The Soul's Journey-Exploring the Mind & 3 Brains

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The Soul's Journey-Exploring the Mind & 3 Brains Video

This course is currently available on PaRama Campus here.
This course is open to everyone. No prior IBA courses are required.

Everything You Have Ever Wanted to Ask Your Priest, Neurologist and Sage about the Meaning of Life

Course Overview

Imagine you are sitting in a room that is a holographic projection. You are surrounded by chairs, people, plants, pictures on the wall, and the gaps between all these things. As real as it seems and as separate as each thing seems, all of this emanates from one tiny molecular structure that is being projected through a prism. From the holographic point of view, there is no difference between anything in the room. It is simply perception, and what you perceive depends entirely on where you put your focus. What you focus on becomes real and important to you. What you don’t focus on, you don’t see, so you think nothing is there or it is not important.

This summarizes our experience of life. In this course, we take an in-depth look at this pattern. In doing so, we will investigate the gaps in our experience of the hologram as a way of broadening our understanding of life, the soul and the brain. From this expanded awareness, we will see that every “truth” in life is truly relative and that there is no such thing as a “right” or “wrong” teaching. All teachings are simply part of one big hologram that is used in different ways with different emphasis.

Course Description

The Hologram

We will investigate the concept of the holographic/holotropic/holo-informational universe. This will include a discussion of our tendency to separate, categorize, divide and disconnect the things we focus on, despite the holographic nature of things.

The Brain

This course will address the three brains (head, heart and gut) as focusing tools within the big holographic picture. There will be an exploration into the most recent science regarding the brain. Although the three brains have been discussed in other courses, the unique focus here will be to look at the interplay and the filters affecting their interaction. In the past, we have set parameters for what the three different brains do, but our focus here is to transcend those boundaries. We will look at brain function as permeating every part in the body. We will then examine the brain attributes and functions as described in different lesser-known teachings (not just Indian and Judeo-Christian) and explore how each unique viewpoint works within its own tradition.

The Soul

We will take a detailed look at the concept of the soul, reincarnation and life after death, taking some of the mystery out of these ideas. Once again, the focus is not on right or wrong perspectives, but how the viewpoints of various traditions will reflect uniquely in the experiences of different groups. There isn’t a distinct truth regarding the soul, but rather cultural trends and perspectives. These trends will reveal themselves in different near-death experiences, which will also be discussed in deeper detail. The soul will then be explored in terms of its functional role, including the physics of the soul. We will also look at issues that can happen related to the soul, for example being born without a soul and soul damage that can happen during life.

The Science and Philosophy

The course will explore different teachings and viewpoints on life from around the world, examining their commonalities and differences. All viewpoints in life are valid in relationship to their etiology. However, they are also all relative—relative to what people want and understand. Ultimately, this course is about looking at life through a bigger lens to see that there is no right or wrong in any approach because of the world’s holographic character.

Course Outline

The Brain

  • The interaction of the three brains

  • The three brains as part of a larger single hologram

  • Various cultural viewpoints toward the brain and their relationship to etiology

  • Brain function manifesting throughout the entire body

  • Lack of brain consciousness in various body parts

  • Big-picture look at the brain from scientific and philosophical perspectives

The Soul

  • Various cultural viewpoints and traditions as related to the soul

  • Reincarnation, near-death experiences, possession

  • Functional soul

  • Physics of the soul, the Monad, and the soul as a storage device

  • Soul as experiencing lives in parallel rather than in linear fashion

  • Problems related to the soul: born without a soul, split soul, invasive souls, damaged souls

Science and Philosophy of Life

  • Deeper understanding of the universal hologram and hologram of the body-mind

  • Examination of different traditions’ views on life, their commonalities, their contradictions

  • The non-contradictory nature of vastly different teachings

  • Relative versus universal truths

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Comprehend the universe as a giant hologram and the relative nature of all things in the hologram.

  2. Understand the three brains as a holographic representation of a single circuit.

  3. Recognize the attributes and functions of the brain from various teachings as well as from an in-depth scientific approach.

  4. Explain the concept of the soul as described from different traditions and viewpoints.

  5. Describe the functional role of the soul, as well as the physics of the soul.

  6. Understand near-death experiences and explain why they can vary significantly across cultures.

  7. Comprehend the concept of possession and various types of soul-related problems.

  8. Explain the similarities and differences among teachings about the brain and the soul, with an understanding that all teachings are simply part of one big hologram.

  9. Gain the knowledge that there are significant gaps in most every person's understanding of life; the more we become aware of the gaps, the more we are able to shift away from relative truths to universal truths.

  10. Apply the understandings gained in the course into sessions with clients.

Assessment: N/A

Textbook: N/A

Additional Reading: N/A

Format:This course is focused on the theory and concepts in a classroom setting;

Qualifications: This course is available to everyone. No prior IBA classes are required.

This course counts for 24 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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