Advanced MindScape: Integrating Wisdom
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Course Overview
This course is for students who wish to further develop their MindScape skills and techniques. Over three days, participants will expand on the paradigm and concepts of the initial MindScape course and learn powerful new techniques, opening many more applications and possibilities.
In this course, students will upgrade their “workshops” creating new tools to heighten creativity, imagination and intuition. Through these exercises, students will build a deeper and growing trust of their intuitive faculties. The course will feature exercises to strengthen and expand conscious awareness by accessing a deeper level of knowledge within. Students will explore and learn to answer questions about their lives and personal goals, as well as exploring new ways to problem-solve. One method that students will enjoy is learning how to access their workshops instantly anytime, anywhere, with eyes open or closed.
The course will include techniques and methods to activate and sharpen innate remote-viewing skills. Students will explore the concept of inter-connectedness or one-ness within and with the world around them, in addition to experiencing and questioning the belief systems we hold around time and space. Part of the course will be devoted to observing patterns and archetypes that play out in daily life as well as exploring different ways to view or perceive the life each of us are living now. With these new perspectives, each student will have an opportunity to shift the way they see and experience the world around them.
Does this sound like something you’d like to experience?
This three-day workshop is powerful and fun. You will truly learn to utilize your MindScape workshop in every aspect of life, be it work or play.
The prerequisite for Advanced MindScape: Integrating Wisdom is completion of the MindScape seminar and familiarity with the Workshop technique.
Course Description
By taking this seminar, you will build confidence in your MindScape workshop by adding new tools, fostering connectedness within, and strengthening your “clair” abilities. During the course you will:
• Shift Mental Blocks and Filters – By becoming aware of thought patterns and belief systems holding you back, there is more room to live from your fullest potential.
• Explore Inner and Outer Worlds – Discover how the answer is never separate from the problem and how your inner and outer worlds are not separate.
• Connect to the Masculine and Feminine Within – Bond with Mother Nature and connect with the masculine and feminine versions of yourself and the oneness of all as a totality.
• Live Into Your Archetypes – Notice and experience the patterns and archetypes you play out in day-to-day life and start to understand the motivations behind them.
• Develop Remote Viewing Skills – Practice gaining sensitivity to accessing information and experience playing with time and space
• Experience from a Wider Perspective –Explore alternative life perspectives with peers and see how personal perspectives can change through this process. Confront your biggest obstacles with tools that allow you to observe vast possibilities.
• Experience Profound Connection – Feel the divine love and power you share with nature and deepen your understanding that nothing is separate. Explore the fact that possibilities and probabilities are infinite.
• Create a New Experience for Yourself – Part of this course is about coming to clarity through interactions with fellow students and sharing and receiving insights around final questions/intentions that feel unfinished using your MindScape tools.
Course Outline
1. Review MindScape tools. Observe where there is resistance in MindScape. Start with initial questions and setting an intention for the course
2. Exercises to expand what’s possible and what can be integrated into the workshop.
3. Learn a Quick Access mudra technique to “enter” the workshop. Experience being in MindScape any time of day. Explore the physical and subtle senses, left and right brain, and our three brains through scanning exercises.
4. Explore belief systems related to time and space, as well as noticing thoughts and mental chatter in relation to those belief systems.
5. Explore the lack of separation between our inner and outer worlds. Practice MindScape with eyes open.
6. Examine the roles we all play. Dive into various patterns and the archetypes they embody. Continue this exploration to investigate how these roles work for us.
7. Explore finding a balance between “doing” and “being.”
8. Develop an awareness of conscious language. Experience an exercise on seeing things in a different way both in nature and in relationships with others.
9. Remote viewing exercises in relation to home, surroundings and a 1922 experience.
10. Explore relationships with ourselves and others. Exercises to connect to our hearts and connect to love, including self-love, love for another, love of our bodies, and receiving love.
11. Exercise to experience the divinity within nature, others and ourselves.
12. Explore intentions and integration for the future.
Prerequisites: MindScape course
This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.