Elizabeth Badger

Ms. Elizabeth Badger



Bridgetown, WA 6255

Phone: 0400664664


I grew up on a farm and loved it so much that I became a farmer, and it is through my passion for all things living that I ended up becoming a Bodytalk Practitioner.

As a farmer I have always been compelled to discover more natural and healthier ways of training my horses, sheep, dogs and managing my livestock. Through this process I became interested in finding out more about alternative healthcare modalities and what made things tick. I began to see that there are bigger connections out there and wanted to find out what they were and how it all came together. 

I began with changing my farming practices to match the changing climate and from there I was led to Equine Bowen, Photonic torch therapy, Reiki, Holistic farm management and then finally – I found it all brought together in BodyTalk.

I still cannot believe how this simple yet amazingly complex system can have such huge benefits. This system has the potential to bring amazing results for everyone, but especially those of us that live with the challenges of isolation where good health is essential.

Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about BodyTalk or booking a session. My practice is in Bridgetown and distance sessions are also available.

Best regards, Elizabeth.

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