Science and Philosophy of Intuition
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This course is currently on PaRama Campus here.
What is intuition? Surely we've all experienced it. For some it comes as flash of insight, for others it's a nagging feeling. Sometimes you just know things. You don’t even really know how you know them. Sometimes those things are so clear and come with a sense of certainty and other times they seem fleeting and unfounded. Either way, it is clear that intuition is part of the human experience. Intuition is not a magical, made-up phenomenon. It is deeply rooted in key physiological processes within the bodymind and is present within everyone. The key is to be able to understand the components of the intuitive process and how it can apply in your daily life and even within any healthcare practice.
This course counts for 9 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.