BreakThrough 2 Retreat
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This 6 day retreat consist of the BreakThrough 2 seminar plus 2 full days of Satsang.
In BreakThrough 2 you will experience the magic and power of story telling, list making and a very different Steps process. In this next stage of our BreakThrough journey, together, we define the difference between unhealthy defenses and healthy boundaries; the dynamic of projections and the subtle and not so subtle ways we avoid self-honesty.
In BreakThrough 2 our focus is towards the ‘outside job’. We learn how our misunderstanding of the inner masculine and feminine principles distorts and disrupts our external relationships. We also look at the very important role the feelings and emotions play in our life and why most of us live our lives withholding our most human form of self-expression.
A quantum leap is possible each time we recognize the ulterior (hidden) motives behind our behavior. The BreakThrough 2 Steps process provides us with vivid imagery which brings even deeper insight into the ways we support and perpetuate rigid conditioning. And, of course, the more clearly we see how we support the lie the harder it is to continue doing so unconsciously.
For more information, please click here, where you will find links to BreakThrough related articles, including an article entitled, "Why take BreakThrough 2"
Prerequisites: BreakThrough 1, current IBA Membership and you will need to have read at least one of Esther’s books; Beyond Concepts and/or Who am I?
This course counts for 32 hours of continuing education for Certified BodyTalk Practitioners' requirements.