Structural Integration Concepts: Visceral Dynamics
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Course Title:
Structural Integration Concepts: Visceral Dynamics
Course Description:
The course provides a more specific understanding of how the organs’ physical functions and positions affect the body as a whole as well as a comprehensive approach to assessing, understanding and releasing visceral restrictions. It also explores the extensive relationships amongst the organs, meridians, emotions, structure, function and common pathologies associated with organ restriction.
We know from our trainings in other BodyTalk courses that the organs are closely related to the meridians, emotions and states of consciousness as well as providing most of the necessary physiological functions that occur in the body. When the organs become compromised, all of these areas are affected which can lead to disease and dysfunction on all levels of the body. The body’s structure, function, posture, emotions, consciousness, pain patterns and physiological function depend on healthy organs and healthy organ movement.
Each organ has its own movement and rhythm cycles, similar to the breath cycle and cranio-sacral rhythms. Understanding how to restore these movements and how to release the fascia and congestion that restricts the organs is an invaluable tool for helping your clients achieve optimum levels of health, function, and freedom from pain.
This course adds onto and works in parallel with the Structural Integration Concepts Class. Structural Integration Concepts is not a prerequisite for Visceral Release as this class has different concepts and theories of how structure and function relate to the organs of the body. Visceral Concepts is just as effective in helping the body mind to shift and restore itself to proper alignment
Pre-requisites: There are no prereqs for this class. It can be taken by anyone but adds to the BodyTalk system Fundamentals and Principles of Consciousness.
LEARNIING OUTCOMES: Describe what benefits and learning outcomes the student should achieve following successful completion of this program. Please list sequentially:
1. Understand how the organs move in their expansion and contraction phases.
Knowing the difference between working with Yin and Yang organs and how they differ as well as techniques to relieve their restrictions.
2. Know how to apply visceral work in conjunction with the BodyTalk system and protocol.
3. My goal is to take this information and keep it very simple and practical so that the students can really learn and apply it on a basic level without being too overwhelmed with information.
4. Learning what all of the emotions associated with each organ are, beyond just the basic five. For example: Kidneys: Fear, Dread, sense of impending doom, etc.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Describe how the course is structured and what the learning goals are for the student. For each objective, describe how the curriculum will provide a means for the student to achieve the objective.
1. Lecture followed buy practical demonstration and hands on practice time. This will give the students the knowledge, allow them to observe the protocols as well as practice them.
2. Lecture will cover: Organ position and location, movement patterns, effects of organ restrictions on posture, function, pain pathologies, and emotional/consciousness dysfunction. The manual will also have this information. This will allow the student to understand the dynamics of the organ system and they can review later with the manual.
3. Postural analysis: The student will learn to see the postural distortions that can arise from a restricted organ. This will give them an understanding of how the restrictions in the organs effect posture and pain syndromes.
4. Practical demonstrations: The instructor will demonstrate how to release each organ individually and also within a session.
5. Hands on practice: The students will practice working with and releasing each organ individually. This will give the knowledge and experience needed to take the organ release concepts into their BodyTalk sessions.
6. Energetic releases. The students will also be taught how to release the organs “off the body” once they learn how to do it manually.
This course counts for 21 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.