Juana Castanheira

Ms. Juana Castanheira

Microcurrent Biofeedback Therapist / Human Design, CBP, AdvCBP


Observing Remote Sessions
Palm Bay, FL 32907

Phone: 415-238-6254


» Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian

Juana was born in Bogota, Colombia and grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil to an American father and a Colombia mother.  She studied languages and earned a diploma as a Simultaneous Translator and Interpreter in French, Spanish and English. She also speaks Portuguese and Italian. 

At 23, she moved to San Francisco, California where her brother was living. She worked in many fields:  banking, insurance, biotechnology, legal and finally Intellectual Property after receiving her Paralegal Studies degree in 1997.


When Juana was 28 years old, after caring for 2 years, her mother, who was 58 years old, died of cancer. This was the beginning of Juana’s serious interest in nutrition, water, alternative healing modalities and wellness therapies.  She was trying to understand why her mother who was healthy and physically fit would die so young. 

After some uncomfortable exchanges with an Ob-Gyn doctor, Juana decided to take 100% responsibility for her health by cultivating her own personal relationship with her body. She focused on maintaining a diet rich in nutritious foods, good sleeping habits, exercise, good water, and a detoxification practice.  She soon realized that smoking and sugar had to be eliminated.


At the time, Juana was a member, then a senior in faith of a Buddhist organization. She dedicated a lot of her personal time encouraging and guiding young women through faith-based activities. She has always felt a deep sense of responsibility to empower others and to help them transform their lives. 


After her mother’s death, Juana had taken control of her physical health but had not really grasped the effects of the subconscious mind as a major contributor to her happiness / unhappiness.  Not having truly processed and grieved her mother’s passing, she buried her feelings and distanced herself from deep emotional connections. This coping mechanism led her to a 9-year unfulfilling marriage. 

Then in 1999 her father died from 7 brain tumors; another loss that was not grieved for 10 years.


During a trip to India, she learned about a healing modality called BodyTalk. It so intrigued her she decided to become a certified BodyTalk practitioner in 2011 and open a practice in San Francisco.

That same year, her brother was diagnosed with Hep C and End Stage Liver disease. Juana became his caregiver and after a little more than 2 years, he was able to receive a liver transplant that extended his life for 11 years. 


After 40 years of living in California, Juana and her brother left California and moved to Central Florida to start over. During the next 2 years, Juana became aware of the enormity of grief she had been suppressing. Slowly with the help of a holistic therapist, Juana was able to process her grief and accompanying emotions such as shame, guilt and regret to finally understand the hidden subconscious forces that were affecting her life.


Then in 2023, after a gym visit, her brother came home feeling unwell.  He died unexpectedly in her arms. His death was an enormous shock to Juana since he was in good health. Juana and her brother had a very unusual bond since they shared many experiences like attending the same college in Switzerland, belonging to the Buddhist community for over 30 years, and travelling to India, Japan, Thailand and Bali. 


Juana felt that it was necessary to cut back on her practice and to take the time to grieve and process this overwhelming loss. From this experience, she has learned that there is renewal after a significant loss. There is even an opportunity for a deep transformation and a shift in identity.  She has created a 2-month program called “Transcending Grief: Awaken Your Heart” specifically for those who are wanting to experience “Post Traumatic Growth” after a difficult loss.


Juana implements in her practice: Spiritual Coaching, Vibrational Healing, Bio-Energetic Healing and Spiritual Dowsing in her sessions.  She has also received a degree as a “Biofeedback Microcurrent Therapist” with the Avazzia line of healing devices and continues to add new technology in to her practice – Scalar, Terahertz and Frequency Technology.  


The Courses she has taken:

BodyTalk Fundamentals

Principles of Consciousness


Macrocosmic BodyMInd 


FreeFall 1

BodyTalk for Animals

Structural Integration 

Advanced Integration

Lymphatic Drainage (Mod 5)


Matrix Dynamics


Physical Energetics


The Soul’s Journey



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