Practitioner Reflex: The ability to respond

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Course Title:
Practitioner Reflex: the ability to respond.

Course Overview:
Our focus for this course is on the skills that bridge your ability to DO a session with your ability to BE a practitioner.

Course Description
This course is designed to be interactive - an environment for you to practice exercises that will develop your ability to bridge your BodyTalk skills with your Practitioner skills.

There are four key topics we will be covering in this course. The first is the concept of relationships where we delve into lateral thinking and creative exploration. Then we move onto developing the ability to think on your feet; a valuable skill in both a session and in a public talk. Next is responsibility where we take a look at your expectations and conditioning around this topic along with a short section on compassion and how that plays into acting responsibly. Lastly we shine the light on ways to handle the elephant in the room that is being ignored by both the client and the practitioner.

Each of the key topics will be followed-up by a group matrix session done by John to help release any issues that arise during the exercises. The goal of this course is to have some fun and develop your Practitioner Reflex.

Course Outline

- Lateral Thinking Theory
- Lateral Thinking Exercise
- Creative Exploration Theory
- Creative Exploration Exercise
- Group Matrix Session

Thinking on Your Feet
- Thinking on Your Feet Theory
- Thinking on Your Feet Exercises
- Group Matrix Session

- Expectations Exercise
- Compassion
- Group Matrix Session

The Elephant in the Room
- Elephant in the Room Theory
- Elephant in the Room Exercises
- Group Matrix Session

Course Objectives

1. Experience the value of practicing skill development.
2. Develop the ability to perceive complex and unrelated relationships within the body.
3. Be able to "think on your feet" within a BodyTalk Session.
4. Understand the importance of creative exploration as it pertains to BodyTalk.
5. Explore the experienced limitations when true responsibility is not embraced.
6. Openly discuss and recognize the key issues that are being ignored by clients yet are contributing to their health condition.

Assessment: N/A

Textbook: N/A

Additional Reading: N/A

Course Name:Practitioner Reflex: the ability to respond.

Format: N/A

Qualification:BodyTalk Fundamentals

This course counts for 8 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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