BodyTalk Access for Animals and Humans

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Course Overview:
Currently, the general approach to modern health care for animals and humans is undergoing a radical change. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the IBA’s BodyTalk for Animals program via the BodyTalk Access for Animals as well as BodyTalk Access for Humans course.

This course also teaches a four-step Fast Aid Procedure.

BodyTalk Access is not only a great set of techniques to help you support your animal companions, and your personal self-care, but it is an excellent health care tool that can be used with your human and animal family at home, at work and in your community.

Course Description: The six energy medicine techniques that make up the BodyTalk Access course include:
• Cortices (for animals and humans), to help improve right and left brain communication
• SB Junction (for animals), to relieve pressure from a potentially compromised Spheno-Basilar Junction in animals
• Switching (for humans), to help decrease stress
• Hydration (for animals and humans), to help the body utilize water more efficiently
• Body Chemistry (for animals and humans), to help balance the immune system
• Reciprocals (for animals and humans), to help re-establish integrity of the body’s structures, improve postural alignment; increase flexibility and circulation of fluids and energy.

You will learn these five basic BodyTalk Access for Animals and BodyTalk Access for Humans techniques that can be combined into a daily regimen which, when applied, has a significant impact on an animal and human’s health.

Fast Aid:
Fast Aid Protocol that can be used to support Standard First Aid procedures during emergencies to rapidly speed up the healing process and reduce shock.

We welcome you to bring an appropriate animal to this class.

This course begins with a power-point presentation and discussion of the theoretical aspects that support the concepts and techniques taught. You will be encouraged to share your own personal experience with animals and humans as a layperson and/or professional.

One full day of the course is dedicated to learning and practicing the practical
application of the techniques. During the practical application for the animals, you will learn how to utilize yourself, another human, or a stuffed toy as a surrogate for the animal as the BodyTalk System advocates a no-touch/non-invasive approach to support the heath and well being of your animal companions! The Access techniques for humans will be practiced on yourself, as well as another. The techniques and theories covered in BodyTalk Access for Animals and Humans can be applied to any animal or human.

Course Outline:
The following will be examined from the perspective of the animal:
• Common relationship issues between animals and humans
• Basic principles in working with animals
• Animal Innate Wisdom
• Safe handling practices
• Animal balancing principles
• Common health issues for animals
• Cortices
• SB Junction
• Hydration
• Body Chemistry
• 18 Reciprocals
• Four step Fast Aid

The following will be also examined from the perspective of the human:

• Common relationship issues between humans and animals
• Human Innate Wisdom
• Common health issues for humans
• Cortices
• Switching
• Hydration
• Body Chemistry
• 17 Reciprocals
• Four step Fast Aid

Course Objectives: Describe the origin, concepts and foundational principles
of the BodyTalk System and the BodyTalk Access Program.
Upon completion of this course each participant will be able to:

Apply a set of energy therapy tools that can be safely brought into the home or business to benefit the health of the animals and humans, or that can be seamlessly integrated into any aspect of the animal and human life.

Assessment: This entry-level course is suitable for the layperson, family, community, health professional, practitioners of any human modality, horse trainer, stable hand, farm staff, ranch-hands, sanctuary staff, as well as other
trained animal professionals, licensed veterinarians, vet technicians, etc. Supervised practice time is a large part of the course.

Textbook: BodyTalk Access for Animals Manual and BodyTalk Access for Humans Manual

Additional Reading: BodyTalk Access: A new path to family and community health by John Veltheim.

For students wishing to delve into energy medicine we recommend:
“Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis” James L. Oschman.

“Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance” James L. Oschman.

“The Holographic Universe” Michael Talbot
Format: Classroom, as well as animal friendly locations: dog kennel, zoo, sanctuary, animal shelter, horse barn, etc. with practical hands-on

Course Code: CEU (hrs): 16
PaRama College Credit: TBA

External CEU Approval: 6.5 hours
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Approval Code: 1084 Expiration Date 8/18/2016
Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association
(AHNA) is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and
does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.

This activity receives no commercial support or sponsorship. The planners and presenters of this educational activity have declared no financial relationships relative to this CE activity. John Veltheim is the author of other material related to this course. All presenters approved to offer CEs for this course agree to present this content without promotion of any books or services during the educational activity.

External CEU Approval: TBA

Successful Completion for CEUs: Upon completion of the entire seminar
and evaluation a Certificate of Completion will be issued.

Qualification: No pre-requisite

This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for Animals and Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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