(Mod 1) BodyTalk: Fundamentals - Part 1

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(Mod 1) BodyTalk: Fundamentals - Part 1 Video

Course Title:
(Mod 1) BodyTalk: Fundamentals - Part 1

Course Overview:
Currently, the general approach to modern health care is undergoing a radical change. There is a paradigm shift afoot in our understanding of dis-ease and how and why it manifests in the human living system. The body has an innate ability to heal itself; however, this ability is hindered by many factors such as physical, emotional, mental, biochemical, and environmental stressors. The BodyTalk SystemTM operates out of this new scientific understanding; blending quantum physics with ancient philosophical knowledge to assist the body in remembering how to heal itself.

Course Description
The BodyTalk Fundamentals course provides a comprehensive introduction to the BodyTalk SystemTM and presents many powerful consciousness-based healing techniques that address a wide variety of symptoms on all levels of the body and mind. This course presents discussions on both scientific and philosophical aspects of health, as well as a hands-on practical application of the BodyTalk Fundamentals techniques.

BodyTalk Fundamentals introduces the key elements of dis-ease manifestation that are often not included in other health care practices. The innovative yet simple techniques taught in this Fundamentals course are designed to effectively reveal the “root causes” of a wide variety of health conditions.
Along with the BodyTalk Fundamentals text book, the course is comprised of classroom work that blends lectures, demonstrations, and hands on practical experience.

Students will first learn the consciousness-based scientific principles, along with the theory behind The BodyTalk SystemTM including: our innate wisdom and how to use it during the sessions, how to engage your intuition in a structured way, the importance of communication in the body, using muscle checking and a structured protocol to discern areas of the body and mind that are a priority to balance, and much more. This will then lead into learning all of the basic BodyTalk techniques and how to apply them in a BodyTalk session.

Course Outline

- History of BodyTalk and the Founder, Dr. John Veltheim

Key Concepts:
- The Scientific Basis of BodyTalk
- Consciousness Based Health Care
- Consciousness Localized as Innate Wisdom
- The Zone
- Principles of Muscular Biofeedback
- Priority and the Sequence of Healing
- The Tapping Procedure
- Breathing Principles
- BodyTalk Procedures
- Developing the Concept of Session Readiness
- Development of Practitioner Technical Understanding & Skills:
- Balancing the body basics:
o Hydration, Scars, Cortices of the Brain, and more.
- Addressing environmental imbalances.
- Energy faults and communication blocks with in the brain.
- Balancing Techniques for the organs, endocrines and body parts.
- Addressing energy blockages within chakras and meridians.
- Balancing cellular damage from vaccinations, trauma, and hereditary influences.
- Clearing the body of viruses, infections, parasites, food intolerances, allergies and toxins.
- Clearing past and present emotional blockages, including active memories, phobias and fears.
- Addressing blockages within the lymphatic system.
- Balancing blockages in the circulation of lymph, blood and nerves.
- Balancing blockages in the bodies tissues using the reciprocals concepts.
- Emergency BodyTalk procedure; Fast Aid.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the participant will:
1. Learn the 3 key scientific models that lead to our current understanding of health
2. Learn the 5 different levels of the bodymind and Top/Down Causation
3. Understand how BodyTalk is a consciousness-based health care system
4. Learn how consciousness operates in the bodymind
5. Learn what is meant by the Innate wisdom of the practitioner and the client and its aspects and function
6. Learn what occurs when the synchronicity of the bodymind is disrupted
7. Understand the importance of left and right brain integration and the Zone
8. Understand the muscle checking technique as used during a BodyTalk session.
9. Understand the importance of the principles of BodyTalk which include:
The body has an innate ability to heal itself
Using our own innate wisdom and the art of muscle checking along with a
structured protocol and procedure to discern the areas of priority and the
sequence of balancing
10. Discuss how the “interference” of the following can limit results of BodyTalk;
Attention Vs. Intention
Priority Vs. problem
Agenda Vs. non-agenda
Attachment VS. non-attachment
Caring Vs. not caring
11. Understand the five functions of breathing and principles of tapping
12. Understand the concept of receiving permissions before and during a BodyTalk
session and how to ‘clear’ them for both practitioner and client
13. Through lecture, demonstration, and practice the participant will learn to use the
BodyTalk balancing techniques in Fundamentals and will experience the techniques
as the recipient.

Assessment: N/A
Textbook: BodyTalk Fundamentals
Additional Reading: N/A
Course Code: N/A
Format: The format for this course is as follows with some variation by each individual instructor:
Part 1 –Typically 2 – 2 1/2 days
Part 2 – Typically 2 days
Total days – Typically 4 – 4 ½ days depending on the instructor
This course is sometimes separated into two sections with a time period in between
Course Code:
IBA CEU (hrs): 16
PaRama College Credit: TBA
External CE Approval: Yes. See below.
Technology Required: TBA

If this course is done in two parts you will need Part 1 as a prerequisite for BodyTalk Fundamantals Part 2. It is suitable for health-care professionals, as well as lay people who may want to learn the BodyTalk System and use the System on a non-professional level.

This course counts for 16 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.

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