate the profound changes in the physical body through Postural Evaluation, Range of Motion and Tension Tests before and after a BodyTalk session

• Be able to measure the barriers created by physical injuries, belief systems, environmental factors, and emotions utilizing Postural Evaluation, Range of Motion, Tension Tests and Innate Scanning

• Be able to perform ROM of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, rib cage, and upper and lower extremities. ROM helps to determine the type of tissues involved in creating the barrier

• Be able to perform Tension Tests of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, rib cage, pelvis, sacrum, organs, upper and lower extremities. Tension tests help to determine the exact location of the barrier.

• Develop your intuition by utilizing an innate scan that can be validated by the findings of your orthopedic evaluation the innate scan helps you to quickly identify the priorities of the session.

• Effectively communicate the significance of the priorities that come up in your BodyTalk session and how they relate to your client's concerns

Assessment: N/A
Textbook: : N/A
Additional Reading: N/A
Course Code: N/A
Format: Classroom
CEU (hrs): 28
PaRama College Credit: TBA
External CEU Approval: TBA
Technology Required: TBA
Qualification: N/A

This course counts for 28 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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